--!VERSION!1.1!ENDVERSION! CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "lo"; -- In future, it may be useful to implement rules on which Parameter oid fields can be none depeendent on the value in the type column; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DatabaseMeta; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Parameters; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Classifiers; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS LargeObjects; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Artifacts; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Metrics; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Augmentations; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Jobs_Augs; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ResourceGetters; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Events; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Targets; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Jobs; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Runs; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS status_enum; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS param_enum; CREATE TYPE status_enum AS ENUM ('UNKNOWN(0)','NEW(1)','PENDING(2)','STARTED(3)','CONNECTED(4)', 'INITIALIZED(5)', 'RUNNING(6)', 'OK(7)', 'PARTIAL(8)', 'FAILED(9)', 'ABORTED(10)', 'SKIPPED(11)'); CREATE TYPE param_enum AS ENUM ('workload', 'resource_getter', 'augmentation', 'device', 'runtime', 'boot'); -- In future, it might be useful to create an ENUM type for the artifact kind, or simply a generic enum type; CREATE TABLE DatabaseMeta ( oid uuid NOT NULL, schema_major int, schema_minor int, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Runs ( oid uuid NOT NULL, event_summary text, basepath text, status status_enum, timestamp timestamp, run_name text, project text, retry_on_status status_enum[], max_retries int, bail_on_init_failure boolean, allow_phone_home boolean, run_uuid uuid, start_time timestamp, end_time timestamp, metadata jsonb, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Jobs ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), status status_enum, retries int, label text, job_id text, iterations int, workload_name text, metadata jsonb, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Targets ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), target text, cpus text[], os text, os_version jsonb, hostid int, hostname text, abi text, is_rooted boolean, kernel_version text, kernel_release text, kernel_sha1 text, kernel_config text[], sched_features text[], PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Events ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), job_oid uuid references Jobs(oid), timestamp timestamp, message text, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE ResourceGetters ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), name text, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Augmentations ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), name text, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Jobs_Augs ( oid uuid NOT NULL, job_oid uuid NOT NULL references Jobs(oid), augmentation_oid uuid NOT NULL references Augmentations(oid), PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Metrics ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), job_oid uuid references Jobs(oid), name text, value double precision, units text, lower_is_better boolean, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE LargeObjects ( oid uuid NOT NULL, lo_oid lo NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); -- Trigger that allows you to manage large objects from the LO table directly; CREATE TRIGGER t_raster BEFORE UPDATE OR DELETE ON LargeObjects FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE lo_manage(lo_oid); CREATE TABLE Artifacts ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), job_oid uuid references Jobs(oid), name text, large_object_uuid uuid NOT NULL references LargeObjects(oid), description text, kind text, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Classifiers ( oid uuid NOT NULL, artifact_oid uuid references Artifacts(oid), metric_oid uuid references Metrics(oid), key text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ); CREATE TABLE Parameters ( oid uuid NOT NULL, run_oid uuid NOT NULL references Runs(oid), job_oid uuid references Jobs(oid), augmentation_oid uuid references Augmentations(oid), resource_getter_oid uuid references ResourceGetters(oid), name text, value text, value_type text, type param_enum, PRIMARY KEY (oid) );