mirror of https://github.com/ARM-software/workload-automation.git synced 2024-10-06 10:51:13 +01:00
2017-02-21 15:02:28 +00:00

370 lines
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import os
import logging
import shutil
import random
from copy import copy
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from wa.framework import pluginloader, signal, log
from wa.framework.run import Runner, RunnerJob
from wa.framework.output import RunOutput
from wa.framework.actor import JobActor
from wa.framework.resource import ResourceResolver
from wa.framework.exception import ConfigError, NotFoundError
from wa.framework.configuration import ConfigurationPoint, PluginConfiguration, WA_CONFIGURATION
from wa.utils.serializer import read_pod
from wa.utils.misc import ensure_directory_exists as _d, Namespace
from wa.utils.types import list_of, identifier, caseless_string
__all__ = [
class Executor(object):
def __init__(self, output):
self.output = output
self.config = ExecutionRunConfiguration()
self.agenda_string = None
self.agenda = None
self.jobs = None
self.container = None
self.target = None
def load_config(self, filepath):
def load_agenda(self, agenda_string):
if self.agenda:
raise RuntimeError('Only one agenda may be loaded per run.')
self.agenda_string = agenda_string
if os.path.isfile(agenda_string):
self.logger.debug('Loading agenda from {}'.format(agenda_string))
self.agenda = Agenda(agenda_string)
shutil.copy(agenda_string, self.output.config_directory)
self.logger.debug('"{}" is not a file; assuming workload name.'.format(agenda_string))
self.agenda = Agenda()
def disable_instrument(self, name):
if not self.agenda:
raise RuntimeError('initialize() must be invoked before disable_instrument()')
def initialize(self):
if not self.agenda:
raise RuntimeError('No agenda has been loaded.')
def execute(self, selectors=None):
def finalize(self):
def _initialize_target(self):
def _initialize_job_config(self):
for tup in agenda_iterator(self.agenda, self.config.execution_order):
glob, sect, workload, iter_number = tup
def agenda_iterator(agenda, order):
Iterates over all job components in an agenda, yielding tuples in the form ::
(global_entry, section_entry, workload_entry, iteration_number)
Which fully define the job to be crated. The order in which these tuples are
yielded is determined by the ``order`` parameter which may be one of the following
The first iteration of each workload spec is executed one after the other,
so all workloads are executed before proceeding on to the second iteration.
E.g. A1 B1 C1 A2 C2 A3. This is the default if no order is explicitly specified.
In case of multiple sections, this will spread them out, such that specs
from the same section are further part. E.g. given sections X and Y, global
specs A and B, and two iterations, this will run ::
X.A1, Y.A1, X.B1, Y.B1, X.A2, Y.A2, X.B2, Y.B2
Same as ``"by_iteration"``, however this will group specs from the same
section together, so given sections X and Y, global specs A and B, and two iterations,
this will run ::
X.A1, X.B1, Y.A1, Y.B1, X.A2, X.B2, Y.A2, Y.B2
All iterations of the first spec are executed before moving on to the next
spec. E.g. A1 A2 A3 B1 C1 C2.
Execution order is entirely random.
# TODO: this would be a place to perform section expansions.
# (e.g. sweeps, cross-products, etc).
global_iterations = agenda.global_.number_of_iterations
all_iterations = [global_iterations]
all_iterations.extend([s.number_of_iterations for s in agenda.sections])
all_iterations.extend([w.number_of_iterations for w in agenda.workloads])
max_iterations = max(all_iterations)
if order == 'by_spec':
if agenda.sections:
for section in agenda.sections:
section_iterations = section.number_of_iterations or global_iterations
for workload in agenda.workloads + section.workloads:
workload_iterations = workload.number_of_iterations or section_iterations
for i in xrange(workload_iterations):
yield agenda.global_, section, workload, i
else: # not sections
for workload in agenda.workloads:
workload_iterations = workload.number_of_iterations or global_iterations
for i in xrange(workload_iterations):
yield agenda.global_, None, workload, i
elif order == 'by_section':
for i in xrange(max_iterations):
if agenda.sections:
for section in agenda.sections:
section_iterations = section.number_of_iterations or global_iterations
for workload in agenda.workloads + section.workloads:
workload_iterations = workload.number_of_iterations or section_iterations
if i < workload_iterations:
yield agenda.global_, section, workload, i
else: # not sections
for workload in agenda.workloads:
workload_iterations = workload.number_of_iterations or global_iterations
if i < workload_iterations:
yield agenda.global_, None, workload, i
elif order == 'by_iteration':
for i in xrange(max_iterations):
if agenda.sections:
for workload in agenda.workloads:
for section in agenda.sections:
section_iterations = section.number_of_iterations or global_iterations
workload_iterations = workload.number_of_iterations or section_iterations or global_iterations
if i < workload_iterations:
yield agenda.global_, section, workload, i
# Now do the section-specific workloads
for section in agenda.sections:
section_iterations = section.number_of_iterations or global_iterations
for workload in section.workloads:
workload_iterations = workload.number_of_iterations or section_iterations or global_iterations
if i < workload_iterations:
yield agenda.global_, section, workload, i
else: # not sections
for workload in agenda.workloads:
workload_iterations = workload.number_of_iterations or global_iterations
if i < workload_iterations:
yield agenda.global_, None, workload, i
elif order == 'random':
tuples = list(agenda_iterator(data, order='by_section'))
for t in tuples:
yield t
raise ValueError('Invalid order: "{}"'.format(order))
class RebootPolicy(object):
Represents the reboot policy for the execution -- at what points the device
should be rebooted. This, in turn, is controlled by the policy value that is
passed in on construction and would typically be read from the user's settings.
Valid policy values are:
:never: The device will never be rebooted.
:as_needed: Only reboot the device if it becomes unresponsive, or needs to be flashed, etc.
:initial: The device will be rebooted when the execution first starts, just before
executing the first workload spec.
:each_spec: The device will be rebooted before running a new workload spec.
:each_iteration: The device will be rebooted before each new iteration.
valid_policies = ['never', 'as_needed', 'initial', 'each_spec', 'each_iteration']
def __init__(self, policy):
policy = policy.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')
if policy not in self.valid_policies:
message = 'Invalid reboot policy {}; must be one of {}'.format(policy, ', '.join(self.valid_policies))
raise ConfigError(message)
self.policy = policy
def can_reboot(self):
return self.policy != 'never'
def perform_initial_boot(self):
return self.policy not in ['never', 'as_needed']
def reboot_on_each_spec(self):
return self.policy in ['each_spec', 'each_iteration']
def reboot_on_each_iteration(self):
return self.policy == 'each_iteration'
def __str__(self):
return self.policy
__repr__ = __str__
def __cmp__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, RebootPolicy):
return cmp(self.policy, other.policy)
return cmp(self.policy, other)
class RuntimeParameterSetter(object):
Manages runtime parameter state during execution.
def target(self):
return self.target_assistant.target
def __init__(self, target_assistant):
self.target_assistant = target_assistant
self.to_set = defaultdict(list) # name --> list of values
self.last_set = {}
self.to_unset = defaultdict(int) # name --> count
def validate(self, params):
def mark_set(self, params):
for name, value in params.iteritems():
def mark_unset(self, params):
for name in params.iterkeys():
self.to_unset[name] += 1
def inact_set(self):
for name in self.to_set:
def inact_unset(self):
for name, count in self.to_unset.iteritems():
while count:
count -= 1
def _set_if_necessary(self, name):
if not self.to_set[name]:
new_value = self.to_set[name][-1]
prev_value = self.last_set.get(name)
if new_value != prev_value:
self.target_assistant.add_paramter(name, new_value)
self.last_set[name] = new_value
class WorkloadExecutionConfig(object):
def from_pod(pod):
return WorkloadExecutionConfig(**pod)
def __init__(self, workload_name, workload_parameters=None,
runtime_parameters=None, components=None,
self.workload_name = workload_name or None
self.workload_parameters = workload_parameters or {}
self.runtime_parameters = runtime_parameters or {}
self.components = components or {}
self.assumpations = assumptions or {}
def to_pod(self):
return copy(self.__dict__)
class WorkloadExecutionActor(JobActor):
def __init__(self, target, config, loader=pluginloader):
self.target = target
self.config = config
self.logger = logging.getLogger('exec')
self.context = None
self.workload = loader.get_workload(config.workload_name, target,
def get_config(self):
return self.config.to_pod()
def initialize(self, context):
self.context = context
def run(self):
if not self.workload:
self.logger.warning('Failed to initialize workload; skipping execution')
self.logger.info('Setting up workload')
with signal.wrap('WORKLOAD_SETUP'):
error = None
self.logger.info('Executing workload')
with signal.wrap('WORKLOAD_EXECUTION'):
except Exception as e:
log.log_error(e, self.logger)
error = e
self.logger.info('Processing execution results')
with signal.wrap('WORKLOAD_RESULT_UPDATE'):
if not error:
self.logger.info('Workload execution failed; not extracting workload results.')
raise error
if self.target.check_responsive():
self.logger.info('Tearing down workload')
with signal.wrap('WORKLOAD_TEARDOWN'):
def finalize(self):
def pre_run(self):
# TODO: enable components, etc
def post_run(self):