mirror of https://github.com/ARM-software/workload-automation.git synced 2024-10-06 19:01:15 +01:00
2016-12-02 16:34:32 +00:00

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# Copyright 2016 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
pd = None
SurfaceFlingerFrame = collections.namedtuple('SurfaceFlingerFrame', 'desired_present_time actual_present_time frame_ready_time')
GfxInfoFrame = collections.namedtuple('GfxInfoFrame', 'Flags IntendedVsync Vsync OldestInputEvent NewestInputEvent HandleInputStart AnimationStart PerformTraversalsStart DrawStart SyncQueued SyncStart IssueDrawCommandsStart SwapBuffers FrameCompleted')
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/marshmallow-release/libs/hwui/JankTracker.cpp
# Frames that are exempt from jank metrics.
# First-draw frames, for example, are expected to be slow,
# this is hidden from the user with window animations and other tricks
# Similarly, we don't track direct-drawing via Surface:lockHardwareCanvas() for now
# Android M: WindowLayoutChanged | SurfaceCanvas
class FpsProcessor(object):
Provides common object for processing surfaceFlinger output for frame
This processor returns the four frame statistics below:
:FPS: Frames Per Second. This is the frame rate of the workload.
:frame_count: The total number of frames rendered during the execution of
the workload.
:janks: The number of "janks" that occurred during execution of the
workload. Janks are sudden shifts in frame rate. They result
in a "stuttery" UI. See http://jankfree.org/jank-busters-io
:not_at_vsync: The number of frames that did not render in a single
vsync cycle.
def __init__(self, data, action=None, extra_data=None):
data - a pandas.DataFrame object with frame data (e.g. frames.csv)
action - output metrics names with additional action specifier
extra_data - extra data given to use for calculations of metrics
self.data = data
self.action = action
self.extra_data = extra_data
def process(self, refresh_period, drop_threshold): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
Generate frame per second (fps) and associated metrics for workload.
refresh_period - the vsync interval
drop_threshold - data points below this fps will be dropped
fps = float('nan')
frame_count, janks, not_at_vsync = 0, 0, 0
vsync_interval = refresh_period
per_frame_fps = pd.Series()
# SurfaceFlinger Algorithm
if self.data.columns.tolist() == list(SurfaceFlingerFrame._fields):
# fiter out bogus frames.
bogus_frames_filter = self.data.actual_present_time != 0x7fffffffffffffff
actual_present_times = self.data.actual_present_time[bogus_frames_filter]
actual_present_time_deltas = actual_present_times.diff().dropna()
vsyncs_to_compose = actual_present_time_deltas.div(vsync_interval)
vsyncs_to_compose.apply(lambda x: int(round(x, 0)))
# drop values lower than drop_threshold FPS as real in-game frame
# rate is unlikely to drop below that (except on loading screens
# etc, which should not be factored in frame rate calculation).
per_frame_fps = (1.0 / (vsyncs_to_compose.multiply(vsync_interval / 1e9)))
keep_filter = per_frame_fps > drop_threshold
filtered_vsyncs_to_compose = vsyncs_to_compose[keep_filter]
per_frame_fps.name = 'fps'
if not filtered_vsyncs_to_compose.empty:
total_vsyncs = filtered_vsyncs_to_compose.sum()
frame_count = filtered_vsyncs_to_compose.size
if total_vsyncs:
fps = 1e9 * frame_count / (vsync_interval * total_vsyncs)
janks = self._calc_janks(filtered_vsyncs_to_compose)
not_at_vsync = self._calc_not_at_vsync(vsyncs_to_compose)
# GfxInfo Algorithm
elif self.data.columns.tolist() == list(GfxInfoFrame._fields):
frame_time = self.data.FrameCompleted - self.data.IntendedVsync
per_frame_fps = (1e9 / frame_time)
keep_filter = per_frame_fps > drop_threshold
per_frame_fps = per_frame_fps[keep_filter]
per_frame_fps.name = 'fps'
frame_count = self.data.index.size
if frame_count:
janks = frame_time[frame_time >= vsync_interval].count()
not_at_vsync = self.data.IntendedVsync - self.data.Vsync
not_at_vsync = not_at_vsync[not_at_vsync != 0].count()
if frame_count > 1:
duration = self.data.Vsync.iloc[-1] - self.data.Vsync.iloc[0]
fps = (1e9 * frame_count) / float(duration)
# If gfxinfocsv is provided, get stats from that instead
if self.extra_data:
series = pd.read_csv(self.extra_data, header=None, index_col=0, squeeze=True)
if not series.empty: # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
frame_count = series['Total frames rendered']
janks = series['Janky frames']
not_at_vsync = series['Number Missed Vsync']
metrics = (fps, frame_count, janks, not_at_vsync)
return per_frame_fps, metrics
def percentiles(self):
# SurfaceFlinger Algorithm
if self.data.columns.tolist() == list(SurfaceFlingerFrame._fields):
frame_time = self.data.frame_ready_time.diff()
# GfxInfo Algorithm
elif self.data.columns.tolist() == list(GfxInfoFrame._fields):
frame_time = self.data.FrameCompleted - self.data.IntendedVsync
data = frame_time.dropna().quantile([0.90, 0.95, 0.99])
# Convert to ms, round to nearest, cast to int
data = data.div(1e6).round()
data = data.astype('int')
except ValueError:
# If gfxinfocsv is provided, get stats from that instead
if self.extra_data:
series = pd.read_csv(self.extra_data, header=None, index_col=0, squeeze=True)
if not series.empty: # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
data = series[series.index.str.contains('th percentile')] # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
return list(data.get_values())
def _calc_janks(filtered_vsyncs_to_compose):
Internal method for calculating jank frames.
pause_latency = 20
vtc_deltas = filtered_vsyncs_to_compose.diff().dropna()
vtc_deltas = vtc_deltas.abs()
janks = vtc_deltas.apply(lambda x: (pause_latency > x > 1.5) and 1 or 0).sum()
return janks
def _calc_not_at_vsync(vsyncs_to_compose):
Internal method for calculating the number of frames that did not
render in a single vsync cycle.
epsilon = 0.0001
func = lambda x: (abs(x - 1.0) > epsilon) and 1 or 0
not_at_vsync = vsyncs_to_compose.apply(func).sum()
return not_at_vsync