diff --git a/install.bat b/install.bat index 5baacbe..248d831 100755 --- a/install.bat +++ b/install.bat @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ rem @echo off +rem If you change the installation directory, +rem it also needs to be adapted in +rem - the Shortcut links *.lnk +rem - the cmd invocation scripts wsl*.bat +set installdir=%LOCALAPPDATA%\wsltty + :deploy -set installdir=%LOCALAPPDATA%\wsltty - mkdir "%installdir%" copy LICENSE.mintty "%installdir%" copy LICENSE.wslbridge "%installdir%" @@ -61,12 +65,12 @@ rem Mintty invocation set cmd=%installdir%\bin\mintty.exe set cset=-o Locale=C -o Charset=UTF-8 set opts=--wsl -set icon=%LOCALAPPDATA%\lxss\bash.ico set arg=/bin/wslbridge -t %shell% set target0=\"%cmd%\" %opts% %cset% -i \"%icon%\" %arg% rem set target1=\"%cmd%\" %opts% %cset% -i \"%icon%\" /bin/dash -c \"cd '%%1'; exec %arg%\" set target1=\"%cmd%\" %opts% %cset% -i \"%icon%\" --dir \"%%1\" %arg% +rem Registry entries reg add "%userdirname%\wsltty" /d "%label% %here%" /f reg add "%userdirname%\wsltty" /v Icon /d "%icon%" /f reg add "%userdirname%\wsltty\command" /d "%target1%" /f