# Copyright 2014-2016 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os.path as op import re import time from wlauto import AndroidUiAutoBenchmark, Parameter def not_implemented(workload, text): workload.logger.info('## ++ NOT IMPLEMENTED ++ ##\n## {}\n## -- NOT IMPLEMENTED -- ##'.format(text)) class GoogleSlides(AndroidUiAutoBenchmark): name = 'googleslides' package = 'com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides' description = 'Creates a Google Slides presentation with some commonly used features' activity = '' # com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.app.DocListActivity # com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.welcome.warmwelcome.TrackingWelcomeActivity instrumentation_log = '{}_instrumentation.log'.format(name) parameters = [ Parameter('dumpsys_enabled', kind=bool, default=True, description=''' If ``True``, dumpsys captures will be carried out during the test run. The output is piped to log files which are then pulled from the phone. '''), ] def __init__(self, device, **kwargs): super(GoogleSlides, self).__init__(device, **kwargs) self.output_file = op.join(self.device.working_directory, self.instrumentation_log) self.run_timeout = 60 def validate(self): self.logger.info('===== validate() ======') super(GoogleSlides, self).validate() self.uiauto_params['dumpsys_enabled'] = self.dumpsys_enabled self.uiauto_params['output_dir'] = self.device.working_directory self.uiauto_params['results_file'] = self.output_file def setup(self, context): self.logger.info('===== setup() ======') super(GoogleSlides, self).setup(context) def run(self, context): self.logger.info('===== run() ======') super(GoogleSlides, self).run(context) def update_result(self, context): self.logger.info('===== update_result() ======') super(GoogleSlides, self).update_result(context) if self.dumpsys_enabled: not_implemented(self, 'get_metrics(context)') def teardown(self, context): self.logger.info('===== teardown() ======') super(GoogleSlides, self).teardown(context) not_implemented(self, 'pull_logs(context)') def get_metrics(self, context): self.device.pull_file(self.output_file, context.output_directory) metrics_file = op.join(context.output_directory, self.instrumentation_log) with open(metrics_file, 'r') as wfh: regex = re.compile(r'(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)') for line in wfh: match = regex.search(line) if match: context.result.add_metric((match.group(1) + '_start'), match.group(2)) context.result.add_metric((match.group(1) + '_finish'), match.group(3)) context.result.add_metric((match.group(1) + '_duration'), match.group(4)) def pull_logs(self, context): wd = self.device.working_directory for entry in self.device.listdir(wd): if entry.startswith(self.name) and entry.endswith('.log'): self.device.pull_file(op.join(wd, entry), context.output_directory) self.device.delete_file(op.join(wd, entry))