import os import shutil import logging import uuid from copy import copy from datetime import datetime, timedelta from wa.framework import signal, log from wa.framework.configuration.core import merge_config_values from wa.utils import serializer from wa.utils.misc import enum_metaclass, ensure_directory_exists as _d from wa.utils.types import numeric class Status(object): __metaclass__ = enum_metaclass('values', return_name=True) values = [ 'NEW', 'PENDING', 'RUNNING', 'COMPLETE', 'OK', 'OKISH', 'NONCRITICAL', 'PARTIAL', 'FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'SKIPPED', 'UNKNOWN', ] class WAOutput(object): basename = '.wa-output' @classmethod def load(cls, source): if os.path.isfile(source): pod = serializer.load(source) elif os.path.isdir(source): pod = serializer.load(os.path.join(source, cls.basename)) else: message = 'Cannot load {} from {}' raise ValueError(message.format(cls.__name__, source)) return cls.from_pod(pod) @classmethod def from_pod(cls, pod): instance = cls(pod['output_directory']) instance.status = pod['status'] instance.metrics = [Metric.from_pod(m) for m in pod['metrics']] instance.artifacts = [Artifact.from_pod(a) for a in pod['artifacts']] = [RunEvent.from_pod(e) for e in pod['events']] instance.classifiers = pod['classifiers'] return instance def __init__(self, output_directory): self.logger = logging.getLogger('output') self.output_directory = output_directory self.status = Status.UNKNOWN self.classifiers = {} self.metrics = [] self.artifacts = [] = [] def initialize(self, overwrite=False): if os.path.exists(self.output_directory): if not overwrite: raise RuntimeError('"{}" already exists.'.format(self.output_directory))'Removing existing output directory.') shutil.rmtree(self.output_directory) self.logger.debug('Creating output directory {}'.format(self.output_directory)) os.makedirs(self.output_directory) def add_metric(self, name, value, units=None, lower_is_better=False, classifiers=None): classifiers = merge_config_values(self.classifiers, classifiers or {}) self.metrics.append(Metric(name, value, units, lower_is_better, classifiers)) def add_artifact(self, name, path, kind, *args, **kwargs): path = _check_artifact_path(path, self.output_directory) self.artifacts.append(Artifact(name, path, kind, Artifact.RUN, *args, **kwargs)) def get_path(self, subpath): return os.path.join(self.output_directory, subpath) def to_pod(self): return { 'output_directory': self.output_directory, 'status': self.status, 'metrics': [m.to_pod() for m in self.metrics], 'artifacts': [a.to_pod() for a in self.artifacts], 'events': [e.to_pod() for e in], 'classifiers': copy(self.classifiers), } def persist(self): statefile = os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.basename) with open(statefile, 'wb') as wfh: serializer.dump(self, wfh) class RunInfo(object): default_name_format = 'wa-run-%y%m%d-%H%M%S' def __init__(self, project=None, project_stage=None, name=None): self.uuid = uuid.uuid4() self.project = project self.project_stage = project_stage = name or self.start_time = None self.end_time = None self.duration = None @staticmethod def from_pod(pod): instance = RunInfo() instance.uuid = uuid.UUID(pod['uuid']) instance.project = pod['project'] instance.project_stage = pod['project_stage'] = pod['name'] instance.start_time = pod['start_time'] instance.end_time = pod['end_time'] instance.duration = timedelta(seconds=pod['duration']) return instance def to_pod(self): d = copy(self.__dict__) d['uuid'] = str(self.uuid) d['duration'] = self.duration.days * 3600 * 24 + self.duration.seconds return d class RunOutput(WAOutput): @property def info_directory(self): return _d(os.path.join(self.output_directory, '_info')) @property def config_directory(self): return _d(os.path.join(self.output_directory, '_config')) @property def failed_directory(self): return _d(os.path.join(self.output_directory, '_failed')) @property def log_file(self): return os.path.join(self.output_directory, 'run.log') @classmethod def from_pod(cls, pod): instance = WAOutput.from_pod(pod) = RunInfo.from_pod(pod['info']) = [JobOutput.from_pod(i) for i in pod['jobs']] instance.failed = [JobOutput.from_pod(i) for i in pod['failed']] return instance def __init__(self, output_directory): super(RunOutput, self).__init__(output_directory) self.logger = logging.getLogger('output') = RunInfo() = [] self.failed = [] def initialize(self, overwrite=False): super(RunOutput, self).initialize(overwrite) log.add_file(self.log_file) self.add_artifact('runlog', self.log_file, 'log') def create_job_output(self, id): outdir = os.path.join(self.output_directory, id) job_output = JobOutput(outdir) return job_output def move_failed(self, job_output): basename = os.path.basename(job_output.output_directory) i = 1 dest = os.path.join(self.failed_directory, basename + '-{}'.format(i)) while os.path.exists(dest): i += 1 dest = '{}-{}'.format(dest[:-2], i) shutil.move(job_output.output_directory, dest) def to_pod(self): pod = super(RunOutput, self).to_pod() pod['info'] = pod['jobs'] = [i.to_pod() for i in] pod['failed'] = [i.to_pod() for i in self.failed] return pod class JobOutput(WAOutput): def add_artifact(self, name, path, kind, *args, **kwargs): path = _check_artifact_path(path, self.output_directory) self.artifacts.append(Artifact(name, path, kind, Artifact.ITERATION, *args, **kwargs)) class Artifact(object): """ This is an artifact generated during execution/post-processing of a workload. Unlike metrics, this represents an actual artifact, such as a file, generated. This may be "result", such as trace, or it could be "meta data" such as logs. These are distinguished using the ``kind`` attribute, which also helps WA decide how it should be handled. Currently supported kinds are: :log: A log file. Not part of "results" as such but contains information about the run/workload execution that be useful for diagnostics/meta analysis. :meta: A file containing metadata. This is not part of "results", but contains information that may be necessary to reproduce the results (contrast with ``log`` artifacts which are *not* necessary). :data: This file contains new data, not available otherwise and should be considered part of the "results" generated by WA. Most traces would fall into this category. :export: Exported version of results or some other artifact. This signifies that this artifact does not contain any new data that is not available elsewhere and that it may be safely discarded without losing information. :raw: Signifies that this is a raw dump/log that is normally processed to extract useful information and is then discarded. In a sense, it is the opposite of ``export``, but in general may also be discarded. .. note:: whether a file is marked as ``log``/``data`` or ``raw`` depends on how important it is to preserve this file, e.g. when archiving, vs how much space it takes up. Unlike ``export`` artifacts which are (almost) always ignored by other exporters as that would never result in data loss, ``raw`` files *may* be processed by exporters if they decided that the risk of losing potentially (though unlikely) useful data is greater than the time/space cost of handling the artifact (e.g. a database uploader may choose to ignore ``raw`` artifacts, where as a network filer archiver may choose to archive them). .. note: The kind parameter is intended to represent the logical function of a particular artifact, not it's intended means of processing -- this is left entirely up to the result processors. """ RUN = 'run' ITERATION = 'iteration' valid_kinds = ['log', 'meta', 'data', 'export', 'raw'] @staticmethod def from_pod(pod): return Artifact(**pod) def __init__(self, name, path, kind, level=RUN, mandatory=False, description=None): """" :param name: Name that uniquely identifies this artifact. :param path: The *relative* path of the artifact. Depending on the ``level`` must be either relative to the run or iteration output directory. Note: this path *must* be delimited using ``/`` irrespective of the operating system. :param kind: The type of the artifact this is (e.g. log file, result, etc.) this will be used a hit to result processors. This must be one of ``'log'``, ``'meta'``, ``'data'``, ``'export'``, ``'raw'``. :param level: The level at which the artifact will be generated. Must be either ``'iteration'`` or ``'run'``. :param mandatory: Boolean value indicating whether this artifact must be present at the end of result processing for its level. :param description: A free-form description of what this artifact is. """ if kind not in self.valid_kinds: raise ValueError('Invalid Artifact kind: {}; must be in {}'.format(kind, self.valid_kinds)) = name self.path = path.replace('/', os.sep) if path is not None else path self.kind = kind self.level = level self.mandatory = mandatory self.description = description def exists(self, context): """Returns ``True`` if artifact exists within the specified context, and ``False`` otherwise.""" fullpath = os.path.join(context.output_directory, self.path) return os.path.exists(fullpath) def to_pod(self): return copy(self.__dict__) class RunEvent(object): """ An event that occured during a run. """ @staticmethod def from_pod(pod): instance = RunEvent(pod['message']) instance.timestamp = pod['timestamp'] return instance def __init__(self, message): self.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() self.message = message def to_pod(self): return copy(self.__dict__) def __str__(self): return '{} {}'.format(self.timestamp, self.message) __repr__ = __str__ class Metric(object): """ This is a single metric collected from executing a workload. :param name: the name of the metric. Uniquely identifies the metric within the results. :param value: The numerical value of the metric for this execution of a workload. This can be either an int or a float. :param units: Units for the collected value. Can be None if the value has no units (e.g. it's a count or a standardised score). :param lower_is_better: Boolean flag indicating where lower values are better than higher ones. Defaults to False. :param classifiers: A set of key-value pairs to further classify this metric beyond current iteration (e.g. this can be used to identify sub-tests). """ @staticmethod def from_pod(pod): return Metric(**pod) def __init__(self, name, value, units=None, lower_is_better=False, classifiers=None): = name self.value = numeric(value) self.units = units self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better self.classifiers = classifiers or {} def to_pod(self): return copy(self.__dict__) def __str__(self): result = '{}: {}'.format(, self.value) if self.units: result += ' ' + self.units result += ' ({})'.format('-' if self.lower_is_better else '+') return '<{}>'.format(result) __repr__ = __str__ def _check_artifact_path(path, rootpath): if path.startswith(rootpath): return os.path.abspath(path) rootpath = os.path.abspath(rootpath) full_path = os.path.join(rootpath, path) if not os.path.isfile(full_path): raise ValueError('Cannot add artifact because {} does not exist.'.format(full_path)) return full_path