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from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from wa.framework.plugin import Plugin
from wa.framework.exception import ConfigError
from devlib.exception import TargetError
from devlib.utils.misc import unique
from devlib.utils.types import integer
class RuntimeConfig(Plugin):
kind = 'runtime-config'
parameters = [
def supported_parameters(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def core_names(self):
return unique(self.target.core_names)
def __init__(self, target, **kwargs):
super(RuntimeConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.target = target
def initialize(self, context):
def add(self, name, value):
raise NotImplementedError()
def validate(self):
return True
def set(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def clear(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class HotplugRuntimeConfig(RuntimeConfig):
##### NOTE: Currently if initialized with cores hotplugged, this will fail when trying to hotplug back in
name = 'rt-hotplug'
def supported_parameters(self):
params = ['cores']
return params
def __init__(self, target):
super(HotplugRuntimeConfig, self).__init__(target)
self.num_cores = defaultdict(dict)
def add(self, name, value):
if not self.target.has('hotplug'):
raise TargetError('Target does not support hotplug.')
core, _ = split_parameter_name(name, self.supported_parameters)
# cpus = cpusFromPrefix(core, self.target)
# core = name.split('_')[0]
value = integer(value)
if core not in self.core_names:
raise ValueError(name)
max_cores = self.core_count(core)
if value > max_cores:
message = 'Cannot set number of {}\'s to {}; max is {}'
raise ValueError(message.format(core, value, max_cores))
self.num_cores[core] = value
if all(v == 0 for v in self.num_cores.values()):
raise ValueError('Cannot set number of all cores to 0')
def set(self):
for c, n in reversed(sorted(self.num_cores.iteritems(),
key=lambda x: x[1])):
self.set_num_online_cpus(c, n)
def clear(self):
self.num_cores = defaultdict(dict)
def set_num_online_cpus(self, core, number):
indexes = [i for i, c in enumerate(self.target.core_names) if c == core]
def core_count(self, core):
return sum(1 for c in self.target.core_names if c == core)
class SysfileValuesRuntimeConfig(RuntimeConfig):
name = 'rt-sysfiles'
def supported_parameters(self):
return ['sysfile_values']
def __init__(self, target):
super(SysfileValuesRuntimeConfig, self).__init__(target)
self.sysfile_values = OrderedDict()
def add(self, name, value):
for f, v in value.iteritems():
if f.endswith('+'):
f = f[:-1]
elif f.endswith('+!'):
f = f[:-2] + '!'
if f.endswith('!'):
self.sysfile_values[f] = v
def set(self):
for f, v in self.sysfile_values.iteritems():
verify = True
if f.endswith('!'):
verify = False
f = f[:-1]
self.target.write_value(f, v, verify=verify)
def clear(self):
self.sysfile_values = OrderedDict()
def _check_exists(self, path):
if not self.target.file_exists(path):
raise ConfigError('Sysfile "{}" does not exist.'.format(path))
class CpufreqRuntimeConfig(RuntimeConfig):
name = 'rt-cpufreq'
def supported_parameters(self):
params = ['frequency']
return params
def __init__(self, target):
super(CpufreqRuntimeConfig, self).__init__(target)
self.config = defaultdict(dict)
self.supports_userspace = None
self.supported_freqs = {}
self.supported_govenors = {}
self.min_supported_freq = {}
self.max_supported_freq = {}
if self.target.has('cpufreq'):
for cpu in self.target.list_online_cpus():
freqs = self.target.cpufreq.list_frequencies(cpu) or []
self.supported_freqs[cpu] = freqs
govs = self.target.cpufreq.list_governors(cpu) or []
self.supported_govenors[cpu] = govs
self.logger.debug('Target does not support cpufreq')
def add(self, name, value):
if not self.target.has('cpufreq'):
raise TargetError('Target does not support cpufreq.')
prefix, parameter = split_parameter_name(name, self.supported_parameters)
# Get list of valid cpus for a given prefix.
cpus = uniqueDomainCpusFromPrefix(prefix, self.target)
for cpu in cpus:
# if cpu not in self.target.list_online_cpus():
# message = 'Unexpected core name "{}"; must be in {}'
# raise ConfigError(message.format(core, self.core_names))
# try:
# cpu = self.target.list_online_cpus(core)[0]
# except IndexError:
# message = 'Cannot retrieve frequencies for {} as no CPUs are online.'
# raise TargetError(message.format(core))
if parameter.endswith('frequency'):
value = integer(value)
except ValueError:
if value.upper() == 'MAX':
value = self.supported_freqs[cpu][-1]
elif value.upper() == 'MIN':
value = self.supported_freqs[cpu][0]
msg = 'Invalid value {} specified for {}'
raise ConfigError(msg.format(value, parameter))
self.config[cpu][parameter] = value
def set(self):
for cpu in self.config:
config = self.config[cpu]
if config.get('governor'):
def clear(self):
self.config = defaultdict(dict)
def validate(self):
for cpu in self.config:
if cpu not in self.target.list_online_cpus():
message = 'Cannot configure frequencies for {} as no CPUs are online.'
raise TargetError(message.format(cpu))
config = self.config[cpu]
minf = config.get('min_frequency')
maxf = config.get('max_frequency')
freq = config.get('frequency')
governor = config.get('governor')
governor_tunables = config.get('governor_tunables')
if maxf and minf > maxf:
message = '{}: min_frequency ({}) cannot be greater than max_frequency ({})'
raise ConfigError(message.format(cpu, minf, maxf))
if maxf and freq > maxf:
message = '{}: cpu frequency ({}) cannot be greater than max_frequency ({})'
raise ConfigError(message.format(cpu, freq, maxf))
if freq and minf > freq:
message = '{}: min_frequency ({}) cannot be greater than cpu frequency ({})'
raise ConfigError(message.format(cpu, minf, freq))
# Check that either userspace governor is available or min and max do not differ to frequency
if 'userspace' not in self.supported_govenors[cpu]:
self.supports_userspace = False
if minf and minf != freq:
message = '{}: "userspace" governor not available, min frequency ({}) cannot be different to frequency {}'
raise ConfigError(message.format(cpu, minf, freq))
if maxf and maxf != freq:
message = '{}: "userspace" governor not available, max frequency ({}) cannot be different to frequency {}'
raise ConfigError(message.format(cpu, maxf, freq))
self.supports_userspace = True
# Check that specified values are available on the cpu
if minf and not minf in self.supported_freqs[cpu]:
msg = '{}: Minimum frequency {}Hz not available. Must be in {}'.format(cpu, minf, self.supported_freqs[cpu])
raise TargetError(msg)
if maxf and not maxf in self.supported_freqs[cpu]:
msg = '{}: Maximum frequency {}Hz not available. Must be in {}'.format(cpu, maxf, self.supported_freqs[cpu])
raise TargetError(msg)
if freq and not freq in self.supported_freqs[cpu]:
msg = '{}: Frequency {}Hz not available. Must be in {}'.format(cpu, freq, self.supported_freqs[cpu])
raise TargetError(msg)
if governor and governor not in self.supported_govenors[cpu]:
raise TargetError('{}: {} governor not available'.format(cpu, governor))
if governor_tunables and not governor:
raise TargetError('{}: {} governor tunables cannot be provided without a governor'.format(cpu, governor))
def configure_frequency(self, cpu, freq=None, min_freq=None, max_freq=None):
if cpu not in self.target.list_online_cpus():
message = 'Cannot configure frequencies for {} as no CPUs are online.'
raise TargetError(message.format(cpu))
current_min_freq = self.target.cpufreq.get_min_frequency(cpu)
current_freq = self.target.cpufreq.get_frequency(cpu)
current_max_freq = self.target.cpufreq.get_max_frequency(cpu)
if freq:
# If 'userspace' governor is not available 'spoof' functionality
if not self.supports_userspace:
min_freq = max_freq = freq
# else: # Find better alternative for this.
# Set min/max frequency if required
# if not min_freq:
# min_freq = self.target.cpufreq.get_min_frequency(cpu)
# if not max_freq:
# max_freq = self.target.cpufreq.get_max_frequency(cpu)
if freq < current_freq:
self.target.cpufreq.set_min_frequency(cpu, min_freq)
if self.supports_userspace:
self.target.cpufreq.set_frequency(cpu, freq)
self.target.cpufreq.set_max_frequency(cpu, max_freq)
self.target.cpufreq.set_max_frequency(cpu, max_freq)
if self.supports_userspace:
self.target.cpufreq.set_frequency(cpu, freq)
self.target.cpufreq.set_min_frequency(cpu, min_freq)
if max_freq:
if max_freq < current_min_freq:
if min_freq:
self.target.cpufreq.set_min_frequency(cpu, min_freq)
self.target.cpufreq.set_max_frequency(cpu, max_freq)
min_freq_set = True
message = '{}: Cannot set max_frequency ({}) below current min frequency ({}).'
raise TargetError(message.format(cpu, max_freq, current_min_freq))
self.target.cpufreq.set_max_frequency(cpu, max_freq)
if min_freq and not min_freq_set:
current_max_freq = max_freq or current_max_freq
if min_freq > current_max_freq:
message = '{}: Cannot set min_frequency ({}) below current max frequency ({}).'
raise TargetError(message.format(cpu, max_freq, current_min_freq))
self.target.cpufreq.set_min_frequency(cpu, min_freq)
def configure_governor(self, cpu, governor, governor_tunables=None):
if cpu not in self.target.list_online_cpus():
message = 'Cannot configure governor for {} as no CPUs are online.'
raise TargetError(message.format(cpu))
# for cpu in self.target.list_online_cpus(cpu): #All cpus or only online?
if governor not in self.supported_govenors[cpu]:
raise TargetError('{}: {} governor not available'.format(cpu, governor))
if governor_tunables:
self.target.cpufreq.set_governor(cpu, governor, **governor_tunables)
self.target.cpufreq.set_governor(cpu, governor)
class CpuidleRuntimeConfig(RuntimeConfig):
name = 'rt-cpuidle'
def supported_parameters(self):
params = ['idle_states']
return params
def __init__(self, target):
super(CpuidleRuntimeConfig, self).__init__(target)
self.config = defaultdict(dict)
self.aliases = ['ENABLE_ALL', 'DISABLE_ALL']
self.available_states = {}
if self.target.has('cpuidle'):
for cpu in self.target.list_online_cpus():
self.available_states[cpu] = self.target.cpuidle.get_states(cpu) or []
self.logger.debug('Target does not support cpuidle.')
def add(self, name, values):
if not self.target.has('cpuidle'):
raise TargetError('Target does not support cpuidle.')
prefix, _ = split_parameter_name(name, self.supported_parameters)
cpus = uniqueDomainCpusFromPrefix(prefix, self.target)
for cpu in cpus:
if values in self.aliases:
self.config[cpu] = [values]
self.config[cpu] = values
def validate(self):
for cpu in self.config:
if cpu not in self.target.list_online_cpus():
message = 'Cannot configure idle states for {} as no CPUs are online.'
raise TargetError(message.format(cpu))
for state in self.config[cpu]:
state = state[1:] if state.startswith('~') else state
# self.available_states.extend(self.aliases)
if state not in self.available_states[cpu] + self.aliases:
message = 'Unexpected idle state "{}"; must be in {}'
raise ConfigError(message.format(state, self.available_states))
def clear(self):
self.config = defaultdict(dict)
def set(self):
for cpu in self.config:
for state in self.config[cpu]:
self.configure_idle_state(state, cpu)
def configure_idle_state(self, state, cpu=None):
if cpu is not None:
if cpu not in self.target.list_online_cpus():
message = 'Cannot configure idle state for {} as no CPUs are online {}.'
raise TargetError(message.format(self.target.core_names[cpu], self.target.list_online_cpus()))
cpu = 0
# Check for aliases
if state == 'ENABLE_ALL':
elif state == 'DISABLE_ALL':
elif state.startswith('~'):
self.target.cpuidle.disable(state[1:], cpu)
self.target.cpuidle.enable(state, cpu)
import re
# Function to return the cpu prefix without the trailing underscore if
# present from a given list of parameters, and its matching parameter
def split_parameter_name(name, params):
for param in sorted(params, key=len)[::-1]: # Try matching longest parameter first
if len(name.split(param)) > 1:
prefix, _ = name.split(param)
return prefix[:-1], param
message = 'Cannot split {}, must in the form [core_]parameter'
raise ConfigError(message.format(name))
def cpusFromPrefix(prefix, target):
# Deal with big little substitution
if prefix.lower() == 'big':
prefix = target.big_core
if not prefix:
raise ConfigError('big core name could not be retrieved')
elif prefix.lower() == 'little':
prefix = target.little_core
if not prefix:
raise ConfigError('little core name could not be retrieved')
cpu_list = target.list_online_cpus() + target.list_offline_cpus()
# Apply to all cpus
if not prefix:
cpus = cpu_list
# Return all cores with specified name
elif prefix in target.core_names:
cpus = target.core_cpus(prefix)
# Check if core number has been supplied.
# core_no = prefix[4]
core_no = re.match('cpu([0-9]+)', prefix, re.IGNORECASE)
if core_no:
cpus = [int(core_no.group(1))]
if cpus[0] not in cpu_list:
message = 'CPU{} is not available, must be in {}'
raise ConfigError(message.format(cpus[0], cpu_list))
message = 'Unexpected core name "{}"'
raise ConfigError(message.format(prefix))
# Should this be applied for everything or just all cpus?
# Make sure not to include any cpus within the same frequency domain
# for cpu in cpus:
# if cpu not in cpus: # Already removed
# continue
# cpus = [c for c in cpus if (c is cpu) or
# (c not in target.cpufreq.get_domain_cpus(cpu))]
# print 'Final results ' + str(cpus)
# return cpus
return cpus
# Function to only return cpus list on different frequency domains.
def uniqueDomainCpusFromPrefix(prefix, target):
cpus = cpusFromPrefix(prefix, target)
for cpu in cpus:
if cpu not in cpus: # Already removed
cpus = [c for c in cpus if (c is cpu) or
(c not in target.cpufreq.get_domain_cpus(cpu))]
return cpus