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.. _output_processing_api:
Output Processing API
2018-06-07 17:08:41 +01:00
WA3 now has an output API that can be used to post process a runs
:ref:`Output Directory Structure <output_directory>` which can be performed by using WA's
:class:`RunOutput` object.
2018-06-07 17:08:41 +01:00
This object provides a simple way to access the various aspects of the run. A
few of the most useful attributes of the ``RunOutput`` object are as follows:
2018-06-07 17:08:41 +01:00
- :confval:`jobs` - A list of all the job outputs that were generated for the
run. These can be used to used to access more detailed information about
individual jobs for example their ``status``, any ``metrics`` or ``artifacts``
that were generated etc.
- :confval:`run_config` - A :ref:`RunConfiguration <run-configuration>` object
that can be used to access all the configuration of the run itself, for
example the ``reboot_policy``, ``execution_order``, ``device_config`` etc.
- :confval:`target_info` - A :ref:`TargetInfo <target-info-api>` object which can be used to
access various information about the target that was used during the run for
example it's ``abi``, ``hostname``, ``os`` etc.
- :confval:`info` - A :ref:`RunInfo <run-info-api>` object that contains
information about the run itself for example it's duration, name, uuid etc.
- :confval:`settings` - The :ref:`Meta Configuration <meta-configuration>` used
during the run.
- :confval:`status` - The overall status of the run.
- :confval:`artifacts` - A list containing any run level artifacts (for example
logs, output generated by output processors etc.).
- :confval:`metrics` - A list of :ref:`Metrics <metrics>` that were generated
for the overall run.
- :confval:`classifiers` - A dict mapping of any run level
:ref:`classifiers <classifiers>`.
- :confval:`augmentations` - A list of the augmentations that were enabled
during the run.
- :confval:`event_summary` - A condensed summary of any events that occurred
during the run.
- :confval:`events` - A list of any events that occurred during the run like job
failures etc.
- :confval:`basepath` - The name of the base WA output directory.
- :confval:`configfile` - The relative file path to the config file generated
for the run.
- :confval:`failed_dir` - The relative file path to the directory containing any
failed jobs during the run.
- :confval:`infofile` - The file location of the json serialized file of the
:class:`RunInfo` object.
- :confval:`list_workloads()` - A method that generated a list of the workload
names that were executed during the run.
- :confval:`logfile` - A relative file path to the run log.
- :confval:`metadir` - A relative file path to the metadata directory.
- :confval:`targetfile` - The file location of the json serialized file of the
:class:`TargetInfo` object.
Output Processing API Example
To demonstrate how we can use the output API if we have an existing WA output
called ``wa_output`` in the current working directory we can initialize a
``RunOutput`` as follows:
.. code-block:: python
In [1]: from wa import RunOutput
...: output_directory = 'wa_output'
...: run_output = RunOutput(output_directory)
From here we can retrieve various information about the run. For example if we
2018-04-25 16:49:10 +01:00
want to see what the overall status of the run was, along with the runtime
parameters and the metrics recorded from the first job was we can do the following:
.. code-block:: python
In [2]: run_output.status
Out[2]: OK(7)
2018-04-25 16:49:10 +01:00
# List all of the jobs for the run
In [3]: run_output.jobs
[<wa.framework.output.JobOutput at 0x7f70358a1f10>,
<wa.framework.output.JobOutput at 0x7f70358a1150>,
<wa.framework.output.JobOutput at 0x7f7035862810>,
<wa.framework.output.JobOutput at 0x7f7035875090>]
2018-04-25 16:49:10 +01:00
# Examine the first job that was ran
In [4]: job_1 = run_output.jobs[0]
In [5]: job_1.label
Out[5]: u'dhrystone'
2018-04-25 16:49:10 +01:00
# Print out all the runtime parameters and their values for this job
In [6]: for k, v in job_1.spec.runtime_parameters.iteritems():
...: print (k, v)
(u'airplane_mode': False)
(u'brightness': 100)
(u'governor': 'userspace')
(u'big_frequency': 1700000)
(u'little_frequency': 1400000)
# Print out all the metrics avalible for this job
In [7]: job_1.metrics
[<thread 0 score: 14423105 (+)>,
<thread 0 DMIPS: 8209 (+)>,
<thread 1 score: 14423105 (+)>,
<thread 1 DMIPS: 8209 (+)>,
<thread 2 score: 14423105 (+)>,
<thread 2 DMIPS: 8209 (+)>,
<thread 3 score: 18292638 (+)>,
<thread 3 DMIPS: 10411 (+)>,
<thread 4 score: 17045532 (+)>,
<thread 4 DMIPS: 9701 (+)>,
<thread 5 score: 14150917 (+)>,
<thread 5 DMIPS: 8054 (+)>,
<time: 0.184497 seconds (-)>,
<total DMIPS: 52793 (+)>,
<total score: 92758402 (+)>]
2018-04-25 16:49:10 +01:00
We can also retrieve information about the target that the run was performed on
for example:
.. code-block:: python
2018-04-25 16:49:10 +01:00
# Print out the target's abi:
In [9]: run_output.target_info.abi
Out[9]: u'arm64'
# The os the target was running
In [9]: run_output.target_info.os
Out[9]: u'android'
2018-04-25 16:49:10 +01:00
# And other information about the os version
In [10]: run_output.target_info.os_version
OrderedDict([(u'all_codenames', u'REL'),
(u'incremental', u'3687331'),
(u'preview_sdk', u'0'),
(u'base_os', u''),
(u'release', u'7.1.1'),
(u'codename', u'REL'),
(u'security_patch', u'2017-03-05'),
(u'sdk', u'25')])