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382 lines
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import os
from unittest import TestCase
from copy import copy
from nose.tools import assert_equal # pylint: disable=E0611
from mock.mock import Mock, MagicMock, call
from wlauto.exceptions import ConfigError
from wlauto.core.configuration.parsers import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
from wlauto.core.configuration.parsers import _load_file, _collect_valid_id, _resolve_params_alias
from wlauto.core.configuration import RunConfiguration, JobGenerator, PluginCache, ConfigurationPoint
from wlauto.core.configuration.configuration import MetaConfiguration
from wlauto.utils.types import toggle_set, reset_counter
class TestFunctions(TestCase):
def test_load_file(self):
# This does not test read_pod
# Non-existant file
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
_load_file("THIS-IS-NOT-A-FILE", "test file")
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Top level entry not a dict
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, r".+ does not contain a valid test file structure; top level must be a dict\."):
_load_file(os.path.join(base_path, "data", "test-agenda-not-dict.yaml"), "test file")
# Yaml syntax error
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, r"Error parsing test file .+: Syntax Error on line 1"):
_load_file(os.path.join(base_path, "data", "test-agenda-bad-syntax.yaml"), "test file")
# Ideal case
_load_file(os.path.join(base_path, "data", "test-agenda.yaml"), "test file")
def test_get_aliased_param(self):
# Ideal case
cp1 = ConfigurationPoint("test", aliases=[
d_correct = {"workload_parameters": [1, 2, 3],
"instruments": [2, 3, 4],
"some_other_param": 1234}
assert_equal(get_aliased_param(cp1, d_correct, default=[], pop=False), [1, 2, 3])
# Two aliases for the same parameter given
d_duplicate = {"workload_parameters": [1, 2, 3],
"workload_params": [2, 3, 4]}
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
get_aliased_param(cp1, d_duplicate, default=[])
# Empty dict
d_none = {}
assert_equal(get_aliased_param(cp1, d_none, default=[]), [])
# Aliased parameter not present in dict
d_not_present = {"instruments": [2, 3, 4],
"some_other_param": 1234}
assert_equal(get_aliased_param(cp1, d_not_present, default=1), 1)
# Testing pop functionality
assert_equal("workload_parameters" in d_correct, True)
get_aliased_param(cp1, d_correct, default=[])
assert_equal("workload_parameters" in d_correct, False)
def test_merge_result_processor_instruments(self):
non_merge = {
"instrumentation": toggle_set(["one", "two"]),
expected_non_merge = copy(non_merge)
assert_equal(non_merge, expected_non_merge)
no_overlap = {
"instrumentation": ["one", "two"],
"result_processors": ["three", "~four"],
expected_no_overlap = {"instrumentation": toggle_set(["one", "two", "three", "~four"])}
assert_equal(no_overlap, expected_no_overlap)
non_conflicting = {
"instrumentation": ["one", "two"],
"result_processors": ["two", "three"],
expected_non_conflicting = {"instrumentation": toggle_set(["one", "two", "three"])}
assert_equal(non_conflicting, expected_non_conflicting)
conflict = {
"instrumentation": ["one", "two"],
"result_processors": ["~two", "three"],
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
def test_collect_valid_id(self):
msg = 'Invalid unit_test ID "uses-a-dash"; IDs cannot contain a "-"'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
_collect_valid_id("uses-a-dash", set(), "unit_test")
msg = 'Invalid unit_test ID "global"; is a reserved ID'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
_collect_valid_id("global", set(), "unit_test")
msg = 'Duplicate unit_test ID "duplicate"'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
_collect_valid_id("duplicate", set(["duplicate"]), "unit_test")
def test_resolve_params_alias(self):
test = {"params": "some_value"}
_resolve_params_alias(test, "new_name")
assert_equal(test, {"new_name_parameters": "some_value"})
# Test it only affects "params"
_resolve_params_alias(test, "new_name")
assert_equal(test, {"new_name_parameters": "some_value"})
test["params"] = "some_other_value"
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
_resolve_params_alias(test, "new_name")
class TestConfigParser(TestCase):
def test_error_cases(self):
wa_config = Mock(spec=MetaConfiguration)
wa_config.configuration = MetaConfiguration.configuration
run_config = Mock(spec=RunConfiguration)
run_config.configuration = RunConfiguration.configuration
config_parser = ConfigParser(wa_config,
# "run_name" can only be in agenda config sections
#' and is handled by AgendaParser
err = 'Error in "Unit test":\n' \
'"run_name" can only be specified in the config section of an agenda'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, err):
config_parser.load({"run_name": "test"}, "Unit test")
# Instrument and result_processor lists in the same config cannot
# have conflicting entries.
err = 'Error in "Unit test":\n' \
'"instrumentation" and "result_processors" have conflicting entries:'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, err):
config_parser.load({"instruments": ["one", "two", "three"],
"result_processors": ["~one", "~two", "~three"]},
"Unit test")
def test_config_points(self):
wa_config = Mock(spec=MetaConfiguration)
wa_config.configuration = MetaConfiguration.configuration
run_config = Mock(spec=RunConfiguration)
run_config.configuration = RunConfiguration.configuration
jobs_config = Mock(spec=JobGenerator)
plugin_cache = Mock(spec=PluginCache)
config_parser = ConfigParser(wa_config, run_config, jobs_config, plugin_cache)
cfg = {
"assets_repository": "/somewhere/",
"logging": "verbose",
"project": "some project",
"project_stage": "stage 1",
"iterations": 9001,
"workload_name": "name"
config_parser.load(cfg, "Unit test")
call("assets_repository", "/somewhere/"),
call("logging", "verbose")
], any_order=True)
call("project", "some project"),
call("project_stage", "stage 1")
], any_order=True)
call("iterations", 9001),
call("workload_name", "name"),
call("instrumentation", toggle_set())
], any_order=True)
# Test setting global instruments including a non-conflicting duplicate ("two")
instruments_and_result_processors = {
"instruments": ["one", "two"],
"result_processors": ["two", "three"]
config_parser.load(instruments_and_result_processors, "Unit test")
call("instrumentation", toggle_set(["one", "two", "three"]))
], any_order=True)
# Testing a empty config
config_parser.load({}, "Unit test")
jobs_config.set_global_value.assert_has_calls([], any_order=True)
wa_config.set.assert_has_calls([], any_order=True)
run_config.set.assert_has_calls([], any_order=True)
class TestAgendaParser(TestCase):
# Tests Phase 1 & 2
def test_valid_structures(self):
wa_config = Mock(spec=MetaConfiguration)
wa_config.configuration = MetaConfiguration.configuration
run_config = Mock(spec=RunConfiguration)
run_config.configuration = RunConfiguration.configuration
jobs_config = Mock(spec=JobGenerator)
plugin_cache = Mock(spec=PluginCache)
agenda_parser = AgendaParser(wa_config, run_config, jobs_config, plugin_cache)
msg = 'Error in "Unit Test":\n\tInvalid agenda, top level entry must be a dict'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
agenda_parser.load(123, "Unit Test")
def _test_bad_type(name, source, msg):
error_msg = msg.format(source=source, name=name)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, error_msg):
agenda_parser.load({name: 123}, source)
msg = 'Error in "{source}":\n\tInvalid entry "{name}" - must be a dict'
_test_bad_type("config", "Unit Test", msg)
_test_bad_type("global", "Unit Test", msg)
msg = 'Error in "Unit Test":\n\tInvalid entry "{name}" - must be a list'
_test_bad_type("sections", "Unit Test", msg)
_test_bad_type("workloads", "Unit Test", msg)
msg = 'Error in "Unit Test":\n\tInvalid top level agenda entry\(ies\): "{name}"'
_test_bad_type("not_a_valid_entry", "Unit Test", msg)
# Test Phase 3
def test_id_collection(self):
wa_config = Mock(spec=MetaConfiguration)
wa_config.configuration = MetaConfiguration.configuration
run_config = Mock(spec=RunConfiguration)
run_config.configuration = RunConfiguration.configuration
jobs_config = Mock(spec=JobGenerator)
plugin_cache = Mock(spec=PluginCache)
agenda_parser = AgendaParser(wa_config, run_config, jobs_config, plugin_cache)
agenda = {
"workloads": [
{"id": "test1"},
{"id": "test2"},
"sections": [
{"id": "section1",
"workloads": [
{"id": "section1_workload"}
workloads, sections = agenda_parser.load(agenda, "Unit Test")
assert_equal(sections, set(["section1"]))
assert_equal(workloads, set(["test1", "test2", "section1_workload"]))
# Test Phase 4
def test_id_assignment(self):
wa_config = Mock(spec=MetaConfiguration)
wa_config.configuration = MetaConfiguration.configuration
run_config = Mock(spec=RunConfiguration)
run_config.configuration = RunConfiguration.configuration
jobs_config = Mock(spec=JobGenerator)
plugin_cache = Mock(spec=PluginCache)
agenda_parser = AgendaParser(wa_config, run_config, jobs_config, plugin_cache)
# Helper function
def _assert_ids(ids, expected):
ids_set = set(ids)
assert_equal(len(ids), len(ids_set))
assert_equal(ids_set, set(expected))
def _assert_workloads_sections(jobs_config, expected_sect, expected_wk):
wk_ids = [wk[0][0]['id'] for wk in jobs_config.add_workload.call_args_list]
# section workloads
for s in jobs_config.add_section.call_args_list:
wk_ids += [wk['id'] for wk in s[0][1]]
sec_ids = set([s[0][0]['id'] for s in jobs_config.add_section.call_args_list])
_assert_ids(wk_ids, set(expected_wk))
_assert_ids(sec_ids, set(expected_sect))
def _reset_jobs_config(jobs_config):
# Test auto id assignment
auto_id = {
"workloads": [
{"name": 1},
{"name": 2},
{"name": 3},
"sections": [
{"name": 4,
"workloads": [
{"name": 7},
{"name": 8},
{"name": 9},
{"name": 5},
{"name": 6},
agenda_parser.load(auto_id, "Unit Test")
_assert_workloads_sections(jobs_config, ["s1", "s2", "s3"],
["wk1", "wk2", "wk3", "wk4", "wk5", "wk6"])
# Test user defined IDs
user_ids = {
"workloads": [
{"id": "user1"},
{"name": "autoid1"},
"sections": [
{"id": "user_section1",
"workloads": [
{"name": "autoid2"}
agenda_parser.load(user_ids, "Unit Test")
_assert_workloads_sections(jobs_config, ["user_section1"],
["user1", "wk1", "wk2"])
# Test auto asigned ID already present
used_auto_id = {
"workloads": [
{"id": "wk2"},
{"name": 2},
{"name": 3},
agenda_parser.load(used_auto_id, "Unit Test")
_assert_workloads_sections(jobs_config, [], ["wk1", "wk2", "wk3"])
# Test string workload
string = {
"workloads": [
agenda_parser.load(string, "Unit Test")
workload = jobs_config.add_workload.call_args_list[0][0][0]
assert_equal(isinstance(workload, dict), True)
assert_equal(workload['workload_name'], "test")
class TestCommandLineArgsParser(TestCase):
wa_config = Mock(spec=MetaConfiguration)
run_config = Mock(spec=RunConfiguration)
jobs_config = Mock(spec=JobGenerator)
cmd_args = MagicMock(
instruments_to_disable=["abc", "def", "ghi"],
only_run_ids=["wk1", "s1_wk4"],
CommandLineArgsParser(cmd_args, wa_config, jobs_config)
wa_config.set.assert_has_calls([call("verbosity", 1)], any_order=True)
call(toggle_set(["~abc", "~def", "~ghi"]))
], any_order=True)
jobs_config.only_run_ids.assert_has_calls([call(["wk1", "s1_wk4"])], any_order=True)