mirror of https://github.com/ARM-software/workload-automation.git synced 2025-03-03 01:08:47 +00:00

WA Types: Added 'ParameterDict' type.

A new 'ParameterDict' has been added that automatically encodes and
decodes values when they are store in a dictionary. The dictionary uses 2 characters
prefixed to each value to store the original type information, e.g. 'fl' -> list of
floats, before being passed through a url encoder. The reverse process happens on retrieval.
To access the encoded values an `iterEncodedItems` and `getEncodedValue` methods have been added.

The appropriate unit tests have also been added.
This commit is contained in:
Marc Bonnici 2017-02-09 16:12:47 +00:00
parent 8f40e6aa40
commit 9ba30c27df
2 changed files with 243 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
# pylint: disable=R0201
from unittest import TestCase
from nose.tools import raises, assert_equal, assert_not_equal # pylint: disable=E0611
from nose.tools import raises, assert_equal, assert_not_equal, assert_true # pylint: disable=E0611
from wlauto.utils.android import check_output
from wlauto.utils.misc import merge_dicts, merge_lists, TimeoutError
from wlauto.utils.types import list_or_integer, list_or_bool, caseless_string, arguments
from wlauto.utils.types import (list_or_integer, list_or_bool, caseless_string, arguments,
class TestCheckOutput(TestCase):
@ -88,3 +89,126 @@ class TestTypes(TestCase):
assert_equal(arguments('--foo 7 --bar "fizz buzz"'),
['--foo', '7', '--bar', 'fizz buzz'])
assert_equal(arguments(['test', 42]), ['test', '42'])
class TestParameterDict(TestCase):
# Define test parameters
orig_params = {
'string' : 'A Test String',
'string_list' : ['A Test', 'List', 'With', '\n in.'],
'bool_list' : [False, True, True],
'int' : 42,
'float' : 1.23,
'long' : long(987),
'none' : None,
def setUp(self):
self.params = ParameterDict()
self.params['string'] = self.orig_params['string']
self.params['string_list'] = self.orig_params['string_list']
self.params['bool_list'] = self.orig_params['bool_list']
self.params['int'] = self.orig_params['int']
self.params['float'] = self.orig_params['float']
self.params['long'] = self.orig_params['long']
self.params['none'] = self.orig_params['none']
# Test values are encoded correctly
def test_getEncodedItems(self):
encoded = {
'string' : 'ssA%20Test%20String',
'string_list' : 'slA%20Test0newelement0List0newelement0With0newelement0%0A%20in.',
'bool_list' : 'blFalse0newelement0True0newelement0True',
'int' : 'is42',
'float' : 'fs1.23',
'long' : 'ds987',
'none' : 'nsNone',
# Test iter_encoded_items
for k, v in self.params.iter_encoded_items():
assert_equal(v, encoded[k])
# Test get single encoded value
assert_equal(self.params.get_encoded_value('string'), encoded['string'])
assert_equal(self.params.get_encoded_value('string_list'), encoded['string_list'])
assert_equal(self.params.get_encoded_value('bool_list'), encoded['bool_list'])
assert_equal(self.params.get_encoded_value('int'), encoded['int'])
assert_equal(self.params.get_encoded_value('float'), encoded['float'])
assert_equal(self.params.get_encoded_value('long'), encoded['long'])
assert_equal(self.params.get_encoded_value('none'), encoded['none'])
# Test it behaves like a normal dict
def test_getitem(self):
assert_equal(self.params['string'], self.orig_params['string'])
assert_equal(self.params['string_list'], self.orig_params['string_list'])
assert_equal(self.params['bool_list'], self.orig_params['bool_list'])
assert_equal(self.params['int'], self.orig_params['int'])
assert_equal(self.params['float'], self.orig_params['float'])
assert_equal(self.params['long'], self.orig_params['long'])
assert_equal(self.params['none'], self.orig_params['none'])
def test_get(self):
assert_equal(self.params.get('string'), self.orig_params['string'])
assert_equal(self.params.get('string_list'), self.orig_params['string_list'])
assert_equal(self.params.get('bool_list'), self.orig_params['bool_list'])
assert_equal(self.params.get('int'), self.orig_params['int'])
assert_equal(self.params.get('float'), self.orig_params['float'])
assert_equal(self.params.get('long'), self.orig_params['long'])
assert_equal(self.params.get('none'), self.orig_params['none'])
def test_contains(self):
assert_true(self.orig_params['string'] in self.params.values())
assert_true(self.orig_params['string_list'] in self.params.values())
assert_true(self.orig_params['bool_list'] in self.params.values())
assert_true(self.orig_params['int'] in self.params.values())
assert_true(self.orig_params['float'] in self.params.values())
assert_true(self.orig_params['long'] in self.params.values())
assert_true(self.orig_params['none'] in self.params.values())
def test_pop(self):
assert_equal(self.params.pop('string'), self.orig_params['string'])
assert_equal(self.params.pop('string_list'), self.orig_params['string_list'])
assert_equal(self.params.pop('bool_list'), self.orig_params['bool_list'])
assert_equal(self.params.pop('int'), self.orig_params['int'])
assert_equal(self.params.pop('float'), self.orig_params['float'])
assert_equal(self.params.pop('long'), self.orig_params['long'])
assert_equal(self.params.pop('none'), self.orig_params['none'])
self.params['string'] = self.orig_params['string']
assert_equal(self.params.popitem(), ('string', self.orig_params['string']))
def test_iteritems(self):
for k, v in self.params.iteritems():
assert_equal(v, self.orig_params[k])
def test_parameter_dict_update(self):
params_1 = ParameterDict()
params_2 = ParameterDict()
# Test two ParameterDicts
params_1['string'] = self.orig_params['string']
params_1['string_list'] = self.orig_params['string_list']
params_1['bool_list'] = self.orig_params['bool_list']
params_2['int'] = self.orig_params['int']
params_2['float'] = self.orig_params['float']
params_2['long'] = self.orig_params['long']
params_2['none'] = self.orig_params['none']
assert_equal(params_1, self.params)
# Test update with normal dict
params_3 = ParameterDict()
std_dict = dict()
params_3['string'] = self.orig_params['string']
std_dict['string_list'] = self.orig_params['string_list']
std_dict['bool_list'] = self.orig_params['bool_list']
std_dict['int'] = self.orig_params['int']
std_dict['float'] = self.orig_params['float']
std_dict['long'] = self.orig_params['long']
std_dict['none'] = self.orig_params['none']
for key in params_3.keys():
assert_equal(params_3[key], self.params[key])

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import re
import math
import shlex
from collections import defaultdict
from urllib import quote, unquote
from wlauto.utils.misc import isiterable, to_identifier
@ -328,3 +329,119 @@ class range_dict(dict):
def __setitem__(self, i, v):
i = int(i)
super(range_dict, self).__setitem__(i, v)
class ParameterDict(dict):
A dict-like object that automatically encodes various types into a url safe string,
and enforces a single type for the contents in a list.
Each value is first prefixed with 2 letters to preserve type when encoding to a string.
The format used is "value_type, value_dimension" e.g a 'list of floats' would become 'fl'.
# Function to determine the appropriate prefix based on the parameters type
def _get_prefix(obj):
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
prefix = 's'
elif isinstance(obj, float):
prefix = 'f'
elif isinstance(obj, long):
prefix = 'd'
elif isinstance(obj, bool):
prefix = 'b'
elif isinstance(obj, int):
prefix = 'i'
elif obj is None:
prefix = 'n'
raise ValueError('Unable to encode {} {}'.format(obj, type(obj)))
return prefix
# Function to add prefix and urlencode a provided parameter.
def _encode(obj):
if isinstance(obj, list):
t = type(obj[0])
prefix = ParameterDict._get_prefix(obj[0]) + 'l'
for item in obj:
if not isinstance(item, t):
msg = 'Lists must only contain a single type, contains {} and {}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(t, type(item)))
obj = '0newelement0'.join(str(x) for x in obj)
prefix = ParameterDict._get_prefix(obj) + 's'
return quote(prefix + str(obj))
# Function to decode a string and return a value of the original parameter type.
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
def _decode(string):
value_type = string[:1]
value_dimension = string[1:2]
value = unquote(string[2:])
if value_dimension == 's':
if value_type == 's':
return str(value)
elif value_type == 'b':
return boolean(value)
elif value_type == 'd':
return long(value)
elif value_type == 'f':
return float(value)
elif value_type == 'i':
return int(value)
elif value_type == 'n':
return None
elif value_dimension == 'l':
return [ParameterDict._decode(value_type + 's' + x)
for x in value.split('0newelement0')]
raise ValueError('Unknown {} {}'.format(type(string), string))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
self.__setitem__(k, v)
dict.__init__(self, *args)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
dict.__setitem__(self, name, self._encode(value))
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._decode(dict.__getitem__(self, name))
def __contains__(self, item):
return dict.__contains__(self, self._encode(item))
def __iter__(self):
return iter((k, self._decode(v)) for (k, v) in self.items())
def iteritems(self):
return self.__iter__()
def get(self, name):
return self[name]
def pop(self, key):
return self._decode(dict.pop(self, key))
def popitem(self):
key, value = dict.popitem(self)
return (key, self._decode(value))
def iter_encoded_items(self):
return dict.iteritems(self)
def get_encoded_value(self, name):
return dict.__getitem__(self, name)
def values(self):
return [self[k] for k in dict.keys(self)]
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
for d in list(args) + [kwargs]:
if isinstance(d, ParameterDict):
dict.update(self, d)
for k, v in d.iteritems():
self[k] = v