mirror of https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term.git synced 2024-10-05 18:40:49 +01:00
2022-01-08 22:32:42 +01:00

757 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-2021 "Filippo Scognamiglio"
* https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term
* This file is part of cool-retro-term.
* cool-retro-term is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import "utils.js" as Utils
QtObject {
readonly property string version: appVersion
readonly property int profileVersion: 2
// STATIC CONSTANTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
readonly property real screenCurvatureSize: 0.4
readonly property real minimumFontScaling: 0.25
readonly property real maximumFontScaling: 2.50
readonly property real minBurnInFadeTime: 160
readonly property real maxBurnInFadeTime: 1600
property bool isMacOS: Qt.platform.os === "osx"
// GENERAL SETTINGS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
property int x: 100
property int y: 100
property int width: 1024
property int height: 768
property bool fullscreen: false
property bool showMenubar: false
property string wintitle: "cool-retro-term"
property bool showTerminalSize: true
property real windowScaling: 1.0
property real fps: 20
property bool verbose: false
property real bloomQuality: 0.5
property real burnInQuality: 0.5
property bool blinkingCursor: false
onWindowScalingChanged: handleFontChanged()
// PROFILE SETTINGS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
property real windowOpacity: 1.0
property real ambientLight: 0.2
property real contrast: 0.80
property real brightness: 0.5
property bool useCustomCommand: false
property string customCommand: ""
property string _backgroundColor: "#000000"
property string _fontColor: "#ff8100"
property string saturatedColor: Utils.mix(Utils.strToColor("#FFFFFF"),
saturationColor * 0.5)
property color fontColor: Utils.mix(Utils.strToColor(saturatedColor),
0.7 + (contrast * 0.3))
property color backgroundColor: Utils.mix(Utils.strToColor(
0.7 + (contrast * 0.3))
property real staticNoise: 0.12
property real screenCurvature: 0.3
property real glowingLine: 0.2
property real burnIn: 0.25
property real bloom: 0.55
property real chromaColor: 0.25
property real saturationColor: 0.25
property real jitter: 0.2
property real horizontalSync: 0.08
property real flickering: 0.1
property real rbgShift: 0.0
property real _margin: 0.5
property real _frameMargin: 0.5
property real margin: Utils.lint(1.0, 20.0, _margin)
property real frameMargin: Utils.lint(1.0, 50.0, _frameMargin)
property real totalMargin: frameMargin + margin
readonly property int no_rasterization: 0
readonly property int scanline_rasterization: 1
readonly property int pixel_rasterization: 2
readonly property int subpixel_rasterization: 3
property int rasterization: no_rasterization
// FONTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
readonly property real baseFontScaling: 0.75
property real fontScaling: 1.0
property real totalFontScaling: baseFontScaling * fontScaling
property real fontWidth: 1.0
property bool lowResolutionFont: false
property var fontlist: fontManager.item.fontlist
signal terminalFontChanged(string fontFamily, int pixelSize, int lineSpacing, real screenScaling, real fontWidth)
signal initializedSettings
property Loader fontManager: Loader {
states: [
State {
when: rasterization == no_rasterization
PropertyChanges {
target: fontManager
source: "Fonts.qml"
State {
when: rasterization == scanline_rasterization
PropertyChanges {
target: fontManager
source: "FontScanlines.qml"
State {
when: rasterization == pixel_rasterization
PropertyChanges {
target: fontManager
source: "FontPixels.qml"
State {
when: rasterization == subpixel_rasterization
PropertyChanges {
target: fontManager
source: "FontPixels.qml"
onLoaded: handleFontChanged()
property FontLoader fontLoader: FontLoader {}
onTotalFontScalingChanged: handleFontChanged()
onFontWidthChanged: handleFontChanged()
function getIndexByName(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < fontlist.count; i++) {
var requestedName = fontlist.get(i).name
if (name === requestedName)
return i
return 0 // If the font is not available default to 0.
function incrementScaling() {
fontScaling = Math.min(fontScaling + 0.05, maximumFontScaling)
function decrementScaling() {
fontScaling = Math.max(fontScaling - 0.05, minimumFontScaling)
function handleFontChanged() {
if (!fontManager.item)
var index = getIndexByName(fontNames[rasterization])
if (index === undefined)
fontManager.item.selectedFontIndex = index
fontManager.item.scaling = totalFontScaling
var fontSource = fontManager.item.source
var pixelSize = fontManager.item.pixelSize
var lineSpacing = fontManager.item.lineSpacing
var screenScaling = fontManager.item.screenScaling
var fontWidth = fontManager.item.defaultFontWidth * appSettings.fontWidth
var fontFamily = fontManager.item.family
var isSystemFont = fontManager.item.isSystemFont
lowResolutionFont = fontManager.item.lowResolutionFont
if (!isSystemFont) {
fontLoader.source = fontSource
fontFamily = fontLoader.name
terminalFontChanged(fontFamily, pixelSize, lineSpacing, screenScaling,
property Storage storage: Storage {}
function stringify(obj) {
var replacer = function (key, val) {
return val.toFixed ? Number(val.toFixed(4)) : val
return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, 2)
function composeSettingsString() {
var settings = {
"fps": fps,
"x": x,
"y": y,
"width": width,
"height": height,
"windowScaling": windowScaling,
"showTerminalSize": showTerminalSize,
"fontScaling": fontScaling,
"fontNames": fontNames,
"showMenubar": showMenubar,
"bloomQuality": bloomQuality,
"burnInQuality": burnInQuality,
"useCustomCommand": useCustomCommand,
"customCommand": customCommand
return stringify(settings)
function composeProfileObject() {
var settings = {
"backgroundColor": _backgroundColor,
"fontColor": _fontColor,
"flickering": flickering,
"horizontalSync": horizontalSync,
"staticNoise": staticNoise,
"chromaColor": chromaColor,
"saturationColor": saturationColor,
"screenCurvature": screenCurvature,
"glowingLine": glowingLine,
"burnIn": burnIn,
"bloom": bloom,
"rasterization": rasterization,
"jitter": jitter,
"rbgShift": rbgShift,
"brightness": brightness,
"contrast": contrast,
"ambientLight": ambientLight,
"windowOpacity": windowOpacity,
"fontName": fontNames[rasterization],
"fontWidth": fontWidth,
"margin": _margin,
"blinkingCursor": blinkingCursor,
"frameMargin": _frameMargin,
return settings
function composeProfileString() {
return stringify(composeProfileObject())
function loadSettings() {
var settingsString = storage.getSetting("_CURRENT_SETTINGS")
var profileString = storage.getSetting("_CURRENT_PROFILE")
if (!settingsString)
if (!profileString)
if (verbose)
console.log("Loading settings: " + settingsString + profileString)
function storeSettings() {
var settingsString = composeSettingsString()
var profileString = composeProfileString()
storage.setSetting("_CURRENT_SETTINGS", settingsString)
storage.setSetting("_CURRENT_PROFILE", profileString)
if (verbose) {
console.log("Storing settings: " + settingsString)
console.log("Storing profile: " + profileString)
function loadSettingsString(settingsString) {
var settings = JSON.parse(settingsString)
showTerminalSize = settings.showTerminalSize
!== undefined ? settings.showTerminalSize : showTerminalSize
fps = settings.fps !== undefined ? settings.fps : fps
windowScaling = settings.windowScaling
!== undefined ? settings.windowScaling : windowScaling
x = settings.x !== undefined ? settings.x : x
y = settings.y !== undefined ? settings.y : y
width = settings.width !== undefined ? settings.width : width
height = settings.height !== undefined ? settings.height : height
fontNames = settings.fontNames !== undefined ? settings.fontNames : fontNames
fontScaling = settings.fontScaling !== undefined ? settings.fontScaling : fontScaling
showMenubar = settings.showMenubar !== undefined ? settings.showMenubar : showMenubar
bloomQuality = settings.bloomQuality !== undefined ? settings.bloomQuality : bloomQuality
burnInQuality = settings.burnInQuality
!== undefined ? settings.burnInQuality : burnInQuality
useCustomCommand = settings.useCustomCommand
!== undefined ? settings.useCustomCommand : useCustomCommand
customCommand = settings.customCommand
!== undefined ? settings.customCommand : customCommand
function loadProfileString(profileString) {
var settings = JSON.parse(profileString)
_backgroundColor = settings.backgroundColor
!== undefined ? settings.backgroundColor : _backgroundColor
_fontColor = settings.fontColor !== undefined ? settings.fontColor : _fontColor
horizontalSync = settings.horizontalSync
!== undefined ? settings.horizontalSync : horizontalSync
flickering = settings.flickering !== undefined ? settings.flickering : flickering
staticNoise = settings.staticNoise !== undefined ? settings.staticNoise : staticNoise
chromaColor = settings.chromaColor !== undefined ? settings.chromaColor : chromaColor
saturationColor = settings.saturationColor
!== undefined ? settings.saturationColor : saturationColor
screenCurvature = settings.screenCurvature
!== undefined ? settings.screenCurvature : screenCurvature
glowingLine = settings.glowingLine !== undefined ? settings.glowingLine : glowingLine
burnIn = settings.burnIn !== undefined ? settings.burnIn : burnIn
bloom = settings.bloom !== undefined ? settings.bloom : bloom
rasterization = settings.rasterization
!== undefined ? settings.rasterization : rasterization
jitter = settings.jitter !== undefined ? settings.jitter : jitter
rbgShift = settings.rbgShift !== undefined ? settings.rbgShift : rbgShift
ambientLight = settings.ambientLight !== undefined ? settings.ambientLight : ambientLight
contrast = settings.contrast !== undefined ? settings.contrast : contrast
brightness = settings.brightness !== undefined ? settings.brightness : brightness
windowOpacity = settings.windowOpacity
!== undefined ? settings.windowOpacity : windowOpacity
fontNames[rasterization] = settings.fontName
!== undefined ? settings.fontName : fontNames[rasterization]
fontWidth = settings.fontWidth !== undefined ? settings.fontWidth : fontWidth
_margin = settings.margin !== undefined ? settings.margin : _margin
_frameMargin = settings.frameMargin !== undefined ? settings.frameMargin : _frameMargin
blinkingCursor = settings.blinkingCursor !== undefined ? settings.blinkingCursor : blinkingCursor
function storeCustomProfiles() {
storage.setSetting("_CUSTOM_PROFILES", composeCustomProfilesString())
function loadCustomProfiles() {
var customProfileString = storage.getSetting("_CUSTOM_PROFILES")
if (customProfileString === undefined)
customProfileString = "[]"
function loadCustomProfilesString(customProfilesString) {
var customProfiles = JSON.parse(customProfilesString)
for (var i = 0; i < customProfiles.length; i++) {
var profile = customProfiles[i]
if (verbose)
console.log("Loading custom profile: " + stringify(profile))
function composeCustomProfilesString() {
var customProfiles = []
for (var i = 0; i < profilesList.count; i++) {
var profile = profilesList.get(i)
if (profile.builtin)
"text": profile.text,
"obj_string": profile.obj_string,
"builtin": false
return stringify(customProfiles)
function loadProfile(index) {
var profile = profilesList.get(index)
function appendCustomProfile(name, profileString) {
"text": name,
"obj_string": profileString,
"builtin": false
// PROFILES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
property ListModel profilesList: ListModel {
ListElement {
text: "Default Amber"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0.2,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.5538,
"brightness": 0.5,
"burnIn": 0.2517,
"chromaColor": 0.2483,
"contrast": 0.7959,
"flickering": 0.1,
"fontColor": "#ff8100",
"fontName": "TERMINUS_SCALED",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.2,
"horizontalSync": 0.08,
"jitter": 0.1997,
"rasterization": 0,
"rbgShift": 0,
"saturationColor": 0.2483,
"screenCurvature": 0.3,
"staticNoise": 0.1198,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.1
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "Monochrome Green"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0.2,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.5538,
"brightness": 0.5,
"burnIn": 0.2517,
"chromaColor": 0.0,
"contrast": 0.7959,
"flickering": 0.1,
"fontColor": "#0ccc68",
"fontName": "TERMINUS_SCALED",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.2,
"horizontalSync": 0.08,
"jitter": 0.1997,
"rasterization": 0,
"rbgShift": 0,
"saturationColor": 0.0,
"screenCurvature": 0.3,
"staticNoise": 0.1198,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.1
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "Green Scanlines"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.6,
"brightness": 0.5,
"burnIn": 0.3,
"chromaColor": 0.5,
"contrast": 0.6,
"flickering": 0.1,
"fontColor": "#7cff4f",
"fontName": "PRO_FONT_SCALED",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.2,
"horizontalSync": 0.151,
"jitter": 0.11,
"rasterization": 1,
"rbgShift": 0,
"saturationColor": 0.5,
"screenCurvature": 0.3,
"staticNoise": 0.15,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.1
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "Default Pixelated"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.4045,
"brightness": 0.6041,
"burnIn": 0.1024,
"chromaColor": 0.7517,
"contrast": 0.7473,
"flickering": 0.1962,
"fontColor": "#ffffff",
"fontName": "COMMODORE_PET",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.2,
"horizontalSync": 0.151,
"jitter": 0,
"rasterization": 2,
"rbgShift": 0,
"saturationColor": 0,
"screenCurvature": 0,
"staticNoise": 0.15,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.1
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "Apple ]["
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0.3038,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.5,
"brightness": 0.5,
"burnIn": 0.5017,
"chromaColor": 0,
"contrast": 0.85,
"flickering": 0.2,
"fontColor": "#00d56d",
"fontName": "APPLE_II",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.22,
"horizontalSync": 0.16,
"jitter": 0.1,
"rasterization": 1,
"rbgShift": 0,
"saturationColor": 0,
"screenCurvature": 0.5,
"staticNoise": 0.099,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.2
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "Vintage"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0.5,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.4983,
"brightness": 0.5014,
"burnIn": 0.4983,
"chromaColor": 0,
"contrast": 0.7473,
"flickering": 0.9,
"fontColor": "#00ff3e",
"fontName": "COMMODORE_PET",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.3,
"horizontalSync": 0.42,
"jitter": 0.4,
"rasterization": 1,
"rbgShift": 0.2969,
"saturationColor": 0,
"screenCurvature": 0.5,
"staticNoise": 0.2969,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.5
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "IBM Dos"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0.151,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.2969,
"brightness": 0.5,
"burnIn": 0.0469,
"chromaColor": 1,
"contrast": 0.85,
"flickering": 0.0955,
"fontColor": "#ffffff",
"fontName": "IBM_DOS",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.1545,
"horizontalSync": 0,
"jitter": 0.1545,
"rasterization": 0,
"rbgShift": 0.3524,
"saturationColor": 0,
"screenCurvature": 0.4,
"staticNoise": 0.0503,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.2
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "IBM 3278"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0.1,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.2969,
"brightness": 0.5,
"burnIn": 0.6,
"chromaColor": 0,
"contrast": 0.85,
"flickering": 0,
"fontColor": "#0ccc68",
"fontName": "IBM_3278",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0,
"horizontalSync": 0,
"jitter": 0,
"rasterization": 0,
"rbgShift": 0,
"saturationColor": 0,
"screenCurvature": 0.2,
"staticNoise": 0,
"windowOpacity": 1,
"margin": 0.5,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0.1
builtin: true
ListElement {
text: "Futuristic"
obj_string: '{
"ambientLight": 0,
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"bloom": 0.5017,
"brightness": 0.5014,
"burnIn": 0.0955,
"chromaColor": 1,
"contrast": 0.85,
"flickering": 0.2,
"fontColor": "#729fcf",
"fontName": "TERMINUS",
"fontWidth": 1,
"glowingLine": 0.1476,
"horizontalSync": 0,
"jitter": 0.099,
"rasterization": 0,
"rbgShift": 0,
"saturationColor": 0.4983,
"screenCurvature": 0,
"staticNoise": 0.0955,
"windowOpacity": 0.7,
"margin": 0.1,
"blinkingCursor": false,
"frameMargin": 0
builtin: true
function getProfileIndexByName(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < profilesList.count; i++) {
if (profilesList.get(i).text === name)
return i
return -1
Component.onCompleted: {
// Manage the arguments from the QML side.
var args = Qt.application.arguments
if (args.indexOf("--verbose") !== -1) {
verbose = true
if (args.indexOf("--default-settings") === -1) {
var profileArgPosition = args.indexOf("--profile")
if (profileArgPosition !== -1) {
var profileIndex = getProfileIndexByName(
args[profileArgPosition + 1])
if (profileIndex !== -1)
console.log("Warning: selected profile is not valid; ignoring it")
if (args.indexOf("--fullscreen") !== -1) {
fullscreen = true
showMenubar = false
if (args.indexOf("-T") !== -1) {
wintitle = args[args.indexOf("-T") + 1]
Component.onDestruction: {
// VARS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
property Label _sampleLabel: Label {
text: "100%"
property real labelWidth: _sampleLabel.width