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synced 2025-03-22 18:48:38 +00:00
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192 lines
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import os
import re
from wlauto import AndroidUiAutoBenchmark, Parameter, File
class Multiapp(AndroidUiAutoBenchmark):
name = 'multiapp'
googlephotos_package = 'com.google.android.apps.photos'
gmail_package = 'com.google.android.gm'
skype_package = 'com.skype.raider'
# Set default package and activity
package = googlephotos_package
activity = 'com.google.android.apps.photos.home.HomeActivity'
view = [googlephotos_package + '/com.google.android.apps.photos.home.HomeActivity',
googlephotos_package + '/com.google.android.apps.photos.localmedia.ui.LocalPhotosActivity',
googlephotos_package + '/com.google.android.apps.photos.onboarding.AccountPickerActivity',
googlephotos_package + '/com.google.android.apps.photos.onboarding.IntroActivity',
googlephotos_package + '/com.google.android.apps.photos/.share.ShareActivity',
gmail_package + '/com.google.android.gm.ComposeActivityGmail',
skype_package + '/com.skype.android.app.main.SplashActivity',
skype_package + '/com.skype.android.app.signin.SignInActivity',
skype_package + '/com.skype.android.app.signin.UnifiedLandingPageActivity',
skype_package + '/com.skype.raider/com.skype.android.app.contacts.PickerActivity',
skype_package + '/com.skype.android.app.chat.ChatActivity']
instrumentation_log = '{}_instrumentation.log'.format(name)
description = """
Workload to test how responsive a device is when context switching between
appplication tasks. It combines workflows from googlephotos, gmail and
Credentials for the user account used to log into the Skype app have to be provided
in the agenda, as well as the display name of the contact to call.
For reliable testing, this workload requires a good and stable internet connection,
preferably on Wi-Fi.
NOTE: This workload requires two jpeg files to be placed in the
dependencies directory to run.
WARNING: This workload timings are dependent on the time it takes to sync the Gmail.
Although this workload attempts to be network independent it requires a
network connection (ideally, wifi) to run. This is because the welcome
screen UI is dependent on an existing connection.
Test description:
1. Two images are copied to the device
2. Googlephotos is started in offline access mode
3. The first image is selected and shared with Gmail
4. Enter recipient details in the To: field
5. Enter text in the Subject edit box
6. Enter text in the Compose edit box
7. Attach the shared image from Googlephotos to the email
8. Click the Send mail button
9. Return to Googlephotos and login to Skype via share action
10. Return to Googlephotos and share the second image with Skype
11. Select a recipient from the Contacts list
12. The second image is posted to recipient
parameters = [
Parameter('recipient', default='armuxperf@gmail.com', mandatory=False,
The email address of the recipient. Setting a void address
will stop any mesage failures clogging up your device inbox
Parameter('login_name', kind=str, mandatory=True,
Skype account to use when logging into the device
Parameter('login_pass', kind=str, mandatory=True,
description='Skype password associated with the account to log into the device'),
Parameter('contact_name', kind=str, mandatory=True,
description='This is the contact display name as it appears in the people list in Skype'),
Parameter('dumpsys_enabled', kind=bool, default=True,
If ``True``, dumpsys captures will be carried out during the test run.
The output is piped to log files which are then pulled from the phone.
file_prefix = 'wa_test_'
def __init__(self, device, **kwargs):
super(Multiapp, self).__init__(device, **kwargs)
self.output_file = os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, self.instrumentation_log)
def validate(self):
super(Multiapp, self).validate()
self.uiauto_params['recipient'] = self.recipient
self.uiauto_params['dumpsys_enabled'] = self.dumpsys_enabled
self.uiauto_params['output_dir'] = self.device.working_directory
self.uiauto_params['my_id'] = self.login_name
self.uiauto_params['my_pwd'] = self.login_pass
self.uiauto_params['name'] = self.contact_name.replace(' ', '_')
self.uiauto_params['output_file'] = self.output_file
def initialize(self, context):
super(Multiapp, self).initialize(context)
for entry in os.listdir(self.dependencies_directory):
wa_file = ''.join([self.file_prefix, entry])
if entry.endswith(".jpg"):
self.device.push_file(os.path.join(self.dependencies_directory, entry),
os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, wa_file),
# Force a re-index of the mediaserver cache to pick up new files
self.device.execute('am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d file:///sdcard')
def setup(self, context):
super(Multiapp, self).setup(context)
self.launch_main = False
# Use superclass for setup of gmail dependency
self.version = 'Gmail'
self.package = self.gmail_package
self.logger.info('Installing dependency Gmail')
super(Multiapp, self).init_resources(context)
super(Multiapp, self).setup(context)
# Use superclass for setup of skype dependency
self.version = 'Skype'
self.package = self.skype_package
self.logger.info('Installing dependency Skype')
super(Multiapp, self).init_resources(context)
super(Multiapp, self).setup(context)
# Restore default settings
self.package = self.googlephotos_package
self.launch_main = True
super(Multiapp, self).init_resources(context)
def update_result(self, context):
super(Multiapp, self).update_result(context)
self.device.pull_file(self.output_file, context.output_directory)
result_file = os.path.join(context.output_directory, self.instrumentation_log)
with open(result_file, 'r') as wfh:
regex = re.compile(r'(?P<key>\w+)\s+(?P<value1>\d+)\s+(?P<value2>\d+)\s+(?P<value3>\d+)')
for line in wfh:
match = regex.search(line)
if match:
context.result.add_metric((match.group('key') + "_start"),
match.group('value1'), units='ms')
context.result.add_metric((match.group('key') + "_finish"),
match.group('value2'), units='ms')
context.result.add_metric((match.group('key') + "_duration"),
match.group('value3'), units='ms')
def teardown(self, context):
super(Multiapp, self).teardown(context)
# Use superclass for teardown of gmail dependency
self.package = self.gmail_package
super(Multiapp, self).teardown(context)
# Use superclass for teardown of skype dependency
self.package = self.skype_package
super(Multiapp, self).teardown(context)
# Restore default package
self.package = self.googlephotos_package
for file in self.device.listdir(self.device.working_directory):
if file.endswith(".log"):
self.device.pull_file(os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, file), context.output_directory)
self.device.delete_file(os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, file))
def finalize(self, context):
super(Multiapp, self).finalize(context)
for entry in self.device.listdir(self.device.working_directory):
if entry.startswith(self.file_prefix) and entry.endswith(".jpg"):
self.device.delete_file(os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, entry))
# Force a re-index of the mediaserver cache to removed cached files
self.device.execute('am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d file:///sdcard')