mirror of https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term.git synced 2025-03-03 01:08:49 +00:00

Reimplementing mouse events.

This commit is contained in:
Filippo Scognamiglio 2014-08-27 18:36:08 +02:00
parent 46edda6d18
commit 765c41307f
3 changed files with 546 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -137,37 +137,36 @@ Item{
var lines = wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 ? -2 : 2;
kterminal.scrollWheel(coord.width, coord.height, lines);
onClicked: {
if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton){
} else if (mouse.button == Qt.MiddleButton){
//onClicked: {
// if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton){
// contextmenu.popup();
// } else if (mouse.button == Qt.MiddleButton){
// kterminal.pasteSelection();
// }
onDoubleClicked: {
if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton){
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
kterminal.mouseDoubleClick(coord.width, coord.height);
onPositionChanged: {
if (pressedButtons & Qt.LeftButton){
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
kterminal.mouseMove(coord.width, coord.height);
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
console.log("Double click");
kterminal.mouseDoubleClickEvent(coord, mouse.button, mouse.modifiers);
//onPositionChanged: {
// if (pressedButtons & Qt.LeftButton){
// var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
// kterminal.mouseMove(coord.width, coord.height);
// }
onPressed: {
if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton){
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
kterminal.mousePress(coord.width, coord.height);
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
kterminal.mousePressEvent(coord, mouse.button, mouse.modifiers)
onReleased: {
if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton){
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
kterminal.mouseRelease(coord.width, coord.height);
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
kterminal.mouseReleaseEvent(coord, mouse.button, mouse.modifiers);
onPositionChanged: {
var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y);
kterminal.mouseMoveEvent(coord, mouse.button, mouse.buttons, mouse.modifiers);
//Frame displacement properties
property real dtop: frame.item.displacementTop
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ Item{
var cc = Qt.size(0.5 - x, 0.5 - y);
var distortion = (cc.height * cc.height + cc.width * cc.width) * shadersettings.screen_distortion;
return Qt.size((x - cc.width * (1+distortion) * distortion) * width,
return Qt.point((x - cc.width * (1+distortion) * distortion) * width,
(y - cc.height * (1+distortion) * distortion) * height)

View File

@ -472,67 +472,513 @@ void KTerminalDisplay::scrollWheel(qreal x, qreal y, int lines){
void KTerminalDisplay::mousePress(qreal x, qreal y){
if (m_focusOnClick) forcedFocus();
if (m_showVKBonClick) ShowVKB(true);
void KTerminalDisplay::doPaste(QString text, bool appendReturn)
if (!_screenWindow)
if (appendReturn)
// if (text.length() > 8000) {
// if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(window(),
// i18np("Are you sure you want to paste %1 character?",
// "Are you sure you want to paste %1 characters?",
// text.length()),
// i18n("Confirm Paste"),
// KStandardGuiItem::cont(),
// KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
// "ShowPasteHugeTextWarning") == KMessageBox::Cancel)
// return;
// }
if (!text.isEmpty()) {
text.replace('\n', '\r');
// if (bracketedPasteMode()) {
// text.prepend("\e[200~");
// text.append("\e[201~");
// }
// perform paste by simulating keypress events
QKeyEvent e(QEvent::KeyPress, 0, Qt::NoModifier, text);
emit keyPressedSignal(&e);
void KTerminalDisplay::pasteFromClipboard(bool appendEnter)
QString text = QGuiApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Clipboard);
doPaste(text, appendEnter);
void KTerminalDisplay::pasteFromX11Selection(bool appendEnter)
QString text = QGuiApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Selection);
doPaste(text, appendEnter);
void KTerminalDisplay::processMidButtonClick(QPoint &position, Qt::KeyboardModifier modifiers)
if (_mouseMarks || (modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
const bool appendEnter = modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier;
if (true /*_middleClickPasteMode == Enum::PasteFromX11Selection*/) {
} else if (false /*_middleClickPasteMode == Enum::PasteFromClipboard*/) {
} else {
} else {
int charLine = 0;
int charColumn = 0;
getCharacterPosition(position, charLine, charColumn);
emit mouseSignal(1, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 0);
//emit mouseSignal(1, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1 + _scrollBar->value() - _scrollBar->maximum() , 0);
void KTerminalDisplay::mousePressEvent(QPoint position, int but, int mod)
Qt::MouseButton button = (Qt::MouseButton) but;
Qt::KeyboardModifier modifiers = (Qt::KeyboardModifier) mod;
// if (_possibleTripleClick && (ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton)) {
// mouseTripleClickEvent(ev);
// return;
// }
//if (!contentsRect().contains(ev->pos())) return;
if (!_screenWindow) return;
int charLine;
int charColumn;
getCharacterPosition(QPoint(x,y), charLine, charColumn);
getCharacterPosition(position, charLine, charColumn);
QPoint pos = QPoint(charColumn, charLine);
_wordSelectionMode = false;
_lineSelectionMode = false;
if (button == Qt::LeftButton) {
// request the software keyboard, if any
// if (qApp->autoSipEnabled()) {
// QStyle::RequestSoftwareInputPanel behavior = QStyle::RequestSoftwareInputPanel(
// style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_RequestSoftwareInputPanel));
// if (hasFocus() || behavior == QStyle::RSIP_OnMouseClick) {
// QEvent event(QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel);
// QApplication::sendEvent(this, &event);
// }
// }
emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 0);
} else {
QPoint pos = QPoint(charColumn, charLine);
_lineSelectionMode = false;
_wordSelectionMode = false;
_iPntSel = _pntSel = pos;
_actSel = 1; // left mouse button pressed but nothing selected yet.
// The user clicked inside selected text
//bool selected = _screenWindow->isSelected(pos.x(), pos.y());
// Drag only when the Control key is held
// if ((!_ctrlRequiredForDrag || ev->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) && selected) {
// _dragInfo.state = diPending;
// _dragInfo.start = ev->pos();
// } else {
// No reason to ever start a drag event
//_dragInfo.state = diNone;
_preserveLineBreaks = !((modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(modifiers & Qt::AltModifier));
_columnSelectionMode = (modifiers & Qt::AltModifier) && (modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier);
if (_mouseMarks || (modifiers == Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
// Only extend selection for programs not interested in mouse
if (_mouseMarks && (modifiers == Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
} else {
//pos.ry() += _scrollBar->value();
_iPntSel = _pntSel = pos;
_actSel = 1; // left mouse button pressed but nothing selected yet.
} else {
emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 0);
//emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1 + _scrollBar->value() - _scrollBar->maximum() , 0);
// if (_underlineLinks && (_openLinksByDirectClick || (ev->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier))) {
// Filter::HotSpot* spot = _filterChain->hotSpotAt(charLine, charColumn);
// if (spot && spot->type() == Filter::HotSpot::Link) {
// QObject action;
// action.setObjectName("open-action");
// spot->activate(&action);
// }
// }
} else if (button == Qt::MidButton) {
processMidButtonClick(position, modifiers);
} else if (button == Qt::RightButton) {
if (_mouseMarks || (modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier))
;//emit configureRequest(ev->pos());
emit mouseSignal(2, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 0);
//emit mouseSignal(2, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1 + _scrollBar->value() - _scrollBar->maximum() , 0);
void KTerminalDisplay::mouseMove(qreal x, qreal y){
QPoint pos(x, y);
void KTerminalDisplay::mouseMoveEvent(QPoint position, int but, int buts, int mod)
Qt::MouseButton button = (Qt::MouseButton) but;
Qt::KeyboardModifier modifiers = (Qt::KeyboardModifier) mod;
Qt::MouseButtons buttons = (Qt::MouseButtons) buts;
int charLine;
int charColumn;
getCharacterPosition(pos, charLine, charColumn);
int charLine = 0;
int charColumn = 0;
getCharacterPosition(position, charLine, charColumn);
emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 1);
} else {
// handle filters
// change link hot-spot appearance on mouse-over
// Filter::HotSpot* spot = _filterChain->hotSpotAt(charLine, charColumn);
// if (spot && spot->type() == Filter::HotSpot::Link) {
// if (_underlineLinks) {
// QRegion previousHotspotArea = _mouseOverHotspotArea;
// _mouseOverHotspotArea = QRegion();
// QRect r;
// if (spot->startLine() == spot->endLine()) {
// r.setCoords(spot->startColumn()*_fontWidth + _contentRect.left(),
// spot->startLine()*_fontHeight + _contentRect.top(),
// (spot->endColumn())*_fontWidth + _contentRect.left() - 1,
// (spot->endLine() + 1)*_fontHeight + _contentRect.top() - 1);
// _mouseOverHotspotArea |= r;
// } else {
// r.setCoords(spot->startColumn()*_fontWidth + _contentRect.left(),
// spot->startLine()*_fontHeight + _contentRect.top(),
// (_columns)*_fontWidth + _contentRect.left() - 1,
// (spot->startLine() + 1)*_fontHeight + _contentRect.top() - 1);
// _mouseOverHotspotArea |= r;
// for (int line = spot->startLine() + 1 ; line < spot->endLine() ; line++) {
// r.setCoords(0 * _fontWidth + _contentRect.left(),
// line * _fontHeight + _contentRect.top(),
// (_columns)*_fontWidth + _contentRect.left() - 1,
// (line + 1)*_fontHeight + _contentRect.top() - 1);
// _mouseOverHotspotArea |= r;
// }
// r.setCoords(0 * _fontWidth + _contentRect.left(),
// spot->endLine()*_fontHeight + _contentRect.top(),
// (spot->endColumn())*_fontWidth + _contentRect.left() - 1,
// (spot->endLine() + 1)*_fontHeight + _contentRect.top() - 1);
// _mouseOverHotspotArea |= r;
// }
// if ((_openLinksByDirectClick || (ev->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) && (cursor().shape() != Qt::PointingHandCursor))
// setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor);
// update(_mouseOverHotspotArea | previousHotspotArea);
// }
// } else if (!_mouseOverHotspotArea.isEmpty()) {
// if ((_underlineLinks && (_openLinksByDirectClick || (ev->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier))) || (cursor().shape() == Qt::PointingHandCursor))
// setCursor(_mouseMarks ? Qt::IBeamCursor : Qt::ArrowCursor);
// update(_mouseOverHotspotArea);
// // set hotspot area to an invalid rectangle
// _mouseOverHotspotArea = QRegion();
// }
// for auto-hiding the cursor, we need mouseTracking
if (buttons == Qt::NoButton) return;
// if the terminal is interested in mouse movements
// then emit a mouse movement signal, unless the shift
// key is being held down, which overrides this.
if (!_mouseMarks && !(modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
int button = 3;
if (buttons & Qt::LeftButton)
button = 0;
if (buttons & Qt::MidButton)
button = 1;
if (buttons & Qt::RightButton)
button = 2;
emit mouseSignal(button,
charColumn + 1,
charLine + 1,
// emit mouseSignal(button,
// charColumn + 1,
// charLine + 1 + _scrollBar->value() - _scrollBar->maximum(),
// 1);
// if (_dragInfo.state == diPending) {
// // we had a mouse down, but haven't confirmed a drag yet
// // if the mouse has moved sufficiently, we will confirm
// const int distance = KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay();
// if (ev->x() > _dragInfo.start.x() + distance || ev->x() < _dragInfo.start.x() - distance ||
// ev->y() > _dragInfo.start.y() + distance || ev->y() < _dragInfo.start.y() - distance) {
// // we've left the drag square, we can start a real drag operation now
// _screenWindow->clearSelection();
// doDrag();
// }
// return;
// } else if (_dragInfo.state == diDragging) {
// // this isn't technically needed because mouseMoveEvent is suppressed during
// // Qt drag operations, replaced by dragMoveEvent
// return;
// }
if (_actSel == 0) return;
// don't extend selection while pasting
if (buttons & Qt::MidButton) return;
void KTerminalDisplay::mouseDoubleClick(qreal x, qreal y){
QPoint pos(x, y);
int charLine;
int charColumn;
getCharacterPosition(pos, charLine, charColumn);
QPoint KTerminalDisplay::findWordEnd(const QPoint &pnt)
const int regSize = qMax(_screenWindow->windowLines(), 10);
const int curLine = _screenWindow->currentLine();
int i = pnt.y();
int x = pnt.x();
int y = i + curLine;
int j = loc(x, i);
QVector<LineProperty> lineProperties = _lineProperties;
Screen *screen = _screenWindow->screen();
Character *image = _image;
Character *tmp_image = NULL;
const QChar selClass = charClass(image[j]);
const int imageSize = regSize * _columns;
const int maxY = _screenWindow->lineCount() - 1;
const int maxX = _columns - 1;
emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 0);
//emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 0);
} else {
_wordSelectionMode = true;
while (true) {
const int lineCount = lineProperties.count();
for (;;j++, x++) {
if (x < maxX) {
if (charClass(image[j + 1]) == selClass)
goto out;
} else if (i < lineCount - 1) {
if (lineProperties[i] & LINE_WRAPPED &&
charClass(image[j + 1]) == selClass) {
x = -1;
goto out;
} else if (y < maxY) {
if (i < lineCount && !(lineProperties[i] & LINE_WRAPPED))
goto out;
} else {
goto out;
int newRegEnd = qMin(y + regSize - 1, maxY);
lineProperties = screen->getLineProperties(y, newRegEnd);
i = 0;
if (!tmp_image) {
tmp_image = new Character[imageSize];
image = tmp_image;
screen->getImage(tmp_image, imageSize, y, newRegEnd);
j = loc(x, i);
y -= curLine;
// In word selection mode don't select @ (64) if at end of word.
if (((image[j].rendition & RE_EXTENDED_CHAR) == 0) &&
(QChar(image[j].character) == '@') &&
(y > pnt.y() || x > pnt.x())) {
if (x > 0) {
} else {
if (tmp_image) {
delete[] tmp_image;
return QPoint(x, y);
void KTerminalDisplay::mouseRelease(qreal x, qreal y){
_actSel = 0;
QPoint KTerminalDisplay::findWordStart(const QPoint &pnt)
const int regSize = qMax(_screenWindow->windowLines(), 10);
const int curLine = _screenWindow->currentLine();
int i = pnt.y();
int x = pnt.x();
int y = i + curLine;
int j = loc(x, i);
QVector<LineProperty> lineProperties = _lineProperties;
Screen *screen = _screenWindow->screen();
Character *image = _image;
Character *tmp_image = NULL;
const QChar selClass = charClass(image[j]);
const int imageSize = regSize * _columns;
int charLine;
int charColumn;
getCharacterPosition(QPoint(x,y), charLine, charColumn);
while (true) {
for (;;j--, x--) {
if (x > 0) {
if (charClass(image[j - 1]) == selClass)
goto out;
} else if (i > 0) {
if (lineProperties[i - 1] & LINE_WRAPPED &&
charClass(image[j - 1]) == selClass) {
x = _columns;
goto out;
} else if (y > 0) {
} else {
goto out;
int newRegStart = qMax(0, y - regSize);
lineProperties = screen->getLineProperties(newRegStart, y - 1);
i = y - newRegStart;
if (!tmp_image) {
tmp_image = new Character[imageSize];
image = tmp_image;
screen->getImage(tmp_image, imageSize, newRegStart, y - 1);
j = loc(x, i);
if (tmp_image) {
delete[] tmp_image;
return QPoint(x, y - curLine);
emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1, charLine + 1, 2);
void KTerminalDisplay::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QPoint position, int but, int mod)
Qt::MouseButton button = (Qt::MouseButton) but;
Qt::KeyboardModifier modifiers = (Qt::KeyboardModifier) mod;
// Yes, successive middle click can trigger this event
if (button == Qt::MidButton) {
processMidButtonClick(position, modifiers);
if (button != Qt::LeftButton) return;
if (!_screenWindow) return;
int charLine = 0;
int charColumn = 0;
getCharacterPosition(position, charLine, charColumn);
// pass on double click as two clicks.
if (!_mouseMarks && !(modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
// Send just _ONE_ click event, since the first click of the double click
// was already sent by the click handler
emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1,
charLine + 1,
/*emit mouseSignal(0, charColumn + 1,
charLine + 1 + _scrollBar->value() - _scrollBar->maximum(),
0); */ // left button
_wordSelectionMode = true;
_actSel = 2; // within selection
_iPntSel = QPoint(charColumn, charLine);
const QPoint bgnSel = findWordStart(_iPntSel);
const QPoint endSel = findWordEnd(_iPntSel);
//_iPntSel.ry() += _scrollBar->value();
_screenWindow->setSelectionStart(bgnSel.x() , bgnSel.y() , false);
_screenWindow->setSelectionEnd(endSel.x() , endSel.y());
// _possibleTripleClick = true;
// QTimer::singleShot(QApplication::doubleClickInterval(), this,
// SLOT(tripleClickTimeout()));
void KTerminalDisplay::copyToX11Selection()
if (!_screenWindow)
QString text = _screenWindow->selectedText(_preserveLineBreaks);
if (text.isEmpty())
QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(text, QClipboard::Selection);
// if (_autoCopySelectedText)
// QApplication::clipboard()->setText(text, QClipboard::Clipboard);
void KTerminalDisplay::mouseReleaseEvent(QPoint position, int but, int mod)
Qt::MouseButton button = (Qt::MouseButton) but;
Qt::KeyboardModifier modifiers = (Qt::KeyboardModifier) mod;
if (!_screenWindow)
int charLine;
int charColumn;
getCharacterPosition(position, charLine, charColumn);
if (button == Qt::LeftButton) {
// if (_dragInfo.state == diPending) {
// We had a drag event pending but never confirmed. Kill selection
// _screenWindow->clearSelection();
// } else {
if (_actSel > 1) {
_actSel = 0;
//FIXME: emits a release event even if the mouse is
// outside the range. The procedure used in `mouseMoveEvent'
// applies here, too.
if (!_mouseMarks && !(modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier))
emit mouseSignal(0,
charColumn + 1,
charLine + 1 , 2);
// emit mouseSignal(0,
// charColumn + 1,
// charLine + 1 + _scrollBar->value() - _scrollBar->maximum() , 2);
// }
// _dragInfo.state = diNone;
if (!_mouseMarks &&
(button == Qt::RightButton || button == Qt::MidButton) &&
!(modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
emit mouseSignal(button == Qt::MidButton ? 1 : 2,
charColumn + 1,
charLine + 1,
// emit mouseSignal(ev->button() == Qt::MidButton ? 1 : 2,
// charColumn + 1,
// charLine + 1 + _scrollBar->value() - _scrollBar->maximum() ,
// 2);
@ -1361,16 +1807,33 @@ void KTerminalDisplay::updateLineProperties()
_lineProperties = _screenWindow->getLineProperties();
QChar KTerminalDisplay::charClass(QChar qch) const
QChar KTerminalDisplay::charClass(const Character& ch) const
if ( qch.isSpace() ) return ' ';
if (ch.rendition & RE_EXTENDED_CHAR) {
ushort extendedCharLength = 0;
const ushort* chars = ExtendedCharTable::instance.lookupExtendedChar(ch.character, extendedCharLength);
if (chars && extendedCharLength > 0) {
const QString s = QString::fromUtf16(chars, extendedCharLength);
if (_wordCharacters.contains(s, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return 'a';
bool allLetterOrNumber = true;
for (int i = 0; allLetterOrNumber && i < s.size(); ++i)
allLetterOrNumber = s.at(i).isLetterOrNumber();
return allLetterOrNumber ? 'a' : s.at(0);
return 0;
} else {
const QChar qch(ch.character);
if (qch.isSpace()) return ' ';
if ( qch.isLetterOrNumber() || _wordCharacters.contains(qch, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return 'a';
if (qch.isLetterOrNumber() || _wordCharacters.contains(qch, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return 'a';
return qch;
return qch;
void KTerminalDisplay::setWordCharacters(const QString& wc)
_wordCharacters = wc;

View File

@ -312,10 +312,6 @@ public slots:
QStringList availableColorSchemes();
void scrollWheel(qreal x, qreal y, int lines);
void mousePress(qreal x, qreal y);
void mouseMove(qreal x, qreal y);
void mouseDoubleClick(qreal x, qreal y);
void mouseRelease(qreal x, qreal y);
void scrollScreenWindow(enum ScreenWindow::RelativeScrollMode mode, int amount);
@ -477,7 +473,10 @@ protected:
void geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry);
QRect geometryRound(const QRectF &r) const;
//void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*ev);
Q_INVOKABLE void mousePressEvent(QPoint position, int but, int mod);
Q_INVOKABLE void mouseReleaseEvent(QPoint position, int but, int mod);
Q_INVOKABLE void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QPoint position, int but, int mod);
Q_INVOKABLE void mouseMoveEvent(QPoint position, int but, int buts, int mod);
//void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* );
//void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* );
@ -497,7 +496,7 @@ protected:
// - A space (returns ' ')
// - Part of a word (returns 'a')
// - Other characters (returns the input character)
QChar charClass(QChar ch) const;
QChar charClass(const Character& ch) const;
void clearImage();
@ -594,6 +593,14 @@ private:
// redraws the cursor
void updateCursor();
QPoint findWordStart(const QPoint &pnt);
QPoint findWordEnd(const QPoint &pnt);
void processMidButtonClick(QPoint &position, Qt::KeyboardModifier modifiers);
void copyToX11Selection();
void pasteFromClipboard(bool appendEnter);
void pasteFromX11Selection(bool appendEnter);
void doPaste(QString text, bool appendReturn);
bool handleShortcutOverrideEvent(QKeyEvent* event);