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# pylint: disable=R0201
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from unittest import TestCase
from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_is
from mock.mock import Mock
from wlauto.exceptions import ConfigError
from wlauto.core.configuration.tree import SectionNode
from wlauto.core.configuration.configuration import (ConfigurationPoint,
from wlauto.core.configuration.plugin_cache import PluginCache, GENERIC_CONFIGS
from wlauto.utils.types import obj_dict
# A1
# / \
# B1 B2
# / \ / \
# C1 C2 C3 C4
# \
# D1
a1 = SectionNode({"id": "A1"})
b1 = a1.add_section({"id": "B1"})
b2 = a1.add_section({"id": "B2"})
c1 = b1.add_section({"id": "C1"})
c2 = b1.add_section({"id": "C2"})
c3 = b2.add_section({"id": "C3"})
c4 = b2.add_section({"id": "C4"})
d1 = c2.add_section({"id": "D1"})
"device_config": {
"a": {
"test3": ["there"],
"test5": [5, 4, 3],
"b": {
"test4": 1234,
"some_device": {
"a": {
"test3": ["how are"],
"test2": "MANDATORY",
"b": {
"test3": ["you?"],
"test5": [1, 2, 3],
def _construct_mock_plugin_cache(values=None):
if values is None:
values = deepcopy(DEFAULT_PLUGIN_CONFIG)
plugin_cache = Mock(spec=PluginCache)
plugin_cache.sources = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
def get_plugin_config(plugin_name):
return values[plugin_name]
plugin_cache.get_plugin_config.side_effect = get_plugin_config
def get_plugin_parameters(_):
return TestConfiguration.configuration
plugin_cache.get_plugin_parameters.side_effect = get_plugin_parameters
return plugin_cache
class TreeTest(TestCase):
def test_node(self):
node = SectionNode(1)
assert_equal(node.config, 1)
assert_is(node.parent, None)
assert_equal(node.workload_entries, [])
assert_equal(node.children, [])
def test_add_workload(self):
node = SectionNode(1)
assert_equal(len(node.workload_entries), 1)
wk = node.workload_entries[0]
assert_equal(wk.config, 2)
assert_is(wk.parent, node)
def test_add_section(self):
node = SectionNode(1)
new_node = node.add_section(2)
assert_equal(len(node.children), 1)
assert_is(node.children[0], new_node)
assert_is(new_node.parent, node)
assert_equal(node.is_leaf, False)
assert_equal(new_node.is_leaf, True)
def test_descendants(self):
for got, expected in zip(b1.descendants(), [c1, d1, c2]):
assert_equal(got.config, expected.config)
for got, expected in zip(a1.descendants(), [c1, d1, c2, b1, c3, c4, b2]):
assert_equal(got.config, expected.config)
def test_ancestors(self):
for got, expected in zip(d1.ancestors(), [c2, b1, a1]):
assert_equal(got.config, expected.config)
for _ in a1.ancestors():
raise Exception("A1 is the root, it shouldn't have ancestors")
def test_leaves(self):
for got, expected in zip(a1.leaves(), [c1, d1, c3, c4]):
assert_equal(got.config, expected.config)
for got, expected in zip(d1.leaves(), [d1]):
assert_equal(got.config, expected.config)
def test_source_name(self):
assert_equal(a1.name, 'section "A1"')
global_section = SectionNode({"id": "global"})
assert_equal(global_section.name, "globally specified configuration")
a1.add_workload({'id': 'wk1'})
assert_equal(a1.workload_entries[0].name, 'workload "wk1" from section "A1"')
global_section.add_workload({'id': 'wk2'})
assert_equal(global_section.workload_entries[0].name, 'workload "wk2"')
class ConfigurationPointTest(TestCase):
def test_match(self):
cp1 = ConfigurationPoint("test1", aliases=["foo", "bar"])
cp2 = ConfigurationPoint("test2", aliases=["fizz", "buzz"])
assert_equal(cp1.match("test1"), True)
assert_equal(cp1.match("foo"), True)
assert_equal(cp1.match("bar"), True)
assert_equal(cp1.match("fizz"), False)
assert_equal(cp1.match("NOT VALID"), False)
assert_equal(cp2.match("test2"), True)
assert_equal(cp2.match("fizz"), True)
assert_equal(cp2.match("buzz"), True)
assert_equal(cp2.match("foo"), False)
assert_equal(cp2.match("NOT VALID"), False)
def test_set_value(self):
cp1 = ConfigurationPoint("test", default="hello")
cp2 = ConfigurationPoint("test", mandatory=True)
cp3 = ConfigurationPoint("test", mandatory=True, default="Hello")
cp4 = ConfigurationPoint("test", default=["hello"], merge=True, kind=list)
cp5 = ConfigurationPoint("test", kind=int)
cp6 = ConfigurationPoint("test5", kind=list, allowed_values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
mock = Mock()
mock.name = "ConfigurationPoint Unit Test"
# Testing defaults and basic functionality
assert_equal(mock.test, "hello")
cp1.set_value(mock, value="there")
assert_equal(mock.test, "there")
# Testing mandatory flag
err_msg = 'No values specified for mandatory parameter "test" in ' \
'ConfigurationPoint Unit Test'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, err_msg):
cp3.set_value(mock) # Should ignore mandatory
assert_equal(mock.test, "Hello")
# Testing Merging - not in depth that is done in the unit test for merge_config
cp4.set_value(mock, value=["there"])
assert_equal(mock.test, ["Hello", "there"])
# Testing type conversion
cp5.set_value(mock, value="100")
assert_equal(isinstance(mock.test, int), True)
msg = 'Bad value "abc" for test; must be an integer'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
cp5.set_value(mock, value="abc")
# Testing that validation is not called when no value is set
# if it is it will error because it cannot iterate over None
def test_validation(self):
#Test invalid default
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
# pylint: disable=W0612
bad_cp = ConfigurationPoint("test", allowed_values=[1], default=100)
def is_even(value):
if value % 2:
return False
return True
cp1 = ConfigurationPoint("test", kind=int, allowed_values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
cp2 = ConfigurationPoint("test", kind=list, allowed_values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
cp3 = ConfigurationPoint("test", kind=int, constraint=is_even)
cp4 = ConfigurationPoint("test", kind=list, mandatory=True, allowed_values=[1, 99])
mock = obj_dict()
mock.name = "ConfigurationPoint Validation Unit Test"
# Test allowed values
cp1.validate_value(mock.name, 1)
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
cp1.validate_value(mock.name, 100)
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
cp1.validate_value(mock.name, [1, 2, 3])
# Test allowed values for lists
cp2.validate_value(mock.name, [1, 2, 3])
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
cp2.validate_value(mock.name, [1, 2, 100])
# Test constraints
cp3.validate_value(mock.name, 2)
cp3.validate_value(mock.name, 4)
cp3.validate_value(mock.name, 6)
msg = '"3" failed constraint validation for "test" in "ConfigurationPoint' \
' Validation Unit Test".'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
cp3.validate_value(mock.name, 3)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
ConfigurationPoint("test", constraint=100)
# Test "validate" methods
mock.test = None
# Mandatory config point not set
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
cp1.validate(mock) # cp1 doesnt have mandatory set
cp4.set_value(mock, value=[99])
def test_get_type_name(self):
def dummy():
types = [str, list, int, dummy]
names = ["str", "list", "integer", "dummy"]
for kind, name in zip(types, names):
cp = ConfigurationPoint("test", kind=kind)
assert_equal(get_type_name(cp.kind), name)
# Subclass to add some config points for use in testing
class TestConfiguration(Configuration):
name = "Test Config"
__configuration = [
ConfigurationPoint("test1", default="hello"),
ConfigurationPoint("test2", mandatory=True),
ConfigurationPoint("test3", default=["hello"], merge=True, kind=list),
ConfigurationPoint("test4", kind=int, default=123),
ConfigurationPoint("test5", kind=list, allowed_values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
configuration = {cp.name: cp for cp in __configuration}
class ConfigurationTest(TestCase):
def test_merge_using_priority_specificity(self):
# Test good configs
plugin_cache = _construct_mock_plugin_cache()
expected_result = {
"test1": "hello",
"test2": "MANDATORY",
"test3": ["hello", "there", "how are", "you?"],
"test4": 1234,
"test5": [1, 2, 3],
result = merge_using_priority_specificity("device_config", "some_device", plugin_cache)
assert_equal(result, expected_result)
# Test missing mandatory parameter
plugin_cache = _construct_mock_plugin_cache(values={
"device_config": {
"a": {
"test1": "abc",
"some_device": {
"b": {
"test5": [1, 2, 3],
msg = 'No value specified for mandatory parameter "test2" in some_device.'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
merge_using_priority_specificity("device_config", "some_device", plugin_cache)
# Test conflict
plugin_cache = _construct_mock_plugin_cache(values={
"device_config": {
"e": {
"some_device": {
'a': {
'test2': "CONFLICT1"
'b': {
'test2': "CONFLICT2"
'c': {
'test2': "CONFLICT3"
msg = ('Error in "e":\n'
'\t"device_config" configuration "test2" has already been specified more specifically for some_device in:\n'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
merge_using_priority_specificity("device_config", "some_device", plugin_cache)
# Test invalid entries
plugin_cache = _construct_mock_plugin_cache(values={
"device_config": {
"a": {
"NOT_A_CFG_POINT": "nope"
"some_device": {}
msg = ('Error in "a":\n\t'
'Invalid entry\(ies\) for "some_device" in "device_config": "NOT_A_CFG_POINT"')
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
merge_using_priority_specificity("device_config", "some_device", plugin_cache)
plugin_cache = _construct_mock_plugin_cache(values={
"some_device": {
"a": {
"NOT_A_CFG_POINT": "nope"
"device_config": {}
msg = ('Error in "a":\n\t'
'Invalid entry\(ies\) for "some_device": "NOT_A_CFG_POINT"')
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
merge_using_priority_specificity("device_config", "some_device", plugin_cache)
# pylint: disable=no-member
def test_configuration(self):
# Test loading defaults
cfg = TestConfiguration()
expected = {
"test1": "hello",
"test3": ["hello"],
"test4": 123,
assert_equal(cfg.to_pod(), expected)
# If a cfg point is not set an attribute with value None should still be created
assert_is(cfg.test2, None)
assert_is(cfg.test5, None)
# Testing set
# Good value
cfg.set("test1", "there")
assert_equal(cfg.test1, "there") # pylint: disable=E1101
# Unknown value
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, 'Unknown Test Config configuration "nope"'):
cfg.set("nope", 123)
# check_mandatory
with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
cfg.set("test2", value=None)
cfg.set("test2", value=None, check_mandatory=False)
# parameter constraints are tested in the ConfigurationPoint unit test
# since this just calls through to `ConfigurationPoint.set_value`
# Test validation
msg = 'No value specified for mandatory parameter "test2" in Test Config'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
cfg.set("test2", 1)
# Testing setting values from a dict
new_values = {
"test1": "This",
"test2": "is",
"test3": ["a"],
"test4": 7357,
"test5": [5],
new_values["test3"] = ["hello", "a"] # This cfg point has merge == True
for k, v in new_values.iteritems():
assert_equal(getattr(cfg, k), v)
#Testing podding
pod = cfg.to_pod()
new_pod = TestConfiguration.from_pod(copy(pod), None).to_pod()
assert_equal(pod, new_pod)
#invalid pod entry
pod = {'invalid_entry': "nope"}
msg = 'Invalid entry\(ies\) for "Test Config": "invalid_entry"'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
TestConfiguration.from_pod(pod, None)
#failed pod validation
pod = {"test1": "testing"}
msg = 'No value specified for mandatory parameter "test2" in Test Config.'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
TestConfiguration.from_pod(pod, None)
def test_run_configuration(self):
plugin_cache = _construct_mock_plugin_cache()
# Test `merge_device_config``
run_config = RunConfiguration()
run_config.set("device", "some_device")
# Test `to_pod`
expected_pod = {
"device": "some_device",
"device_config": {
"test1": "hello",
"test2": "MANDATORY",
"test3": ["hello", "there", "how are", "you?"],
"test4": 1234,
"test5": [1, 2, 3],
"execution_order": "by_iteration",
"reboot_policy": "as_needed",
"retry_on_status": ['FAILED', 'PARTIAL'],
"max_retries": 3,
pod = run_config.to_pod()
assert_equal(pod, expected_pod)
# Test to_pod > from_pod
new_pod = RunConfiguration.from_pod(copy(pod), plugin_cache).to_pod()
assert_equal(pod, new_pod)
# from_pod with invalid device_config
pod['device_config']['invalid_entry'] = "nope"
msg = 'Invalid entry "invalid_entry" for device "some_device".'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
RunConfiguration.from_pod(copy(pod), plugin_cache)
# from_pod with no device_config
msg = 'No value specified for mandatory parameter "device_config".'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
RunConfiguration.from_pod(copy(pod), plugin_cache)
def test_generate_job_spec(self):
class PluginCacheTest(TestCase):
param1 = ConfigurationPoint("param1", aliases="test_global_alias")
param2 = ConfigurationPoint("param2", aliases="some_other_alias")
param3 = ConfigurationPoint("param3")
plugin1 = obj_dict(values={
"name": "plugin 1",
"parameters": [
plugin2 = obj_dict(values={
"name": "plugin 2",
"parameters": [
def get_plugin(self, name):
if name == "plugin 1":
return self.plugin1
if name == "plugin 2":
return self.plugin2
def has_plugin(self, name):
return name in ["plugin 1", "plugin 2"]
def make_mock_cache(self):
mock_loader = Mock()
mock_loader.get_plugin_class.side_effect = self.get_plugin
mock_loader.list_plugins = Mock(return_value=[self.plugin1, self.plugin2])
mock_loader.has_plugin.side_effect = self.has_plugin
return PluginCache(loader=mock_loader)
def test_get_params(self):
plugin_cache = self.make_mock_cache()
expected_params = {
self.param1.name: self.param1,
self.param2.name: self.param2,
assert_equal(expected_params, plugin_cache.get_plugin_parameters("plugin 1"))
def test_global_aliases(self):
plugin_cache = self.make_mock_cache()
# Check the alias map
expected_map = {
"plugin 1": {
self.param1.aliases: self.param1,
self.param2.aliases: self.param2,
"plugin 2": {
self.param1.aliases: self.param1,
expected_set = set(["test_global_alias", "some_other_alias"])
assert_equal(expected_map, plugin_cache._global_alias_map)
assert_equal(expected_set, plugin_cache._list_of_global_aliases)
assert_equal(True, plugin_cache.is_global_alias("test_global_alias"))
assert_equal(False, plugin_cache.is_global_alias("not_a_global_alias"))
# Error when adding to unknown source
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
plugin_cache.add_global_alias("adding", "too", "early")
# Test adding sources
for x in xrange(5):
assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], plugin_cache.sources)
# Error when adding non plugin/global alias/generic
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
plugin_cache.add_global_alias("unknow_alias", "some_value", 0)
# Test adding global alias values
plugin_cache.add_global_alias("test_global_alias", "some_value", 0)
expected_aliases = {"test_global_alias": {0: "some_value"}}
assert_equal(expected_aliases, plugin_cache.global_alias_values)
def test_add_config(self):
plugin_cache = self.make_mock_cache()
# Test adding sources
for x in xrange(5):
assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], plugin_cache.sources)
# Test adding plugin config
plugin_cache.add_config("plugin 1", "param1", "some_other_value", 0)
expected_plugin_config = {"plugin 1": {0: {"param1": "some_other_value"}}}
assert_equal(expected_plugin_config, plugin_cache.plugin_configs)
# Test adding generic config
for name in GENERIC_CONFIGS:
plugin_cache.add_config(name, "param1", "some_value", 0)
expected_plugin_config[name] = {}
expected_plugin_config[name][0] = {"param1": "some_value"}
assert_equal(expected_plugin_config, plugin_cache.plugin_configs)
def test_get_plugin_config(self):
plugin_cache = self.make_mock_cache()
for x in xrange(5):
# Add some global aliases
plugin_cache.add_global_alias("test_global_alias", "1", 0)
plugin_cache.add_global_alias("test_global_alias", "2", 4)
plugin_cache.add_global_alias("test_global_alias", "3", 3)
# Test if they are being merged in source order
expected_config = {
"param1": "2",
"param2": None,
assert_equal(expected_config, plugin_cache.get_plugin_config("plugin 1"))
# Add some plugin specific config
plugin_cache.add_config("plugin 1", "param1", "3", 0)
plugin_cache.add_config("plugin 1", "param1", "4", 2)
plugin_cache.add_config("plugin 1", "param1", "5", 1)
# Test if they are being merged in source order on top of the global aliases
expected_config = {
"param1": "4",
"param2": None,
assert_equal(expected_config, plugin_cache.get_plugin_config("plugin 1"))
def test_merge_using_priority_specificity(self):
plugin_cache = self.make_mock_cache()
for x in xrange(5):
# Add generic configs
plugin_cache.add_config("device_config", "param1", '1', 1)
plugin_cache.add_config("device_config", "param1", '2', 2)
assert_equal(plugin_cache.get_plugin_config("plugin 1", generic_name="device_config"),
{"param1": '2', "param2": None})
# Add specific configs at same level as generic config
plugin_cache.add_config("plugin 1", "param1", '3', 2)
assert_equal(plugin_cache.get_plugin_config("plugin 1", generic_name="device_config"),
{"param1": '3', "param2": None})
# Add specific config at higher level
plugin_cache.add_config("plugin 1", "param1", '4', 3)
assert_equal(plugin_cache.get_plugin_config("plugin 1", generic_name="device_config"),
{"param1": '4', "param2": None})
# Add generic config at higher level - should be an error
plugin_cache.add_config("device_config", "param1", '5', 4)
msg = 'Error in "4":\n' \
'\t"device_config" configuration "param1" has already been specified' \
' more specifically for plugin 1 in:\n' \
'\t\t2, 3'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, msg):
plugin_cache.get_plugin_config("plugin 1", generic_name="device_config")