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synced 2025-02-22 04:48:43 +00:00
370 lines
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370 lines
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# build a wsltty installer package:
# configure ver=... and minttyver= in this makefile
# make targets:
# make [all] build a distributable installer (default)
# make pkg build an installer, bypassing the system checks
# make build build the software (no installer)
# make install install wsltty locally from build (no installer needed)
# make wsltty build the software, using the local copy of mintty
# wsltty release
# wsltty appx release - must have 4 parts!
# mintty release version
# wslbridge2 repository and release version
# wslbridge2 fork repository and version
# wslbridge2 release or fork archive and dir
# wslbridge2 latest version
# wslbridge2 branch or commit version (from fix-window-resize branch) and dir
# trying post-0.12 WSL V2 patches:
# pixel size patch + fix (retagged as 0.13):
# mintty branch or commit version
# wslbridge branch or commit to build from source;
wslbridge=wslbridge-source wslbridge-frontend wslbridge-backend
# build backend on a musl-libc-based distribution
# (reportedly not needed anymore but untested)
BuildDistr=-d Alpine
# Windows SDK version for appx
WINSDKKEY=/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/WOW6432Node/Microsoft/.NET Framework Platform/Setup/Multi-Targeting Pack
WINSDKVER=`regtool list '$(WINSDKKEY)' | sed -e '$$ q' -e d`
# default target
all: all-$(notdir $(CURDIR))
# targets and version checking
all-wsltty: check committed pkg
all-wsltty.appx: appx
if git status -suno | sed -e "s,^..,," | grep .; then false; fi
# target checking and some defs
TARGET := $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine)
ifeq ($(TARGET), i686-pc-cygwin)
sys := cygwin32
else ifeq ($(TARGET), x86_64-pc-cygwin)
sys := cygwin64
else ifeq ($(TARGET), i686-pc-msys)
sys := msys32
else ifeq ($(TARGET), x86_64-pc-msys)
sys := msys64
$(error Target '$(TARGET)' not supported)
wget=curl -R -L --connect-timeout 55 -O
wgeto=curl -R -L --connect-timeout 55
# system check:
# - ensure the path name drag-and-drop adaptation works (-> Cygwin, not MSYS)
# - 64 Bit (x86_64) for more stable invocation (avoid fork issues)
arch:=$(shell uname -m)
check: # checkarch
echo Building for:
echo $(arch) | grep .
# checking suitable host environment; run `make pkg` to bypass
# check cygwin (vs msys) for proper drag-and-drop paths:
uname | grep CYGWIN
# check 32 bit to ensure 32-Bit Windows support, just in case:
#uname -m | grep i686
# check 64 bit to provide 64-Bit stability support:
#uname -m | grep x86_64
# patch version information for appx package configuration
echo patching $(WINSDKVER) into Launcher config
cd Launcher; sed -i~ -e "/<supportedRuntime / s,Version=v[.0-9]*,Version=$(WINSDKVER)," app.config
echo patched app.config
cd Launcher; sed -i~ -e "/<TargetFrameworkVersion>/ s,v[.0-9]*,$(WINSDKVER)," Launcher.csproj
echo patched Launcher.csproj
echo patching $(verx) into app config
sed -i~ -e '/<Identity / s,Version="[.0-9]*",Version="$(verx)",' AppxManifest.xml
echo patched AppxManifest.xml
# clear binaries
rm -fr $(wslbridgedir)/bin
rm -fr bin
# generation
wslbridge: $(wslbridge)
$(wgeto) https://github.com/$(repo)/archive/$(archive).zip -o $(wslbridgedir).zip
wslbridge-source: $(wslbridgedir).zip
unzip -o $(wslbridgedir).zip
cp $(wslbridgedir)/LICENSE LICENSE.wslbridge2
# the following two patches are obsolete with wslbridge2 v0.9
# patch to fix #220
# test case in mintty: (sleep 0.1; echo -e "\e[31;80t") & wslbridge2
#cd $(wslbridgedir); patch -p1 < ../0001-notify-size-change-inband.patch
# patch to https://github.com/Biswa96/wslbridge2/commit/41575379b416703c49e2687e957440239a4cdfb7
#cd $(wslbridgedir); patch -p0 < ../0002-add-com-for-lifted-wsl.patch
# patch to fix WSL 2 launching, again
# this was replaced with another patch upstream
#cd $(wslbridgedir); patch -p1 < ../0012-get-vmid-from-registry.patch
# patch to add WINCH/pty pixel size support (Biswa96/wslbridge2#44)
#cd $(wslbridgedir); patch -p1 < ../0013-pty-pixel-size.patch
# patch to fix the pixel patch of 0.13
#cd $(wslbridgedir); patch -p1 < ../0013-pty-pixel-size-fix.patch
echo ------------- Compiling wslbridge2 frontend
mkdir -p bin
# frontend build
cd $(wslbridgedir)/src; make -f Makefile.frontend RELEASE=1
# extract binaries
cp $(wslbridgedir)/bin/wslbridge2.exe bin/
windir=$(shell cd "${WINDIR}"; pwd)
echo ------------- Compiling wslbridge2 backend
#uname -m | grep x86_64
mkdir -p bin
# provide dependencies for backend build
PATH="$(windir)/Sysnative:${PATH}" cmd /C wsl.exe -u root $(BuildDistr) $(shell env | grep http_proxy=) apk add make g++ linux-headers < /dev/null
# invoke backend build
cd $(wslbridgedir)/src; PATH="$(windir)/Sysnative:${PATH}" cmd /C wsl.exe $(BuildDistr) make -f Makefile.backend RELEASE=1 < /dev/null
# extract binaries
cp $(wslbridgedir)/bin/wslbridge2-backend bin/
mintty-get: mintty-git # mintty-download or mintty-git
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/icon/terminal.ico mintty.ico
$(wgeto) https://github.com/mintty/mintty/archive/$(minttyver).zip -o mintty-$(minttyver).zip
unzip -o mintty-$(minttyver).zip
test -d mintty-$(minttyver) || git clone --branch $(minttyver) --depth 1 $(minrepo) mintty-$(minttyver)
cd mintty-$(minttyver); git checkout $(minttyver)
wslbuild=LDFLAGS="-static -static-libgcc -s"
appxbuild=$(wslbuild) CCOPT=-DWSLTTY_APPX
wslversion=VERSION_SUFFIX="– wsltty $(ver)" WSLTTY_VERSION="$(ver)"
appxversion=VERSION_SUFFIX="– wsltty appx $(verx)" WSLTTY_VERSION="$(verx)"
# ensure rebuild of version-specific check and message
rm -f mintty-$(minttyver)/bin/*/windialog.o
rm -f mintty-$(minttyver)/bin/*/winmain.o
# build mintty
cd mintty-$(minttyver)/src; make $(wslbuild) $(wslversion)
mkdir -p bin
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/bin/mintty.exe bin/
strip bin/mintty.exe
# ensure rebuild of version-specific check and message
rm -f mintty-$(minttyver)/bin/*/windialog.o
# build mintty
cd mintty-$(minttyver)/src; make $(appxbuild) $(appxversion)
mkdir -p bin
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/bin/mintty.exe bin/
strip bin/mintty.exe
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/LICENSE LICENSE.mintty
cd mintty-$(minttyver)/lang; zoo a lang *.po; mv lang.zoo ../../
cd mintty-$(minttyver)/themes; zoo a themes *[!~]; mv themes.zoo ../../
cd mintty-$(minttyver)/sounds; zoo a sounds *.wav *.WAV *.md; mv sounds.zoo ../../
# add charnames.txt to support "Character Info"
cd mintty-$(minttyver)/src; sh ./mknames
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/src/charnames.txt .
mkdir -p usr/share/mintty
cd usr/share/mintty; mkdir -p lang themes sounds info emojis
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/lang/*.po usr/share/mintty/lang/
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/themes/*[!~] usr/share/mintty/themes/
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/sounds/*.wav usr/share/mintty/sounds/
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/sounds/*.WAV usr/share/mintty/sounds/
# add charnames.txt to support "Character Info"
cd mintty-$(minttyver)/src; sh ./mknames
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/src/charnames.txt usr/share/mintty/info/
cp /usr/share/mintty/emojis/get*[!~] usr/share/mintty/emojis/
cygwin: # mkshortcutexe
mkdir -p bin
cp /bin/cygwin1.dll bin/
cp /bin/cygwin-console-helper.exe bin/
cp /bin/dash.exe bin/
cp /bin/regtool.exe bin/
cp /bin/zoo.exe bin/
mkshortcutexe: bin/mkshortcut.exe
bin/mkshortcut.exe: mkshortcut.c
echo mksh
gcc -o bin/mkshortcut mkshortcut.c -lpopt -lole32 /usr/lib/w32api/libuuid.a
cp /bin/cygpopt-0.dll bin/
cp /bin/cygiconv-2.dll bin/
cp /bin/cygintl-8.dll bin/
mkdir -p bin
cp /bin/cygwin1.dll bin/
cp /bin/cygwin-console-helper.exe bin/
copcab: ver
mkdir -p $(CAB)
cp bin/cygwin1.dll $(CAB)/
cp bin/cygwin-console-helper.exe $(CAB)/
cp bin/dash.exe $(CAB)/
cp bin/regtool.exe $(CAB)/
cp bin/mintty.exe $(CAB)/
cp bin/zoo.exe $(CAB)/
cp lang.zoo $(CAB)/
cp themes.zoo $(CAB)/
cp sounds.zoo $(CAB)/
cp charnames.txt $(CAB)/
cp bin/wslbridge2.exe $(CAB)/
cp bin/wslbridge2-backend $(CAB)/
cp mkshortcut.vbs $(CAB)/
#cp bin/mkshortcut.exe $(CAB)/
#cp bin/cygpopt-0.dll $(CAB)/
#cp bin/cygiconv-2.dll $(CAB)/
#cp bin/cygintl-8.dll $(CAB)/
cp LICENSE.* $(CAB)/
cp *.lnk $(CAB)/
cp *.ico $(CAB)/
cp *.url $(CAB)/
cp *.bat $(CAB)/
cp config-distros.sh $(CAB)/
cp mkshortcut.vbs $(CAB)/
cp mintty-$(minttyver)/tools/get*[!~] $(CAB)/
cop: copcab
mkdir -p rel
cp -fl $(CAB)/* rel/
installer: cop cab normal-installer silent-installer portable-installer
# build cab archive
lcab -r $(CAB) rel/$(CAB).cab
# prepare build of installer
rm -f rel/$(CAB)-install.exe
sed -e "s,%version%,$(ver)," -e "s,%arch%,$(arch)," makewinx.cfg > rel/wsltty.SED
# build installer
cd rel; iexpress /n wsltty.SED
# prepare build of installer
rm -f rel/$(CAB)-install-quiet.exe
cd rel; sed -e "/ShowInstallProgramWindow/ s/0/1/" -e "/HideExtractAnimation/ s/0/1/" -e "/InstallPrompt/ s/=.*/=/" -e "/FinishMessage/ s/=.*/=/" -e "/TargetName/ s/install.exe/install-quiet.exe/" wsltty.SED > wsltty-quiet.SED
# build installer
cd rel; iexpress /n wsltty-quiet.SED
InstallPrompt=Install Mintty terminal for WSL Portable?
FinishMessage=Mintty for WSL Portable installation finished
# prepare build of installer
rm -f rel/$(CAB)-install-portable.exe
cd rel; sed -e "/InstallPrompt/ s/=.*/=$(InstallPrompt)/" -e "/FinishMessage/ s/=.*/=$(FinishMessage)/" -e "/AppLaunched/ s/install/install-portable/" -e "/TargetName/ s/install.exe/install-portable.exe/" wsltty.SED > wsltty-portable.SED
# build installer
cd rel; iexpress /n wsltty-portable.SED
install: cop installbat
cd rel; cmd /C install
echo $(ver) > VERSION
mintty: mintty-get mintty-build
mintty-usr: mintty-get mintty-appx
# local wsltty build target:
wsltty: wslbridge cygwin mintty-build mintty-pkg
# build software without installer:
build: wslbridge cygwin mintty-get mintty-build mintty-pkg
# standalone wsltty package build target:
pkg: wslbridge cygwin mintty-get mintty-build mintty-pkg installer
# appx package contents target:
wsltty-appx: wslbridge appx-bin mintty-get mintty-build-appx mintty-appx
# appx package target:
appx: wsltty-appx fix-verx
sh ./build.sh
# end