# Copyright 2014-2016 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os import re from wlauto import AndroidUiAutoBenchmark, Parameter from wlauto.exceptions import DeviceError from wlauto.exceptions import NotFoundError __version__ = '0.1.0' class Googlephotos(AndroidUiAutoBenchmark): name = 'googlephotos' package = 'com.google.android.apps.photos' activity = 'com.google.android.apps.photos.home.HomeActivity' view = [package+'/com.google.android.apps.consumerphotoeditor.fragments.ConsumerPhotoEditorActivity', package+'/com.google.android.apps.photos.home.HomeActivity', package+'/com.google.android.apps.photos.localmedia.ui.LocalPhotosActivity', package+'/com.google.android.apps.photos.onboarding.AccountPickerActivity', package+'/com.google.android.apps.photos.onboarding.IntroActivity'] description = """ A workload to perform standard productivity tasks with Google Photos. The workload carries out various tasks, such as browsing images, performing zooms, post-processing and saving a selected image to file. Although this workload attempts to be network independent it requires a network connection (ideally, wifi) to run. This is because the welcome screen UI is dependent on an existing connection. Test description: 1. Four images are copied to the devices 2. The application is started in offline access mode 3. Gestures are performed to swipe between images and pinch zoom in and out of the selected image 4. The Colour of a selected image is edited by selecting the colour menu, incrementing the colour, resetting the colour and decrementing the colour using the seek bar. 5. A Crop test is performed on a selected image. UiAutomator does not allow the selection of the crop markers so the image is tilted positively, reset and then negatively to get a similar cropping effect. 6. A Rotate test is performed on a selected image, rotating anticlockwise 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 270 degrees. """ parameters = [ Parameter('dumpsys_enabled', kind=bool, default=True, description=""" If ``True``, dumpsys captures will be carried out during the test run. The output is piped to log files which are then pulled from the phone. """), ] instrumentation_log = ''.join([name, '_instrumentation.log']) def __init__(self, device, **kwargs): super(Googlephotos, self).__init__(device, **kwargs) self.output_file = os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, self.instrumentation_log) def validate(self): super(Googlephotos, self).validate() self.uiauto_params['package'] = self.package self.uiauto_params['output_dir'] = self.device.working_directory self.uiauto_params['output_file'] = self.output_file self.uiauto_params['dumpsys_enabled'] = self.dumpsys_enabled def initialize(self, context): super(Googlephotos, self).initialize(context) if not self.device.is_wifi_connected(): raise DeviceError('Wifi is not connected for device {}'.format(self.device.name)) # Check for workload dependencies before proceeding jpeg_files = [entry for entry in os.listdir(self.dependencies_directory) if entry.endswith(".jpg")] if len(jpeg_files) < 4: raise NotFoundError("This workload requires a minimum of four {} files in {}".format('jpg', self.dependencies_directory)) else: for entry in jpeg_files: self.device.push_file(os.path.join(self.dependencies_directory, entry), os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, entry), timeout=300) # Force a re-index of the mediaserver cache to pick up new files self.device.execute('am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d file:///sdcard') def update_result(self, context): super(Googlephotos, self).update_result(context) self.device.pull_file(self.output_file, context.output_directory) result_file = os.path.join(context.output_directory, self.instrumentation_log) with open(result_file, 'r') as wfh: pattern = r'(?P\w+)\s+(?P\d+)\s+(?P\d+)\s+(?P\d+)' regex = re.compile(pattern) for line in wfh: match = regex.search(line) if match: context.result.add_metric((match.group('key') + "_start"), match.group('value1'), units='ms') context.result.add_metric((match.group('key') + "_finish"), match.group('value2'), units='ms') context.result.add_metric((match.group('key') + "_duration"), match.group('value3'), units='ms') def teardown(self, context): super(Googlephotos, self).teardown(context) for entry in self.device.listdir(self.device.working_directory): if entry.endswith(".log"): self.device.pull_file(os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, entry), context.output_directory) self.device.delete_file(os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, entry)) def finalize(self, context): super(Googlephotos, self).finalize(context) for entry in self.device.listdir(self.device.working_directory): if entry.endswith(".jpg"): self.device.delete_file(os.path.join(self.device.working_directory, entry)) # Force a re-index of the mediaserver cache to removed cached files self.device.execute('am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d file:///sdcard')