mirror of https://github.com/ARM-software/workload-automation.git synced 2025-03-25 12:09:06 +00:00
Sebastian Goscik 1bee34e6bc ConfigParser: Added the ability to not wrap exception messages for ConfigParser
Both AgendaParser and ConfigParsers wrap exceptions with a a message
saying what source of configuration caused the exception. AgendaParser
uses ConfigParser within its load method, this leads to the "Error in foo"
message appearing twice. This lets AgendaParser turn of the wrapping
in ConfigParser
2016-09-27 11:38:35 +01:00

309 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright 2015 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from wlauto.exceptions import ConfigError
from wlauto.utils.serializer import read_pod, SerializerSyntaxError
from wlauto.utils.types import toggle_set, counter
from wlauto.core.configuration.configuration import JobSpec
### Helper functions ###
DUPLICATE_ENTRY_ERROR = 'Only one of {} may be specified in a single entry'
def get_aliased_param(cfg_point, d, default=None, pop=True):
Given a ConfigurationPoint and a dict, this function will search the dict for
the ConfigurationPoint's name/aliases. If more than one is found it will raise
a ConfigError. If one (and only one) is found then it will return the value
for the ConfigurationPoint. If the name or aliases are present in the dict it will
return the "default" parameter of this function.
aliases = [cfg_point.name] + cfg_point.aliases
alias_map = [a for a in aliases if a in d]
if len(alias_map) > 1:
raise ConfigError(DUPLICATE_ENTRY_ERROR.format(aliases))
elif alias_map:
if pop:
return d.pop(alias_map[0])
return d[alias_map[0]]
return default
def _load_file(filepath, error_name):
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
raise ValueError("{} does not exist".format(filepath))
raw = read_pod(filepath)
except SerializerSyntaxError as e:
raise ConfigError('Error parsing {} {}: {}'.format(error_name, filepath, e))
if not isinstance(raw, dict):
message = '{} does not contain a valid {} structure; top level must be a dict.'
raise ConfigError(message.format(filepath, error_name))
return raw
def merge_result_processors_instruments(raw):
instruments = toggle_set(get_aliased_param(JobSpec.configuration['instrumentation'],
raw, default=[]))
result_processors = toggle_set(raw.pop('result_processors', []))
if instruments and result_processors:
conflicts = instruments.conflicts_with(result_processors)
if conflicts:
msg = '"instrumentation" and "result_processors" have conflicting entries: {}'
entires = ', '.join('"{}"'.format(c.strip("~")) for c in conflicts)
raise ConfigError(msg.format(entires))
raw['instrumentation'] = instruments.merge_with(result_processors)
def _construct_valid_entry(raw, seen_ids, counter_name, jobs_config):
entries = {}
# Generate an automatic ID if the entry doesn't already have one
if "id" not in raw:
while True:
new_id = "{}{}".format(counter_name, counter(name=counter_name))
if new_id not in seen_ids:
entries["id"] = new_id
entries["id"] = raw.pop("id")
# Process instrumentation
# Validate all entries
for name, cfg_point in JobSpec.configuration.iteritems():
value = get_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
if value is not None:
value = cfg_point.kind(value)
cfg_point.validate_value(name, value)
entries[name] = value
entries["workload_parameters"] = raw.pop("workload_parameters", None)
entries["runtime_parameters"] = raw.pop("runtime_parameters", None)
entries["boot_parameters"] = raw.pop("boot_parameters", None)
if "instrumentation" in entries:
# error if there are unknown entries
if raw:
msg = 'Invalid entry(ies) in "{}": "{}"'
raise ConfigError(msg.format(entries['id'], ', '.join(raw.keys())))
return entries
def _collect_valid_id(entry_id, seen_ids, entry_type):
if entry_id is None:
if entry_id in seen_ids:
raise ConfigError('Duplicate {} ID "{}".'.format(entry_type, entry_id))
# "-" is reserved for joining section and workload IDs
if "-" in entry_id:
msg = 'Invalid {} ID "{}"; IDs cannot contain a "-"'
raise ConfigError(msg.format(entry_type, entry_id))
if entry_id == "global":
msg = 'Invalid {} ID "global"; is a reserved ID'
raise ConfigError(msg.format(entry_type))
def _resolve_params_alias(entry, param_alias):
possible_names = {"params", "{}_params".format(param_alias), "{}_parameters".format(param_alias)}
duplicate_entries = possible_names.intersection(set(entry.keys()))
if len(duplicate_entries) > 1:
raise ConfigError(DUPLICATE_ENTRY_ERROR.format(list(possible_names)))
for name in duplicate_entries:
entry["{}_parameters".format(param_alias)] = entry.pop(name)
def _get_workload_entry(workload):
if isinstance(workload, basestring):
workload = {'name': workload}
elif not isinstance(workload, dict):
raise ConfigError('Invalid workload entry: "{}"')
return workload
def _process_workload_entry(workload, seen_workload_ids, jobs_config):
workload = _get_workload_entry(workload)
_resolve_params_alias(workload, "workload")
workload = _construct_valid_entry(workload, seen_workload_ids, "wk", jobs_config)
return workload
### Parsers ###
class ConfigParser(object):
def __init__(self, wa_config, run_config, jobs_config, plugin_cache):
self.wa_config = wa_config
self.run_config = run_config
self.jobs_config = jobs_config
self.plugin_cache = plugin_cache
def load_from_path(self, filepath):
self.load(_load_file(filepath, "Config"), filepath)
def load(self, raw, source, wrap_exceptions=True): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
if 'run_name' in raw:
msg = '"run_name" can only be specified in the config section of an agenda'
raise ConfigError(msg)
if 'id' in raw:
raise ConfigError('"id" cannot be set globally')
# Get WA core configuration
for cfg_point in self.wa_config.configuration.itervalues():
value = get_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
if value is not None:
self.wa_config.set(cfg_point.name, value)
# Get run specific configuration
for cfg_point in self.run_config.configuration.itervalues():
value = get_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
if value is not None:
self.run_config.set(cfg_point.name, value)
# Get global job spec configuration
for cfg_point in JobSpec.configuration.itervalues():
value = get_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
if value is not None:
self.jobs_config.set_global_value(cfg_point.name, value)
for name, values in raw.iteritems():
# Assume that all leftover config is for a plug-in or a global
# alias it is up to PluginCache to assert this assumption
self.plugin_cache.add_configs(name, values, source)
except ConfigError as e:
if wrap_exceptions:
raise ConfigError('Error in "{}":\n{}'.format(source, str(e)))
raise e
class AgendaParser(object):
def __init__(self, wa_config, run_config, jobs_config, plugin_cache):
self.wa_config = wa_config
self.run_config = run_config
self.jobs_config = jobs_config
self.plugin_cache = plugin_cache
def load_from_path(self, filepath):
raw = _load_file(filepath, 'Agenda')
self.load(raw, filepath)
def load(self, raw, source): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-locals
if not isinstance(raw, dict):
raise ConfigError('Invalid agenda, top level entry must be a dict')
# PHASE 1: Populate and validate configuration.
for name in ['config', 'global']:
entry = raw.pop(name, {})
if not isinstance(entry, dict):
raise ConfigError('Invalid entry "{}" - must be a dict'.format(name))
if 'run_name' in entry:
self.run_config.set('run_name', entry.pop('run_name'))
config_parser = ConfigParser(self.wa_config, self.run_config,
self.jobs_config, self.plugin_cache)
config_parser.load(entry, source, wrap_exceptions=False)
# PHASE 2: Getting "section" and "workload" entries.
sections = raw.pop("sections", [])
if not isinstance(sections, list):
raise ConfigError('Invalid entry "sections" - must be a list')
global_workloads = raw.pop("workloads", [])
if not isinstance(global_workloads, list):
raise ConfigError('Invalid entry "workloads" - must be a list')
if raw:
msg = 'Invalid top level agenda entry(ies): "{}"'
raise ConfigError(msg.format('", "'.join(raw.keys())))
# PHASE 3: Collecting existing workload and section IDs
seen_section_ids = set()
seen_workload_ids = set()
for workload in global_workloads:
workload = _get_workload_entry(workload)
_collect_valid_id(workload.get("id"), seen_workload_ids, "workload")
for section in sections:
_collect_valid_id(section.get("id"), seen_section_ids, "section")
for workload in section["workloads"] if "workloads" in section else []:
workload = _get_workload_entry(workload)
_collect_valid_id(workload.get("id"), seen_workload_ids, "workload")
# PHASE 4: Assigning IDs and validating entries
# TODO: Error handling for workload errors vs section errors ect
for workload in global_workloads:
for section in sections:
workloads = []
for workload in section.pop("workloads", []):
_resolve_params_alias(section, seen_section_ids)
section = _construct_valid_entry(section, seen_section_ids, "s", self.jobs_config)
self.jobs_config.add_section(section, workloads)
return seen_workload_ids, seen_section_ids
except (ConfigError, SerializerSyntaxError) as e:
raise ConfigError('Error in "{}":\n\t{}'.format(source, str(e)))
class EnvironmentVarsParser(object):
def __init__(self, wa_config, environ):
user_directory = environ.pop('WA_USER_DIRECTORY', '')
if user_directory:
wa_config.set('user_directory', user_directory)
plugin_paths = environ.pop('WA_PLUGIN_PATHS', '')
if plugin_paths:
wa_config.set('plugin_paths', plugin_paths.split(os.pathsep))
ext_paths = environ.pop('WA_EXTENSION_PATHS', '')
if ext_paths:
wa_config.set('plugin_paths', ext_paths.split(os.pathsep))
# Command line options are parsed in the "run" command. This is used to send
# certain arguments to the correct configuration points and keep a record of
# how WA was invoked
class CommandLineArgsParser(object):
def __init__(self, cmd_args, wa_config, jobs_config):
wa_config.set("verbosity", cmd_args.verbosity)
# TODO: Is this correct? Does there need to be a third output dir param
disabled_instruments = toggle_set(["~{}".format(i) for i in cmd_args.instruments_to_disable])