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synced 2025-03-23 02:58:35 +00:00
The begining and end of recording timestamps are now stored as part of the recording. This allows to correctly replay recordings where the first event occurs some time after the recording started, or the last event some time before recording ended. Add pre-built revent binaries for the armeabi and arm64 architectures.
297 lines
9.9 KiB
297 lines
9.9 KiB
# Copyright 2016 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
import os
import struct
import signal
from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
from wa.framework.resource import Executable, NO_ONE, ResourceResolver
u16_struct = struct.Struct('<H')
u32_struct = struct.Struct('<I')
u64_struct = struct.Struct('<Q')
# See revent section in WA documentation for the detailed description of
# the recording format.
header_one_struct = struct.Struct('<6sH')
header_two_struct = struct.Struct('<H6x') # version 2 onwards
devid_struct = struct.Struct('<4H')
devinfo_struct = struct.Struct('<4s96s96s96sI')
absinfo_struct = struct.Struct('<7i')
event_struct = struct.Struct('<HqqHHi')
old_event_struct = struct.Struct("<i4xqqHHi") # prior to version 2
def read_struct(fh, struct_spec):
data = fh.read(struct_spec.size)
return struct_spec.unpack(data)
def read_string(fh):
length, = read_struct(fh, u32_struct)
str_struct = struct.Struct('<{}s'.format(length))
return read_struct(fh, str_struct)[0]
def count_bits(bitarr):
return sum(bin(b).count('1') for b in bitarr)
def is_set(bitarr, bit):
byte = bit // 8
bytebit = bit % 8
return bitarr[byte] & bytebit
absinfo = namedtuple('absinfo', 'ev_code value min max fuzz flat resolution')
class UinputDeviceInfo(object):
def __init__(self, fh):
parts = read_struct(fh, devid_struct)
self.bustype = parts[0]
self.vendor = parts[1]
self.product = parts[2]
self.version = parts[3]
self.name = read_string(fh)
parts = read_struct(fh, devinfo_struct)
self.ev_bits = bytearray(parts[0])
self.key_bits = bytearray(parts[1])
self.rel_bits = bytearray(parts[2])
self.abs_bits = bytearray(parts[3])
self.num_absinfo = parts[4]
self.absinfo = [absinfo(*read_struct(fh, absinfo_struct))
for _ in xrange(self.num_absinfo)]
def __str__(self):
return 'UInputInfo({})'.format(self.__dict__)
class ReventEvent(object):
def __init__(self, fh, legacy=False):
if not legacy:
dev_id, ts_sec, ts_usec, type_, code, value = read_struct(fh, event_struct)
dev_id, ts_sec, ts_usec, type_, code, value = read_struct(fh, old_event_struct)
self.device_id = dev_id
self.time = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_sec + float(ts_usec) / 1000000)
self.type = type_
self.code = code
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return 'InputEvent({})'.format(self.__dict__)
class ReventRecording(object):
Represents a parsed revent recording. This contains input events and device
descriptions recorded by revent. Two parsing modes are supported. By
default, the recording will be parsed in the "streaming" mode. In this
mode, initial headers and device descritions are parsed on creation and an
open file handle to the recording is saved. Events will be read from the
file as they are being iterated over. In this mode, the entire recording is
never loaded into memory at once. The underlying file may be "released" by
calling ``close`` on the recroding, after which further iteration over the
events will not be possible (but would still be possible to access the file
description and header information).
The alternative is to load the entire recording on creation (in which case
the file handle will be closed once the recroding is loaded). This can be
enabled by specifying ``streaming=False``. This will make it faster to
subsequently iterate over the events, and also will not "hold" the file
.. note:: When starting a new iteration over the events in streaming mode,
the postion in the open file will be automatically reset to the
beginning of the event stream. This means it's possible to iterate
over the events multiple times without having to re-open the
recording, however it is not possible to do so in parallel. If
parallel iteration is required, streaming should be disabled.
def duration(self):
if self._duration is None:
if self.stream:
events = self._iter_events()
first = last = events.next()
except StopIteration:
self._duration = 0
for last in events:
self._duration = (last.time - first.time).total_seconds()
else: # not streaming
if not self._events:
self._duration = 0
self._duration = (self._events[-1].time -
return self._duration
def events(self):
if self.stream:
return self._iter_events()
return self._events
def __init__(self, f, stream=True):
self.device_paths = []
self.gamepad_device = None
self.num_events = None
self.stream = stream
self._events = None
self._close_when_done = False
self._events_start = None
self._duration = None
if hasattr(f, 'name'): # file-like object
self.filepath = f.name
self.fh = f
else: # path to file
self.filepath = f
self.fh = open(self.filepath, 'rb')
if not self.stream:
self._close_when_done = True
self._events_start = self.fh.tell()
if not self.stream:
self._events = [e for e in self._iter_events()]
if self._close_when_done:
def close(self):
if self.fh is not None:
self.fh = None
self._events_start = None
def _parse_header_and_devices(self, fh):
magic, version = read_struct(fh, header_one_struct)
if magic != 'REVENT':
msg = '{} does not appear to be an revent recording'
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.filepath))
self.version = version
if 3 >= self.version >= 2:
self.mode, = read_struct(fh, header_two_struct)
if self.mode == GENERAL_MODE:
elif self.mode == GAMEPAD_MODE:
raise ValueError('Unexpected recording mode: {}'.format(self.mode))
self.num_events, = read_struct(fh, u64_struct)
if self.version > 2:
ts_sec = read_struct(fh, u64_struct)
ts_usec = read_struct(fh, u64_struct)
self.start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_sec + float(ts_usec) / 1000000)
ts_sec = read_struct(fh, u64_struct)
ts_usec = read_struct(fh, u64_struct)
self.end_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_sec + float(ts_usec) / 1000000)
elif 2 > self.version >= 0:
self.mode = GENERAL_MODE
raise ValueError('Invalid recording version: {}'.format(self.version))
def _read_devices(self, fh):
num_devices, = read_struct(fh, u32_struct)
for _ in xrange(num_devices):
def _read_gamepad_info(self, fh):
self.gamepad_device = UinputDeviceInfo(fh)
def _iter_events(self):
if self.fh is None:
msg = 'Attempting to iterate over events of a closed recording'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if self.version >= 2:
for _ in xrange(self.num_events):
yield ReventEvent(self.fh)
file_size = os.path.getsize(self.filepath)
while self.fh.tell() < file_size:
yield ReventEvent(self.fh, legacy=True)
def __iter__(self):
for event in self.events:
yield event
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def __del__(self):
def get_revent_binary(abi):
resolver = ResourceResolver()
resource = Executable(NO_ONE, abi, 'revent')
return resolver.get(resource)
class ReventRecorder(object):
def __init__(self, target):
self.target = target
self.executable = self.target.get_installed('revent')
def deploy(self):
if not self.executable:
host_executable = get_revent_binary(self.target.abi)
self.executable = self.target.install(host_executable)
def remove(self):
if self.executable:
def start_record(self, revent_file):
command = '{} record -s {}'.format(self.executable, revent_file)
self.target.kick_off(command, self.target.is_rooted)
def stop_record(self):
self.target.killall('revent', signal.SIGINT, as_root=self.target.is_rooted)
def replay(self, revent_file, timeout=None):
command = "{} replay {}".format(self.executable, revent_file)
self.target.execute(command, timeout=timeout)