Fixed new gamemode not being set for compatibility mode.
Fixed input buffer not being flushed causing replay to fail.
Fixed infinte loop if revent recording did not end correctly.
Updated revent binaries.
Tested by running Mate 8 on the lowest cluster at the lowest available frequency
On rooted devices, skip attempting to pull log files from device. This allows
the benchmark to run to completion without failure.
GB log files are stored in /data/data/com.primatelabs.geekbench/files and
not accessible without root. On Chromebooks ( which have no adb root
rights) it is possible to copy from this folder manually after the test run.
Moved broadcast to super. Mandatory and Default are XOR
Added a longer wait for sync to finish. Increases reliability on certain phones
Changed recipient to not mandatory and a default set
Wait for sync when launching gmail from the sharing feature
Fix: cornercase where image viewer already points to working directory. Refactored code due to duplication
Added new function to BaseUiAutomation class to find a folder in the gallery
Changed termination signal to interrupt signal to prevent code exiting too early.
Added exit handler to ensure revent exits correctly as previously was
crashing and therefore not running final code.
Fixed error in writing input event where half of timestamp seconds was missing.
Fixed typo in documentation for revent file structure.
When collecting ftrace events, the instrument will insert frequencies
into the trace to make it possible reconstruct power states when there
were no frequency transitions during the measured period.
The format in which frequencies are inserted is different in devlib.
Since post-processing scripts may be run on traces collected by devlib
as well as WA, it needs to support both formats.
Fixed a bug, where "ui" runtime parameter was being set regardless of
the underlying platforms for "freq" iterations, causing the to fail on
non-ChomeOS devices.
Executables were not previously automatically downloaded from a
provided remote_assets_url. The http_getter is now called to attempt to
find and download executable files.
Ensure the device log file is deleted between runs and that the host file is not kept as an
artefact. Both can lead to errors appending data from the next iteration/run.
produces a different results output.
- Add UiAutomator and results parsing support for GB4
- Remove the version checking in and rely instead on the ApkWorkload version
checking. The required version in the agenda is checked against that on the host or target
Tested with GB3.4.1 and GB4.0.0 on a Galaxy S7. Older variants of the APK were not available.
Added cornercase of accidentially triggering a card popup
New version includes a new dialogue and name for search. Added support for this
If device has more than one account associated, a new popup appears. Handle that with an optional parameter listing specific account to select, if ommitted the first account in the list is selected
- Corrected the depency for opencv bindings. Even though the library is
imported as "cv2", the package containing it is called
- pylint: ignore no-member warnings; cv2 pulls it's memebers dynamically
from the underlying libopencv, so pylint can't see them.
Due to inaccuracies in revent playback, the resultant state does not
always match the templates precisely causing state detection to fail.
To help this images are now scaled to different sizes before being
matched to the templates to compensate for slight variations in size.
When using 'check_exit_code' and 'as_root' options for adb_shell with
a command containing single quotes, the provided command was escaped
twice which has now been avoided.
- Updated the revent parser to handle the new revent format.
- Updated the revent parser to expose device info and recording
- The parser can now be used in streaming and non-streaming mode (stream
events from the file as they are being accessed, or read them all in
at once).
- -g option added to "record" command to expose the gamepad recording
- Added support for gamepad recording. This type of recording contains
only the events from a gamepad device (which is automatically
identified). The details of this devices are collected and stored as
part of the recording. On playback, uinput is used to create a virtual
gamepad and replay into it.
- A "mode" field has been added to the recording format to help
distinguish between the normal and gamepad recording types.
- A field for the total number of input events has been added before the
start of the event stream (after the device description).
- The structure of revent code has undergone a major overhaul to improve
maintainability and robustness.
- More detailed "info" command output.
- Updated Makefile to support debug/production builds.
- Corrected code highlighting and phase names in documentation
- Fixed check_states paremeter not being honoured
- Moved state dependencies check to happen earlier in execution
and to be a user facing error