mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 04:58:31 +00:00
adapt installation
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ echo Creating %1.bat
echo @echo off> %1.bat
echo rem Start mintty terminal for WSL package %name% in current directory>> %1.bat
echo %target% -i "%icon%" %minttyargs% %bridgeargs%>> %1.bat
echo Created %1.bat
@ -14,31 +14,20 @@ if not "%2" == "" set refconfigdir=%2 && set configdir=%2
mkdir "%installdir%"
rem clean up previous installation artefacts
del /Q "%installdir%\*.bat"
del /Q "%installdir%\*.lnk"
copy LICENSE.mintty "%installdir%"
copy LICENSE.wslbridge "%installdir%"
echo @echo off> setdirs.bat
echo set refinstalldir=%refinstalldir%>> setdirs.bat
echo set installdir=%installdir%>> setdirs.bat
echo set refconfigdir=%refconfigdir%>> setdirs.bat
echo set configdir=%configdir%>> setdirs.bat
copy setdirs.bat + uninstall.bat "%installdir%\uninstall.bat"
copy setdirs.bat + wsl.bat "%installdir%\wsl.bat"
copy setdirs.bat + wsl.bat "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wsl.bat"
copy setdirs.bat + wsl~.bat "%installdir%\wsl~.bat"
copy setdirs.bat + wsl~.bat "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wsl~.bat"
copy setdirs.bat + wsl-l.bat "%installdir%\wsl-l.bat"
copy setdirs.bat + wsl-l.bat "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wsl-l.bat"
copy "add to context menu.lnk" "%installdir%"
copy "remove from context menu.lnk" "%installdir%"
copy "configure WSL shortcuts.lnk" "%installdir%"
copy wsl.ico "%installdir%"
copy config-distros.sh "%installdir%"
copy mkshortcut.vbs "%installdir%"
rem clean up previous installation
del "%installdir%\config-context-menu.bat"
mkdir "%installdir%\bin"
copy cygwin1.dll "%installdir%\bin"
@ -55,29 +44,13 @@ mkdir "%installdir%\usr\share\mintty\lang"
copy po.zoo "%installdir%\usr\share\mintty\lang"
rem generate shortcuts
rem set icon=%%LOCALAPPDATA%%\lxss\bash.ico
set lxicon=%%LOCALAPPDATA%%\lxss\bash.ico
set icon=%%LOCALAPPDATA%%\wsltty\wsl.ico
if exist "%installdir%\wsl.ico" goto iconok
if exist "%lxicon" copy "%lxicon" "%installdir%\wsl.ico"
set target=%refinstalldir%\bin\mintty.exe
set minttyargs=--wsl -h err --configdir="%refconfigdir%" -o Locale=C -o Charset=UTF-8 /bin/wslbridge
set bridgeargs=-t /bin/bash
cscript mkshortcut.vbs "/name:WSL %% in Mintty"
set bridgeargs=-C~ -t /bin/bash
cscript mkshortcut.vbs "/name:WSL ~ in Mintty"
set bridgeargs=-t /bin/bash -l
cscript mkshortcut.vbs "/name:WSL -l in Mintty"
rem create Start Menu Folder
set smf=%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WSLtty
mkdir "%smf%"
rem clean up previous installation
del /Q "%smf%\*.lnk"
copy "wsltty home & help.url" "%smf%"
copy "add to context menu.lnk" "%smf%"
copy "remove from context menu.lnk" "%smf%"
@ -85,27 +58,6 @@ copy "configure WSL shortcuts.lnk" "%smf%"
rem clean up previous installation
rmdir /S /Q "%smf%\context menu shortcuts"
rem create launch shortcuts for default WSL distro
copy "WSL %% in Mintty.lnk" "%installdir%"
copy "WSL %% in Mintty.lnk" "%smf%"
copy "WSL ~ in Mintty.lnk" "%installdir%"
copy "WSL ~ in Mintty.lnk" "%smf%"
copy "WSL -l in Mintty.lnk" "%installdir%"
copy "WSL -l in Mintty.lnk" "%smf%"
rem clean up previous installation
del "%smf%\WSL Bash %% in Mintty.lnk"
del "%smf%\WSL Bash ~ in Mintty.lnk"
del "%smf%\WSL Bash -l in Mintty.lnk"
goto sysconfig
rem create Desktop Shorcuts
copy "WSL %% in Mintty.lnk" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"
copy "WSL ~ in Mintty.lnk" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"
rem unpack config files in system config directory
cd /D "%installdir%\usr\share\mintty\lang"
"%installdir%\bin\zoo" xO po
@ -140,7 +92,7 @@ if not exist "%configdir%\config" echo # To use common configuration in %%APPDAT
rem distro-specific stuff: shortcuts and launch scripts
cd "%installdir%"
bin\dash.exe "%installdir%\config-distros.sh"
bin\dash.exe "%installdir%\config-distros.sh" -contextmenu
rem bin\dash.exe "%installdir%\config-distros.sh" -contextmenu
Reference in New Issue
Block a user