.. _output_processing_api: Output Processing API ===================== WA3 now has an output API that can be used to post process a runs :ref:`Output Directory Structure ` which can be performed by using WA's :class:`RunOutput` object. This object provides a simple way to access the various aspects of the run. A few of the most useful attributes of the ``RunOutput`` object are as follows: - :confval:`jobs` - A list of all the job outputs that were generated for the run. These can be used to used to access more detailed information about individual jobs for example their ``status``, any ``metrics`` or ``artifacts`` that were generated etc. - :confval:`run_config` - A :ref:`RunConfiguration ` object that can be used to access all the configuration of the run itself, for example the ``reboot_policy``, ``execution_order``, ``device_config`` etc. - :confval:`target_info` - A :ref:`TargetInfo ` object which can be used to access various information about the target that was used during the run for example it's ``abi``, ``hostname``, ``os`` etc. - :confval:`info` - A :ref:`RunInfo ` object that contains information about the run itself for example it's duration, name, uuid etc. - :confval:`settings` - The :ref:`Meta Configuration ` used during the run. - :confval:`status` - The overall status of the run. - :confval:`artifacts` - A list containing any run level artifacts (for example logs, output generated by output processors etc.). - :confval:`metrics` - A list of :ref:`Metrics ` that were generated for the overall run. - :confval:`classifiers` - A dict mapping of any run level :ref:`classifiers `. - :confval:`augmentations` - A list of the augmentations that were enabled during the run. - :confval:`event_summary` - A condensed summary of any events that occurred during the run. - :confval:`events` - A list of any events that occurred during the run like job failures etc. - :confval:`basepath` - The name of the base WA output directory. - :confval:`configfile` - The relative file path to the config file generated for the run. - :confval:`failed_dir` - The relative file path to the directory containing any failed jobs during the run. - :confval:`infofile` - The file location of the json serialized file of the :class:`RunInfo` object. - :confval:`list_workloads()` - A method that generated a list of the workload names that were executed during the run. - :confval:`logfile` - A relative file path to the run log. - :confval:`metadir` - A relative file path to the metadata directory. - :confval:`targetfile` - The file location of the json serialized file of the :class:`TargetInfo` object. Output Processing API Example ------------------------------ To demonstrate how we can use the output API if we have an existing WA output called ``wa_output`` in the current working directory we can initialize a ``RunOutput`` as follows: .. code-block:: python In [1]: from wa import RunOutput ...: ...: output_directory = 'wa_output' ...: run_output = RunOutput(output_directory) From here we can retrieve various information about the run. For example if we want to see what the overall status of the run was, along with the runtime parameters and the metrics recorded from the first job was we can do the following: .. code-block:: python In [2]: run_output.status Out[2]: OK(7) # List all of the jobs for the run In [3]: run_output.jobs Out[3]: [, , , ] # Examine the first job that was ran In [4]: job_1 = run_output.jobs[0] In [5]: job_1.label Out[5]: u'dhrystone' # Print out all the runtime parameters and their values for this job In [6]: for k, v in job_1.spec.runtime_parameters.iteritems(): ...: print (k, v) (u'airplane_mode': False) (u'brightness': 100) (u'governor': 'userspace') (u'big_frequency': 1700000) (u'little_frequency': 1400000) # Print out all the metrics avalible for this job In [7]: job_1.metrics Out[7]: [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ] We can also retrieve information about the target that the run was performed on for example: .. code-block:: python # Print out the target's abi: In [9]: run_output.target_info.abi Out[9]: u'arm64' # The os the target was running In [9]: run_output.target_info.os Out[9]: u'android' # And other information about the os version In [10]: run_output.target_info.os_version Out[10]: OrderedDict([(u'all_codenames', u'REL'), (u'incremental', u'3687331'), (u'preview_sdk', u'0'), (u'base_os', u''), (u'release', u'7.1.1'), (u'codename', u'REL'), (u'security_patch', u'2017-03-05'), (u'sdk', u'25')])