mirror of https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term.git synced 2025-03-20 09:39:07 +00:00

Some cleanups. Improved noise, now virtual resolution aware.

This commit is contained in:
Filippo Scognamiglio 2014-05-31 21:28:25 +02:00
parent 99df010547
commit 7850df26a1
4 changed files with 141 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -247,11 +247,6 @@ Window {
shadersettings.rasterization = shadersettings.pixel_rasterization
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: shadersettings.rasterization_strength
onValueChanged: shadersettings.rasterization_strength = value

View File

@ -30,14 +30,13 @@ ShaderEffect {
property real bloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength
property int rasterization: shadersettings.rasterization
property real rasterization_strength: shadersettings.rasterization_strength
property real _verticalResDensity: shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.height + shadersettings.font.lineSpacing
property real _horizontalResDensity: shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.width
property real _lines: frame.sourceRect.height / terminal.paintedFontSize.height
property real _columns: frame.sourceRect.width / terminal.paintedFontSize.width
property real verticalPixelDensity: shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.height + shadersettings.font.lineSpacing
property real horizontalPixelDensity: shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.width
property size num_scanlines: Qt.size(_columns * horizontalPixelDensity, _lines * verticalPixelDensity)
property real scanlineHeight: frame.sourceRect.height / num_scanlines.height
property real scanlineWidth: frame.sourceRect.width / num_scanlines.width
property size virtual_resolution: Qt.size(_columns * _horizontalResDensity, _lines * _verticalResDensity)
property real scanlineHeight: frame.sourceRect.height / virtual_resolution.height
property real scanlineWidth: frame.sourceRect.width / virtual_resolution.width
property real noise_strength: shadersettings.noise_strength
property real screen_distorsion: shadersettings.screen_distortion
@ -61,6 +60,10 @@ ShaderEffect {
property real time: timetimer.time
property variant randomFunctionSource: randfuncsource
function str(num){
return num.toFixed(8);
//Blurred texture used for bloom
anchors.fill: parent
@ -79,147 +82,147 @@ ShaderEffect {
vertexShader: "
uniform highp mat4 qt_Matrix;
uniform highp float time;
uniform sampler2D randomFunctionSource;
uniform highp vec2 txt_Size;
uniform highp mat4 qt_Matrix;
uniform highp float time;
uniform sampler2D randomFunctionSource;
uniform highp vec2 txt_Size;
attribute highp vec4 qt_Vertex;
attribute highp vec2 qt_MultiTexCoord0;
attribute highp vec4 qt_Vertex;
attribute highp vec2 qt_MultiTexCoord0;
varying highp vec2 originalCoord;
varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;" +
(brightness_flickering !== 0.0 ?"
varying lowp float brightness;" : "") +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0.0 ?"
varying lowp float horizontal_distortion;" : "") +
void main() {
originalCoord = qt_MultiTexCoord0;
qt_TexCoord0.x = -"+disp_left.toFixed(8)+"/txt_Size.x + qt_MultiTexCoord0.x / ((txt_Size.x -("+(disp_left+disp_right).toFixed(8)+")) / txt_Size.x);" +
"qt_TexCoord0.y = -"+disp_top.toFixed(8)+"/txt_Size.y + qt_MultiTexCoord0.y / ((txt_Size.y -("+(disp_top+disp_bottom).toFixed(8)+")) / txt_Size.y);" +
"vec2 coords = vec2(fract(time/(1024.0*2.0)), fract(time/(1024.0*1024.0)));" +
(brightness_flickering !== 0.0 ? "
brightness = 1.0 + (texture2D(randomFunctionSource, coords).g - 0.5) * "+brightness_flickering.toFixed(2)+";"
: "") +
varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;" +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0.0 ? "
float randval = 1.5 * texture2D(randomFunctionSource,(vec2(1.0) -coords) * 0.5).g;
float negsinc = 1.0 - "+0.6*horizontal_sincronization+";
horizontal_distortion = step(negsinc, randval) * (randval - negsinc) * "+0.3*horizontal_sincronization+";"
: "") +
"gl_Position = qt_Matrix * qt_Vertex;
(brightness_flickering !== 0.0 ?"
varying lowp float brightness;" : "") +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0.0 ?"
varying lowp float horizontal_distortion;" : "") +
void main() {
qt_TexCoord0.x = -"+str(disp_left)+"/txt_Size.x + qt_MultiTexCoord0.x / ((txt_Size.x -("+str(disp_left+disp_right)+")) / txt_Size.x);" + "
qt_TexCoord0.y = -"+str(disp_top)+"/txt_Size.y + qt_MultiTexCoord0.y / ((txt_Size.y -("+str(disp_top+disp_bottom)+")) / txt_Size.y);" + "
vec2 coords = vec2(fract(time/(1024.0*2.0)), fract(time/(1024.0*1024.0)));" +
(brightness_flickering !== 0.0 ? "
brightness = 1.0 + (texture2D(randomFunctionSource, coords).g - 0.5) * "+str(brightness_flickering)+";"
: "") +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0.0 ? "
float randval = 1.5 * texture2D(randomFunctionSource,(vec2(1.0) -coords) * 0.5).g;
float negsinc = 1.0 - "+str(0.6*horizontal_sincronization)+";
horizontal_distortion = step(negsinc, randval) * (randval - negsinc) * "+str(0.3*horizontal_sincronization)+";"
: "") +
"gl_Position = qt_Matrix * qt_Vertex;
fragmentShader: "
uniform sampler2D source;
uniform highp float qt_Opacity;
uniform highp float time;
uniform highp vec2 txt_Size;
varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
varying highp vec2 originalCoord;
uniform sampler2D source;
uniform highp float qt_Opacity;
uniform highp float time;
uniform highp vec2 txt_Size;
varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
uniform highp vec4 font_color;
uniform highp vec4 background_color;" +
uniform highp vec4 font_color;
uniform highp vec4 background_color;
(bloom !== 0 ? "
uniform highp sampler2D bloomSource;" : "") +
(noise_strength !== 0 ? "
uniform highp float noise_strength;" : "") +
(screen_distorsion !== 0 ? "
uniform highp float screen_distorsion;" : "")+
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
uniform highp float glowing_line_strength;" : "")+
(brightness_flickering !== 0 ? "
varying lowp float brightness;" : "") +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0 ? "
varying lowp float horizontal_distortion;" : "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coord){
float result = abs(sin(coord.y * "+(num_scanlines.height * Math.PI).toFixed(8)+"));" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? "
result *= abs(sin(coord.x * "+(num_scanlines.width * Math.PI).toFixed(8)+"));" : "") +
"return result;
}" : "") +
highp float rand(vec2 co)
highp float a = 12.9898;
highp float b = 78.233;
highp float c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt= dot(co.xy ,vec2(a,b));
highp float sn= mod(dt,3.14);
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
float stepNoise(vec2 p){
vec2 newP = p * txt_Size*0.5;
return rand(floor(newP) + fract(time / 100.0));
}" +
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
float randomPass(vec2 coords){
return fract(smoothstep(-0.2, 0.0, coords.y - 3.0 * fract(time * 0.0001))) * glowing_line_strength;
}" : "") +
"void main() {" +
"vec2 cc = vec2(0.5) - qt_TexCoord0;" +
"float distance = length(cc);" +
(noise_strength ? "
float noise = noise_strength;" : "") +
(screen_distorsion !== 0 ? "
float distortion = dot(cc, cc) * screen_distorsion;
vec2 coords = (qt_TexCoord0 - cc * (1.0 + distortion) * distortion);"
vec2 coords = qt_TexCoord0;") +
(frame_reflection_strength ? "
vec2 inside = step(0.0, coords) - step(1.0, coords);
coords = abs(mod(floor(coords), 2.0) - fract(coords)) * clamp(inside.x + inside.y, 0.0, 1.0);" : "") +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0 ? "
float h_distortion = 0.5 * sin(time*0.001 + coords.y*10.0*fract(time/10.0));
h_distortion += 0.5 * cos(time*0.04 + 0.03 + coords.y*50.0*fract(time/10.0 + 0.4));
coords.x = coords.x + h_distortion * horizontal_distortion;" +
(noise_strength ? "
noise += horizontal_distortion;" : "")
: "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
vec2 txt_coords = coords;
txt_coords.y = floor(coords.y * "+num_scanlines.height.toFixed(8)+") / "+num_scanlines.height.toFixed(8)+";" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ?
"txt_coords.x = floor(coords.x * "+num_scanlines.width.toFixed(8)+") / "+num_scanlines.width.toFixed(8)+";" : "")
: " vec2 txt_coords = coords;") +
"float color = texture2D(source, txt_coords + vec2("+(deltax * 0.5).toFixed(8)+", "+(deltay * 0.5).toFixed(8)+")).r;" +
(noise_strength !== 0 ? "
color += stepNoise(coords) * noise * (1.0 - distance * distance * 2.0);" : "") +
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
color += randomPass(txt_coords) * glowing_line_strength;" : "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
color = mix(texture2D(source, coords).r, color * getScanlineIntensity(coords), "+ rasterization_strength.toFixed(8) +");"
: "") +
uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;" +
(bloom !== 0 ? "
color += texture2D(bloomSource, coords).r *" + (2.5 * bloom).toFixed(8) + ";" : "") +
"vec3 finalColor = mix(background_color, font_color, color).rgb;" +
"finalColor = mix(finalColor * 1.1, vec3(0.0), 1.2 * distance * distance);" +
uniform highp sampler2D bloomSource;" : "") +
(noise_strength !== 0 ? "
uniform highp float noise_strength;" : "") +
(screen_distorsion !== 0 ? "
uniform highp float screen_distorsion;" : "")+
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
uniform highp float glowing_line_strength;" : "")+
(brightness_flickering !== 0 ? "
finalColor *= brightness;" : "") +
varying lowp float brightness;" : "") +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0 ? "
varying lowp float horizontal_distortion;" : "") +
"gl_FragColor = vec4(finalColor *"+brightness.toFixed(8)+", qt_Opacity);
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coord){
float result = abs(sin(coord.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+str(Math.PI)+" ));" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? "
result *= abs(sin(coord.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+str(Math.PI)+"));" : "") +
"return result;
}" : "") +
highp float rand(vec2 co)
highp float a = 12.9898;
highp float b = 78.233;
highp float c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt= dot(co.xy ,vec2(a,b));
highp float sn= mod(dt,3.14);
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
float stepNoise(vec2 p){
vec2 newP = p * virtual_resolution;
return rand(floor(newP) + fract(time / 100.0));
}" +
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
float randomPass(vec2 coords){
return fract(smoothstep(-0.2, 0.0, coords.y - 3.0 * fract(time * 0.0001))) * glowing_line_strength;
}" : "") +
"void main() {" +
"vec2 cc = vec2(0.5) - qt_TexCoord0;" +
"float distance = length(cc);" +
(noise_strength ? "
float noise = noise_strength;" : "") +
(screen_distorsion !== 0 ? "
float distortion = dot(cc, cc) * screen_distorsion;
vec2 coords = (qt_TexCoord0 - cc * (1.0 + distortion) * distortion);"
vec2 coords = qt_TexCoord0;") +
(frame_reflection_strength ? "
vec2 inside = step(0.0, coords) - step(1.0, coords);
coords = abs(mod(floor(coords), 2.0) - fract(coords)) * clamp(inside.x + inside.y, 0.0, 1.0);" : "") +
(horizontal_sincronization !== 0 ? "
float h_distortion = 0.5 * sin(time*0.001 + coords.y*10.0*fract(time/10.0));
h_distortion += 0.5 * cos(time*0.04 + 0.03 + coords.y*50.0*fract(time/10.0 + 0.4));
coords.x = coords.x + h_distortion * horizontal_distortion;" +
(noise_strength ? "
noise += horizontal_distortion;" : "")
: "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
vec2 txt_coords = coords;
txt_coords.y = floor(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y) / virtual_resolution.y;" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ?
"txt_coords.x = floor(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x) / virtual_resolution.x;" : "")
: " vec2 txt_coords = coords;") +
"float color = texture2D(source, txt_coords + vec2("+str(deltax * 0.5)+", "+str(deltay * 0.5)+")).r;" +
(noise_strength !== 0 ? "
color += stepNoise(coords) * noise * (1.0 - distance * distance * 2.0);" : "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
color = color * getScanlineIntensity(coords);" : "") +
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
color += randomPass(txt_coords) * glowing_line_strength;" : "") +
(bloom !== 0 ? "
color += texture2D(bloomSource, coords).r *" + str(2.5 * bloom) + ";" : "") +
"vec3 finalColor = mix(background_color, font_color, color).rgb;" +
"finalColor = mix(finalColor * 1.1, vec3(0.0), 1.2 * distance * distance);" +
(brightness_flickering !== 0 ? "
finalColor *= brightness;" : "") +
"gl_FragColor = vec4(finalColor *"+str(brightness)+", qt_Opacity);
onStatusChanged: if (log) console.log(log) //Print warning messages

View File

@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ Item{
readonly property int pixel_rasterization: 2
property int rasterization: no_rasterization
property real rasterization_strength: 0.5
property string frame_source: frames_list.get(frames_index).source
property int frames_index: 1
@ -241,7 +240,6 @@ Item{
font_index: font_index,
motion_blur: motion_blur,
bloom_strength: bloom_strength,
rasterization_strength: rasterization_strength,
rasterization: rasterization
return JSON.stringify(settings);
@ -305,7 +303,6 @@ Item{
font_index = settings.font_index !== undefined ? settings.font_index : font_index;
rasterization_strength = settings.rasterization_strength !== undefined ? settings.rasterization_strength : rasterization_strength;
rasterization = settings.rasterization !== undefined ? settings.rasterization : rasterization;
@ -362,7 +359,7 @@ Item{
id: profileslist
text: "Default"
obj_string: '{"background_color":"#000000","bloom_strength":0.6,"brightness_flickering":0.12,"font_color":"#ff9400","font_index":0,"frames_index":1,"glowing_line_strength":0.4,"horizontal_sincronization":0.1,"motion_blur":0.65,"noise_strength":0.1,"rasterization":1,"rasterization_strength":0.5,"screen_distortion":0.15}'
obj_string: '{"background_color":"#000000","bloom_strength":0.6,"brightness_flickering":0.12,"font_color":"#ff9400","font_index":0,"frames_index":1,"glowing_line_strength":0.4,"horizontal_sincronization":0.1,"motion_blur":0.65,"noise_strength":0.1,"rasterization":1,"screen_distortion":0.15}'
builtin: true

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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