mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 12:58:39 +00:00
Improved scanlines, restructurizations of the effects and optimizations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,19 +24,13 @@ import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
ShaderEffect {
ShaderEffect {
property color font_color: shadersettings.font_color
property color font_color: shadersettings.font_color
property color background_color: shadersettings.background_color
property color background_color: shadersettings.background_color
property variant source: theSource
property variant source: terminal.theSource
property variant bloomSource: bloomSource
property variant bloomSource: terminal.bloomSource
property variant scanlineSource: terminal.scanlineSource
property size txt_Size: Qt.size(frame.sourceRect.width, frame.sourceRect.height)
property size txt_Size: Qt.size(frame.sourceRect.width, frame.sourceRect.height)
property real bloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength
property real bloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength
property int rasterization: shadersettings.rasterization
property int rasterization: shadersettings.rasterization
property real _verticalResDensity: shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.height + shadersettings.font.lineSpacing
property real _horizontalResDensity: shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.width
property real _lines: frame.sourceRect.height / terminal.paintedFontSize.height
property real _columns: frame.sourceRect.width / terminal.paintedFontSize.width
property size virtual_resolution: Qt.size(_columns * _horizontalResDensity, _lines * _verticalResDensity)
property real scanlineHeight: frame.sourceRect.height / virtual_resolution.height
property real scanlineWidth: frame.sourceRect.width / virtual_resolution.width
property real noise_strength: shadersettings.noise_strength
property real noise_strength: shadersettings.noise_strength
property real screen_distorsion: shadersettings.screen_distortion
property real screen_distorsion: shadersettings.screen_distortion
@ -54,9 +48,6 @@ ShaderEffect {
property real brightness: shadersettings.brightness * 1.5 + 0.5
property real brightness: shadersettings.brightness * 1.5 + 0.5
property real deltay: scanlineHeight / (frame.sourceRect.height)
property real deltax: scanlineWidth / (frame.sourceRect.width)
property real time: timetimer.time
property real time: timetimer.time
property variant randomFunctionSource: randfuncsource
property variant randomFunctionSource: randfuncsource
@ -64,23 +55,6 @@ ShaderEffect {
return num.toFixed(8);
return num.toFixed(8);
//Blurred texture used for bloom
anchors.fill: parent
active: bloom !== 0
radius: 32
anchors.fill: parent
source: theSource
transparentBorder: true
id: bloomSource
sourceItem: parent
hideSource: true
vertexShader: "
vertexShader: "
uniform highp mat4 qt_Matrix;
uniform highp mat4 qt_Matrix;
uniform highp float time;
uniform highp float time;
@ -122,9 +96,10 @@ ShaderEffect {
varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
uniform highp vec4 font_color;
uniform highp vec4 font_color;
uniform highp vec4 background_color;
uniform highp vec4 background_color;" +
uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;" +
(rasterization != shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
uniform highp sampler2D scanlineSource;" : "") +
(bloom !== 0 ? "
(bloom !== 0 ? "
uniform highp sampler2D bloomSource;" : "") +
uniform highp sampler2D bloomSource;" : "") +
@ -139,14 +114,6 @@ ShaderEffect {
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0 ? "
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0 ? "
varying lowp float horizontal_distortion;" : "") +
varying lowp float horizontal_distortion;" : "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coord){
float result = abs(sin(coord.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+str(Math.PI)+" ));" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? "
result *= abs(sin(coord.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+str(Math.PI)+"));" : "") +
"return result;
}" : "") +
highp float rand(vec2 co)
highp float rand(vec2 co)
@ -159,7 +126,7 @@ ShaderEffect {
float stepNoise(vec2 p){
float stepNoise(vec2 p){
vec2 newP = p * virtual_resolution;
vec2 newP = p * txt_Size * 0.5;
return rand(floor(newP) + fract(time / 100.0));
return rand(floor(newP) + fract(time / 100.0));
}" +
}" +
@ -194,23 +161,13 @@ ShaderEffect {
noise += horizontal_distortion;" : "")
noise += horizontal_distortion;" : "")
: "") +
: "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
"float color = texture2D(source, coords).r;" +
vec2 txt_coords = coords;
txt_coords.y = floor(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y) / virtual_resolution.y;" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ?
"txt_coords.x = floor(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x) / virtual_resolution.x;" : "")
: " vec2 txt_coords = coords;") +
"float color = texture2D(source, txt_coords + vec2("+str(deltax * 0.5)+", "+str(deltay * 0.5)+")).r;" +
(noise_strength !== 0 ? "
(noise_strength !== 0 ? "
color += stepNoise(coords) * noise * (1.0 - distance * distance * 2.0);" : "") +
color += stepNoise(coords) * noise * (1.0 - distance * distance * 2.0);" : "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
color = color * getScanlineIntensity(coords);" : "") +
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
color += randomPass(txt_coords) * glowing_line_strength;" : "") +
color += randomPass(coords) * glowing_line_strength;" : "") +
(bloom !== 0 ? "
(bloom !== 0 ? "
color += texture2D(bloomSource, coords).r *" + str(2.5 * bloom) + ";" : "") +
color += texture2D(bloomSource, coords).r *" + str(2.5 * bloom) + ";" : "") +
@ -218,6 +175,9 @@ ShaderEffect {
"vec3 finalColor = mix(background_color, font_color, color).rgb;" +
"vec3 finalColor = mix(background_color, font_color, color).rgb;" +
"finalColor = mix(finalColor * 1.1, vec3(0.0), 1.2 * distance * distance);" +
"finalColor = mix(finalColor * 1.1, vec3(0.0), 1.2 * distance * distance);" +
(rasterization != shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
finalColor *= texture2D(scanlineSource, coords).r;" : "") +
(brightness_flickering !== 0 ? "
(brightness_flickering !== 0 ? "
finalColor *= brightness;" : "") +
finalColor *= brightness;" : "") +
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Item{
var f = fontlist.get(font_index);
var f = fontlist.get(font_index);
var metrics = f.metrics.get(font_scaling_index);
var metrics = f.metrics.get(font_scaling_index);
currentfont.source = f.source;
currentfont.source = f.source;
currentfont.pixelSize = metrics.px;
currentfont.pixelSize = metrics.pixelSize;
currentfont.lineSpacing = f.lineSpacing;
currentfont.lineSpacing = f.lineSpacing;
currentfont.virtualResolution = Qt.size(metrics.virtualWidth,
currentfont.virtualResolution = Qt.size(metrics.virtualWidth,
@ -121,94 +121,94 @@ Item{
id: fontlist
id: fontlist
text: "Terminus (Modern)"
text: "Terminus (Modern)"
source: "fonts/modern-terminus/TerminusTTF-4.38.2.ttf"
source: "fonts/modern-terminus/TerminusTTF-Bold-4.38.2.ttf"
lineSpacing: 1
lineSpacing: 2
metrics: [
metrics: [
ListElement{px: 18; virtualWidth: 3; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{pixelSize: 18; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{px: 27; virtualWidth: 5; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 36; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 11},
ListElement{pixelSize: 35; virtualWidth: 5; virtualHeight: 12},
ListElement{px: 44; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 11},
ListElement{pixelSize: 47; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 11},
ListElement{px: 54; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 11},
ListElement{pixelSize: 54; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 11},
ListElement{px: 62; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 13},
ListElement{pixelSize: 64; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 11},
ListElement{px: 71; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 13}]
ListElement{pixelSize: 75; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 11}]
text: "Commodore PET (1977)"
text: "Commodore PET (1977)"
source: "fonts/1977-commodore-pet/COMMODORE_PET.ttf"
source: "fonts/1977-commodore-pet/COMMODORE_PET.ttf"
lineSpacing: 2
lineSpacing: 2
metrics: [
metrics: [
ListElement{px: 16; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0},
ListElement{px: 20; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{px: 27; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 34; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 40; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 44; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 50; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}]
ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}]
text: "Apple ][ (1977)"
text: "Apple ][ (1977)"
source: "fonts/1977-apple2/PrintChar21.ttf"
source: "fonts/1977-apple2/PrintChar21.ttf"
lineSpacing: 2
lineSpacing: 2
metrics: [
metrics: [
ListElement{px: 15; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 5},
ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0},
ListElement{px: 21; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 7},
ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{px: 27; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 34; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 40; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 47; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 54; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8}]
ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8}]
text: "Atari 400-800 (1979)"
text: "Atari 400-800 (1979)"
source: "fonts/1979-atari-400-800/ATARI400800_original.TTF"
source: "fonts/1979-atari-400-800/ATARI400800_original.TTF"
lineSpacing: 3
lineSpacing: 3
metrics: [
metrics: [
ListElement{px: 16; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0},
ListElement{px: 20; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{px: 25; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 31; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 38; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 47; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 54; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}]
ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}]
text: "Commodore 64 (1982)"
text: "Commodore 64 (1982)"
source: "fonts/1982-commodore64/C64_User_Mono_v1.0-STYLE.ttf"
source: "fonts/1982-commodore64/C64_User_Mono_v1.0-STYLE.ttf"
lineSpacing: 3
lineSpacing: 3
metrics: [
metrics: [
ListElement{px: 16; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0},
ListElement{px: 20; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6},
ListElement{px: 25; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 31; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 38; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 47; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 54; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}]
ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}]
text: "Atari ST (1985)"
text: "Atari ST (1985)"
source: "fonts/1985-atari-st/AtariST8x16SystemFont.ttf"
source: "fonts/1985-atari-st/AtariST8x16SystemFont.ttf"
lineSpacing: 4
lineSpacing: 2
metrics: [
metrics: [
ListElement{px: 16; virtualWidth: 3; virtualHeight: 5},
ListElement{pixelSize: 16; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0},
ListElement{px: 23; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 7},
ListElement{pixelSize: 23; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 7},
ListElement{px: 30; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 10},
ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 38; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 10},
ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 44; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 14},
ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 53; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 14},
ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 58; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 14}]
ListElement{pixelSize: 64; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 16}]
text: "IBM DOS (1985)"
text: "IBM DOS (1985)"
source: "fonts/1985-ibm-pc-vga/Perfect DOS VGA 437.ttf"
source: "fonts/1985-ibm-pc-vga/Perfect DOS VGA 437.ttf"
lineSpacing: 2
lineSpacing: 2
metrics: [
metrics: [
ListElement{px: 18; virtualWidth: 5; virtualHeight: 7},
ListElement{pixelSize: 18; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0},
ListElement{px: 25; virtualWidth: 5; virtualHeight: 9},
ListElement{pixelSize: 25; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0},
ListElement{px: 36; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 12},
ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 8},
ListElement{px: 45; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 15},
ListElement{pixelSize: 36; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 12},
ListElement{px: 54; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 15},
ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 9; virtualHeight: 16},
ListElement{px: 62; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 15},
ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 9; virtualHeight: 16},
ListElement{px: 74; virtualWidth: 9; virtualHeight: 16}]
ListElement{pixelSize: 64; virtualWidth: 9; virtualHeight: 16}]
@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ import org.kde.konsole 0.1
id: terminalContainer
id: terminalContainer
property variant theSource: finalSource
property variant bloomSource: bloomSourceLoader.item
property variant scanlineSource: scanlineSourceLoader.item
//The blur effect has to take into account the framerate
//The blur effect has to take into account the framerate
property real fpsAttenuation: 60 / shadersettings.fps
property real fpsAttenuation: 60 / shadersettings.fps
property real mBlur: shadersettings.motion_blur
property real mBlur: shadersettings.motion_blur
@ -33,14 +37,23 @@ Item{
property real _minBlurCoefficient: 0.75
property real _minBlurCoefficient: 0.75
property real _maxBlurCoefficient: 0.95
property real _maxBlurCoefficient: 0.95
property real scanlineWidth: 1
property real scanlineHeight: 1
property size virtual_resolution: Qt.size(width / scanlineWidth, height / scanlineHeight)
property real deltay: 0.5 / virtual_resolution.height
property real deltax: 0.5 / virtual_resolution.width
property real mBloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength
property real mBloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength
property int mScanlines: shadersettings.rasterization
onMScanlinesChanged: restartBlurredSource()
property size terminalSize
property size terminalSize
property size _paintedFontSize
property size paintedTextSize
property size paintedFontSize: _paintedFontSize ? _paintedFontSize : 0
onPaintedTextSizeChanged: console.log(paintedTextSize)
//Force reload of the blursource when settings change
//Force reload of the blursource when settings change
onMBloomChanged: restartBlurredSource()
onMBlurChanged: restartBlurredSource()
function restartBlurredSource(){
function restartBlurredSource(){
if(!blurredSource) return;
if(!blurredSource) return;
@ -73,7 +86,6 @@ Item{
colorScheme: "MyWhiteOnBlack"
colorScheme: "MyWhiteOnBlack"
onTerminalSizeChanged: terminalContainer.terminalSize = ktermitem.terminalSize
onTerminalSizeChanged: terminalContainer.terminalSize = ktermitem.terminalSize
onPaintedFontSizeChanged: terminalContainer._paintedFontSize = ktermitem.paintedFontSize
session: KSession {
session: KSession {
id: ksession
id: ksession
@ -94,11 +106,25 @@ Item{
fontMetrics.font = font;
fontMetrics.font = font;
var scanline_spacing = shadersettings.font.lineSpacing;
var vertical_density = shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.height;
var scanline_height = fontMetrics.paintedHeight / shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.height;
var horizontal_density = shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.width;
var scanline_height = fontMetrics.paintedHeight / vertical_density;
var scanline_width = fontMetrics.paintedWidth / horizontal_density;
console.log("Font height: " + fontMetrics.paintedHeight)
var scanline_spacing = shadersettings.font.lineSpacing;
var line_spacing = Math.round(scanline_spacing * scanline_height);
var line_spacing = Math.round(scanline_spacing * scanline_height);
console.log("Scanline Height: " + scanline_height)
console.log("Line Spacing: " + line_spacing)
terminalContainer.scanlineHeight = scanline_height;
terminalContainer.scanlineWidth = scanline_width;
onUpdatedImage: {blurredSource.live = true;livetimer.restart();}
onUpdatedImage: {blurredSource.live = true;livetimer.restart();}
@ -117,7 +143,6 @@ Item{
MenuItem{action: fullscreenAction}
MenuItem{action: fullscreenAction}
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.RightButton
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.RightButton
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.fill: parent
@ -166,10 +191,8 @@ Item{
id: source
id: source
sourceItem: kterminal
sourceItem: kterminal
hideSource: true
hideSource: true
smooth: false
anchors.fill: parent
active: mBlur !== 0
id: blurredSource
id: blurredSource
sourceItem: blurredterminal
sourceItem: blurredterminal
@ -185,29 +208,43 @@ Item{
onTriggered: parent.live = false;
onTriggered: parent.live = false;
id: finalSource
sourceItem: blurredterminal
sourceRect: frame.sourceRect
ShaderEffect {
ShaderEffect {
id: blurredterminal
id: blurredterminal
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.fill: parent
property variant source: source
property variant source: source
property variant blurredSource: (mBlur !== 0) ? blurredSource : undefined
property variant blurredSource: (mBlur !== 0) ? blurredSource : undefined
property size txt_size: Qt.size(width, height)
property size virtual_resolution: parent.virtual_resolution
property size delta: Qt.size((mScanlines == shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? deltax : 0),
mScanlines != shadersettings.no_rasterization ? deltay : 0)
z: 2
z: 2
"uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" +
"uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" +
"uniform lowp sampler2D source;" +
"uniform lowp sampler2D source;" +
"uniform lowp vec2 txt_size;" +
"uniform highp vec2 delta;" +
"varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;" +
"varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;" +
(mBlur !== 0 ?
(mBlur !== 0 ?
"uniform lowp sampler2D blurredSource;"
"uniform lowp sampler2D blurredSource;"
: "") +
: "") +
"void main() {" +
"void main() {" +
"float color = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0).r * 256.0;" +
"vec2 coords = qt_TexCoord0;" +
(mScanlines != shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
coords.y = floor(virtual_resolution.y * coords.y) / virtual_resolution.y;" +
(mScanlines == shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? "
coords.x = floor(virtual_resolution.x * coords.x) / virtual_resolution.x;" : "")
: "") +
"float color = texture2D(source, coords + delta).r * 256.0;" +
(mBlur !== 0 ?
(mBlur !== 0 ?
"float blurredSourceColor = texture2D(blurredSource, qt_TexCoord0).r * 256.0;" +
"float blurredSourceColor = texture2D(blurredSource, qt_TexCoord0).r * 256.0;" +
"blurredSourceColor = blurredSourceColor - blurredSourceColor * " + (1.0 - motionBlurCoefficient) * fpsAttenuation+ ";" +
"blurredSourceColor = blurredSourceColor - blurredSourceColor * " + (1.0 - motionBlurCoefficient) * fpsAttenuation+ ";" +
@ -218,4 +255,65 @@ Item{
"gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(floor(color) / 256.0), 1.0);" +
"gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(floor(color) / 256.0), 1.0);" +
id: bloomEffectLoader
active: mBloom != 0
anchors.fill: parent
sourceComponent: FastBlur{
radius: 32
source: kterminal
transparentBorder: true
smooth: false
id: bloomSourceLoader
active: mBloom != 0
sourceComponent: ShaderEffectSource{
sourceItem: bloomEffectLoader.item
hideSource: true
sourceRect: frame.sourceRect
smooth: false
id: scanlineEffectLoader
active: mScanlines != shadersettings.no_rasterization
anchors.fill: parent
sourceComponent: ShaderEffect {
property size virtual_resolution: terminalContainer.virtual_resolution
"uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" +
"varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;
float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coords) {
float result = abs(sin(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+Math.PI+"));" +
(mScanlines == shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ?
"result *= abs(sin(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + "
return result;
}" +
"void main() {" +
"gl_FragColor = vec4(getScanlineIntensity(qt_TexCoord0));" +
id: scanlineSourceLoader
active: mScanlines != shadersettings.no_rasterization
sourceComponent: ShaderEffectSource{
sourceItem: scanlineEffectLoader.item
sourceRect: frame.sourceRect
hideSource: true
smooth: true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE QtCreatorProject>
<!DOCTYPE QtCreatorProject>
<!-- Written by QtCreator 3.0.1, 2014-05-31T21:19:31. -->
<!-- Written by QtCreator 3.0.1, 2014-06-06T20:31:03. -->
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ TerminalFrame{
imageSource: "../images/black-frame.png"
imageSource: "../images/black-frame.png"
normalsSource: "../images/black-frame-normals.png"
normalsSource: "../images/black-frame-normals.png"
rectX: 15
rectX: 20
rectY: 15
rectY: 20
distortionCoefficient: 1.9
distortionCoefficient: 1.9
@ -133,16 +133,8 @@ ApplicationWindow{
id: terminal
id: terminal
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.fill: parent
property int frameOffsetX: frame.item.addedWidth - frame.item.borderLeft - frame.item.borderRight
anchors.margins: 30
property int frameOffsetY: frame.item.addedHeight - frame.item.borderTop - frame.item.borderBottom
width: parent.width + frameOffsetX * shadersettings.window_scaling
height: parent.height + frameOffsetY * shadersettings.window_scaling
id: theSource
sourceItem: terminal
sourceRect: frame.sourceRect
id: shadercontainer
id: shadercontainer
Reference in New Issue
Block a user