#    Copyright 2018 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

    import psycopg2
    from psycopg2 import Error as Psycopg2Error
except ImportError:
    psycopg2 = None
    Psycopg2Error = None

import logging
import os
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO

import devlib

from wa.framework.configuration.core import JobSpec, Status
from wa.framework.configuration.execution import CombinedConfig
from wa.framework.exception import HostError, SerializerSyntaxError, ConfigError
from wa.framework.run import RunState, RunInfo
from wa.framework.target.info import TargetInfo
from wa.framework.version import get_wa_version_with_commit
from wa.utils.doc import format_simple_table
from wa.utils.misc import touch, ensure_directory_exists, isiterable, format_ordered_dict
from wa.utils.postgres import get_schema_versions
from wa.utils.serializer import write_pod, read_pod, Podable, json
from wa.utils.types import enum, numeric

logger = logging.getLogger('output')

class Output(object):

    kind = None

    def resultfile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.basepath, 'result.json')

    def event_summary(self):
        num_events = len(self.events)
        if num_events:
            lines = self.events[0].message.split('\n')
            message = '({} event(s)): {}'
            if num_events > 1 or len(lines) > 1:
                message += '[...]'
            return message.format(num_events, lines[0])
        return ''

    def status(self):
        if self.result is None:
            return None
        return self.result.status

    def status(self, value):
        self.result.status = value

    def metrics(self):
        if self.result is None:
            return []
        return self.result.metrics

    def artifacts(self):
        if self.result is None:
            return []
        return self.result.artifacts

    def classifiers(self):
        if self.result is None:
            return OrderedDict()
        return self.result.classifiers

    def classifiers(self, value):
        if self.result is None:
            msg = 'Attempting to set classifiers before output has been set'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        self.result.classifiers = value

    def events(self):
        if self.result is None:
            return []
        return self.result.events

    def metadata(self):
        if self.result is None:
            return {}
        return self.result.metadata

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.basepath = path
        self.result = None

    def reload(self):
            if os.path.isdir(self.basepath):
                pod = read_pod(self.resultfile)
                self.result = Result.from_pod(pod)
                self.result = Result()
                self.result.status = Status.PENDING
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            self.result = Result()
            self.result.status = Status.UNKNOWN

    def write_result(self):
        write_pod(self.result.to_pod(), self.resultfile)

    def get_path(self, subpath):
        return os.path.join(self.basepath, subpath.strip(os.sep))

    def add_metric(self, name, value, units=None, lower_is_better=False,
        self.result.add_metric(name, value, units, lower_is_better, classifiers)

    def add_artifact(self, name, path, kind, description=None, classifiers=None):
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            path = self.get_path(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            msg = 'Attempting to add non-existing artifact: {}'
            raise HostError(msg.format(path))
        is_dir = os.path.isdir(path)
        path = os.path.relpath(path, self.basepath)

        self.result.add_artifact(name, path, kind, description, classifiers, is_dir)

    def add_event(self, message):

    def get_metric(self, name):
        return self.result.get_metric(name)

    def get_artifact(self, name):
        return self.result.get_artifact(name)

    def get_artifact_path(self, name):
        artifact = self.get_artifact(name)
        return self.get_path(artifact.path)

    def add_metadata(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        self.result.add_metadata(key, *args, **kwargs)

    def update_metadata(self, key, *args):
        self.result.update_metadata(key, *args)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{} {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,

    def __str__(self):
        return os.path.basename(self.basepath)

class RunOutputCommon(object):
    ''' Split out common functionality to form a second base of
        the RunOutput classes
    def run_config(self):
        if self._combined_config:
            return self._combined_config.run_config

    def settings(self):
        if self._combined_config:
            return self._combined_config.settings

    def get_job_spec(self, spec_id):
        for spec in self.job_specs:
            if spec.id == spec_id:
                return spec
        return None

    def list_workloads(self):
        workloads = []
        for job in self.jobs:
            if job.label not in workloads:
        return workloads

class RunOutput(Output, RunOutputCommon):

    kind = 'run'

    def logfile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.basepath, 'run.log')

    def metadir(self):
        return os.path.join(self.basepath, '__meta')

    def infofile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.metadir, 'run_info.json')

    def statefile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.basepath, '.run_state.json')

    def configfile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.metadir, 'config.json')

    def targetfile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.metadir, 'target_info.json')

    def jobsfile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.metadir, 'jobs.json')

    def raw_config_dir(self):
        return os.path.join(self.metadir, 'raw_config')

    def failed_dir(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.basepath, '__failed')
        return ensure_directory_exists(path)

    def augmentations(self):
        run_augs = set([])
        for job in self.jobs:
            for aug in job.spec.augmentations:
        return list(run_augs)

    def __init__(self, path):
        super(RunOutput, self).__init__(path)
        self.info = None
        self.state = None
        self.result = None
        self.target_info = None
        self._combined_config = None
        self.jobs = []
        self.job_specs = []
        if (not os.path.isfile(self.statefile) or
                not os.path.isfile(self.infofile)):
            msg = '"{}" does not exist or is not a valid WA output directory.'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(self.basepath))

    def reload(self):
        super(RunOutput, self).reload()
        self.info = RunInfo.from_pod(read_pod(self.infofile))
        self.state = RunState.from_pod(read_pod(self.statefile))
        if os.path.isfile(self.configfile):
            self._combined_config = CombinedConfig.from_pod(read_pod(self.configfile))
        if os.path.isfile(self.targetfile):
            self.target_info = TargetInfo.from_pod(read_pod(self.targetfile))
        if os.path.isfile(self.jobsfile):
            self.job_specs = self.read_job_specs()

        for job_state in self.state.jobs.values():
            job_path = os.path.join(self.basepath, job_state.output_name)
            job = JobOutput(job_path, job_state.id,
                            job_state.label, job_state.iteration,
            job.status = job_state.status
            job.spec = self.get_job_spec(job.id)
            if job.spec is None:
                logger.warning('Could not find spec for job {}'.format(job.id))

    def write_info(self):
        write_pod(self.info.to_pod(), self.infofile)

    def write_state(self):
        write_pod(self.state.to_pod(), self.statefile)

    def write_config(self, config):
        self._combined_config = config
        write_pod(config.to_pod(), self.configfile)

    def read_config(self):
        if not os.path.isfile(self.configfile):
            return None
        return CombinedConfig.from_pod(read_pod(self.configfile))

    def set_target_info(self, ti):
        self.target_info = ti
        write_pod(ti.to_pod(), self.targetfile)

    def write_job_specs(self, job_specs):
        js_pod = {'jobs': [js.to_pod() for js in job_specs]}
        write_pod(js_pod, self.jobsfile)

    def read_job_specs(self):
        if not os.path.isfile(self.jobsfile):
            return None
        pod = read_pod(self.jobsfile)
        return [JobSpec.from_pod(jp) for jp in pod['jobs']]

    def move_failed(self, job_output):
        name = os.path.basename(job_output.basepath)
        attempt = job_output.retry + 1
        failed_name = '{}-attempt{:02}'.format(name, attempt)
        failed_path = os.path.join(self.failed_dir, failed_name)
        if os.path.exists(failed_path):
            raise ValueError('Path {} already exists'.format(failed_path))
        shutil.move(job_output.basepath, failed_path)
        job_output.basepath = failed_path

class JobOutput(Output):

    kind = 'job'

    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    def __init__(self, path, id, label, iteration, retry):
        super(JobOutput, self).__init__(path)
        self.id = id
        self.label = label
        self.iteration = iteration
        self.retry = retry
        self.result = None
        self.spec = None

    def augmentations(self):
        job_augs = set([])
        for aug in self.spec.augmentations:
        return list(job_augs)

class Result(Podable):

    _pod_serialization_version = 1

    def from_pod(pod):
        instance = super(Result, Result).from_pod(pod)
        instance.status = Status.from_pod(pod['status'])
        instance.metrics = [Metric.from_pod(m) for m in pod['metrics']]
        instance.artifacts = [Artifact.from_pod(a) for a in pod['artifacts']]
        instance.events = [Event.from_pod(e) for e in pod['events']]
        instance.classifiers = pod.get('classifiers', OrderedDict())
        instance.metadata = pod.get('metadata', OrderedDict())
        return instance

    def __init__(self):
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        super(Result, self).__init__()
        self.status = Status.NEW
        self.metrics = []
        self.artifacts = []
        self.events = []
        self.classifiers = OrderedDict()
        self.metadata = OrderedDict()

    def add_metric(self, name, value, units=None, lower_is_better=False,
        metric = Metric(name, value, units, lower_is_better, classifiers)
        logger.debug('Adding metric: {}'.format(metric))

    def add_artifact(self, name, path, kind, description=None, classifiers=None,
        artifact = Artifact(name, path, kind, description=description,
                            classifiers=classifiers, is_dir=is_dir)
        logger.debug('Adding artifact: {}'.format(artifact))

    def add_event(self, message):

    def get_metric(self, name):
        for metric in self.metrics:
            if metric.name == name:
                return metric
        return None

    def get_artifact(self, name):
        for artifact in self.artifacts:
            if artifact.name == name:
                return artifact
        raise HostError('Artifact "{}" not found'.format(name))

    def add_metadata(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        force = kwargs.pop('force', False)
        if kwargs:
            msg = 'Unexpected keyword arguments: {}'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(kwargs))

        if key in self.metadata and not force:
            msg = 'Metadata with key "{}" already exists.'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(key))

        if len(args) == 1:
            value = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 2:
            value = {args[0]: args[1]}
        elif not args:
            value = None
            raise ValueError("Unexpected arguments: {}".format(args))

        self.metadata[key] = value

    def update_metadata(self, key, *args):
        if not args:
            del self.metadata[key]

        if key not in self.metadata:
            return self.add_metadata(key, *args)

        if hasattr(self.metadata[key], 'items'):
            if len(args) == 2:
                self.metadata[key][args[0]] = args[1]
            elif len(args) > 2:  # assume list of key-value pairs
                for k, v in args:
                    self.metadata[key][k] = v
            elif hasattr(args[0], 'items'):
                for k, v in args[0].items():
                    self.metadata[key][k] = v
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for key "{}": {}'.format(key, args))

        elif isiterable(self.metadata[key]):
        else:   # scalar
            if len(args) > 1:
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for key "{}": {}'.format(key, args))
            self.metadata[key] = args[0]

    def to_pod(self):
        pod = super(Result, self).to_pod()
        pod['status'] = self.status.to_pod()
        pod['metrics'] = [m.to_pod() for m in self.metrics]
        pod['artifacts'] = [a.to_pod() for a in self.artifacts]
        pod['events'] = [e.to_pod() for e in self.events]
        pod['classifiers'] = copy(self.classifiers)
        pod['metadata'] = deepcopy(self.metadata)
        return pod

    def _pod_upgrade_v1(pod):
        pod['_pod_version'] = pod.get('_pod_version', 1)
        pod['status'] = Status(pod['status']).to_pod()
        return pod

ARTIFACT_TYPES = ['log', 'meta', 'data', 'export', 'raw']
ArtifactType = enum(ARTIFACT_TYPES)

class Artifact(Podable):
    This is an artifact generated during execution/post-processing of a
    workload.  Unlike metrics, this represents an actual artifact, such as a
    file, generated.  This may be "output", such as trace, or it could be "meta
    data" such as logs.  These are distinguished using the ``kind`` attribute,
    which also helps WA decide how it should be handled. Currently supported
    kinds are:

        :log: A log file. Not part of the "output" as such but contains
              information about the run/workload execution that be useful for
              diagnostics/meta analysis.
        :meta: A file containing metadata. This is not part of the "output", but
               contains information that may be necessary to reproduce the
               results (contrast with ``log`` artifacts which are *not*
        :data: This file contains new data, not available otherwise and should
               be considered part of the "output" generated by WA. Most traces
               would fall into this category.
        :export: Exported version of results or some other artifact. This
                 signifies that this artifact does not contain any new data
                 that is not available elsewhere and that it may be safely
                 discarded without losing information.
        :raw: Signifies that this is a raw dump/log that is normally processed
              to extract useful information and is then discarded. In a sense,
              it is the opposite of ``export``, but in general may also be

              .. note:: whether a file is marked as ``log``/``data`` or ``raw``
                        depends on how important it is to preserve this file,
                        e.g. when archiving, vs how much space it takes up.
                        Unlike ``export`` artifacts which are (almost) always
                        ignored by other exporters as that would never result
                        in data loss, ``raw`` files *may* be processed by
                        exporters if they decided that the risk of losing
                        potentially (though unlikely) useful data is greater
                        than the time/space cost of handling the artifact (e.g.
                        a database uploader may choose to ignore ``raw``
                        artifacts, where as a network filer archiver may choose
                        to archive them).

        .. note: The kind parameter is intended to represent the logical
                 function of a particular artifact, not it's intended means of
                 processing -- this is left entirely up to the output


    _pod_serialization_version = 2

    def from_pod(pod):
        pod = Artifact._upgrade_pod(pod)
        pod_version = pod.pop('_pod_version')
        pod['kind'] = ArtifactType(pod['kind'])
        instance = Artifact(**pod)
        instance._pod_version = pod_version  # pylint: disable =protected-access
        instance.is_dir = pod.pop('is_dir')
        return instance

    def __init__(self, name, path, kind, description=None, classifiers=None,
        :param name: Name that uniquely identifies this artifact.
        :param path: The *relative* path of the artifact. Depending on the
                     ``level`` must be either relative to the run or iteration
                     output directory.  Note: this path *must* be delimited
                     using ``/`` irrespective of the
                     operating system.
        :param kind: The type of the artifact this is (e.g. log file, result,
                     etc.) this will be used as a hint to output processors. This
                     must be one of ``'log'``, ``'meta'``, ``'data'``,
                     ``'export'``, ``'raw'``.
        :param description: A free-form description of what this artifact is.
        :param classifiers: A set of key-value pairs to further classify this
                            metric beyond current iteration (e.g. this can be
                            used to identify sub-tests).
        super(Artifact, self).__init__()
        self.name = name
        self.path = path.replace('/', os.sep) if path is not None else path
            self.kind = ArtifactType(kind)
        except ValueError:
            msg = 'Invalid Artifact kind: {}; must be in {}'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(kind, ARTIFACT_TYPES))
        self.description = description
        self.classifiers = classifiers or {}
        self.is_dir = is_dir

    def to_pod(self):
        pod = super(Artifact, self).to_pod()
        pod['kind'] = str(self.kind)
        pod['is_dir'] = self.is_dir
        return pod

    def _pod_upgrade_v1(pod):
        pod['_pod_version'] = pod.get('_pod_version', 1)
        return pod

    def _pod_upgrade_v2(pod):
        pod['is_dir'] = pod.get('is_dir', False)
        return pod

    def __str__(self):
        return self.path

    def __repr__(self):
        ft = 'dir' if self.is_dir else 'file'
        return '{} ({}) ({}): {}'.format(self.name, ft, self.kind, self.path)

class Metric(Podable):
    This is a single metric collected from executing a workload.

    :param name: the name of the metric. Uniquely identifies the metric
                 within the results.
    :param value: The numerical value of the metric for this execution of a
                  workload. This can be either an int or a float.
    :param units: Units for the collected value. Can be None if the value
                  has no units (e.g. it's a count or a standardised score).
    :param lower_is_better: Boolean flag indicating where lower values are
                            better than higher ones. Defaults to False.
    :param classifiers: A set of key-value pairs to further classify this
                        metric beyond current iteration (e.g. this can be used
                        to identify sub-tests).

    __slots__ = ['name', 'value', 'units', 'lower_is_better', 'classifiers']
    _pod_serialization_version = 1

    def from_pod(pod):
        pod = Metric._upgrade_pod(pod)
        pod_version = pod.pop('_pod_version')
        instance = Metric(**pod)
        instance._pod_version = pod_version  # pylint: disable =protected-access
        return instance

    def label(self):
        parts = ['{}={}'.format(n, v) for n, v in self.classifiers.items()]
        parts.insert(0, self.name)
        return '/'.join(parts)

    def __init__(self, name, value, units=None, lower_is_better=False,
        super(Metric, self).__init__()
        self.name = name
        self.value = numeric(value)
        self.units = units
        self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better
        self.classifiers = classifiers or {}

    def to_pod(self):
        pod = super(Metric, self).to_pod()
        pod['name'] = self.name
        pod['value'] = self.value
        pod['units'] = self.units
        pod['lower_is_better'] = self.lower_is_better
        pod['classifiers'] = self.classifiers
        return pod

    def _pod_upgrade_v1(pod):
        pod['_pod_version'] = pod.get('_pod_version', 1)
        return pod

    def __str__(self):
        result = '{}: {}'.format(self.name, self.value)
        if self.units:
            result += ' ' + self.units
        result += ' ({})'.format('-' if self.lower_is_better else '+')
        return result

    def __repr__(self):
        text = self.__str__()
        if self.classifiers:
            return '<{} {}>'.format(text, format_ordered_dict(self.classifiers))
            return '<{}>'.format(text)

class Event(Podable):
    An event that occured during a run.


    __slots__ = ['timestamp', 'message']
    _pod_serialization_version = 1

    def from_pod(pod):
        pod = Event._upgrade_pod(pod)
        pod_version = pod.pop('_pod_version')
        instance = Event(pod['message'])
        instance.timestamp = pod['timestamp']
        instance._pod_version = pod_version  # pylint: disable =protected-access
        return instance

    def summary(self):
        lines = self.message.split('\n')
        result = lines[0]
        if len(lines) > 1:
            result += '[...]'
        return result

    def __init__(self, message):
        super(Event, self).__init__()
        self.timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        self.message = str(message)

    def to_pod(self):
        pod = super(Event, self).to_pod()
        pod['timestamp'] = self.timestamp
        pod['message'] = self.message
        return pod

    def _pod_upgrade_v1(pod):
        pod['_pod_version'] = pod.get('_pod_version', 1)
        return pod

    def __str__(self):
        return '[{}] {}'.format(self.timestamp, self.message)

    __repr__ = __str__

def init_run_output(path, wa_state, force=False):
    if os.path.exists(path):
        if force:
            logger.info('Removing existing output directory.')
            raise RuntimeError('path exists: {}'.format(path))

    logger.info('Creating output directory.')
    meta_dir = os.path.join(path, '__meta')
    _save_raw_config(meta_dir, wa_state)
    touch(os.path.join(path, 'run.log'))

    info = RunInfo(
    write_pod(info.to_pod(), os.path.join(meta_dir, 'run_info.json'))
    write_pod(RunState().to_pod(), os.path.join(path, '.run_state.json'))
    write_pod(Result().to_pod(), os.path.join(path, 'result.json'))

    ro = RunOutput(path)
    ro.update_metadata('versions', 'wa', get_wa_version_with_commit())
    ro.update_metadata('versions', 'devlib', devlib.__full_version__)

    return ro

def init_job_output(run_output, job):
    output_name = '{}-{}-{}'.format(job.id, job.spec.label, job.iteration)
    path = os.path.join(run_output.basepath, output_name)
    write_pod(Result().to_pod(), os.path.join(path, 'result.json'))
    job_output = JobOutput(path, job.id, job.label, job.iteration, job.retries)
    job_output.spec = job.spec
    job_output.status = job.status
    return job_output

def discover_wa_outputs(path):
    for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
        if '__meta' in dirs:
            yield RunOutput(root)

def _save_raw_config(meta_dir, state):
    raw_config_dir = os.path.join(meta_dir, 'raw_config')

    for i, source in enumerate(state.loaded_config_sources):
        if not os.path.isfile(source):
        basename = os.path.basename(source)
        dest_path = os.path.join(raw_config_dir, 'cfg{}-{}'.format(i, basename))
        shutil.copy(source, dest_path)

class DatabaseOutput(Output):

    kind = None

    def resultfile(self):
        if self.conn is None or self.oid is None:
            return {}
        pod = self._get_pod_version()
        pod['metrics'] = self._get_metrics()
        pod['status'] = self._get_status()
        pod['classifiers'] = self._get_classifiers(self.oid, 'run')
        pod['events'] = self._get_events()
        pod['artifacts'] = self._get_artifacts()
        return pod

    def _build_command(columns, tables, conditions=None, joins=None):
        cmd = '''SELECT\n\t{}\nFROM\n\t{}'''.format(',\n\t'.join(columns), ',\n\t'.join(tables))
        if joins:
            for join in joins:
                cmd += '''\nLEFT JOIN {} ON {}'''.format(join[0], join[1])
        if conditions:
            cmd += '''\nWHERE\n\t{}'''.format('\nAND\n\t'.join(conditions))
        return cmd + ';'

    def __init__(self, conn, oid=None, reload=True):  # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
        self.conn = conn
        self.oid = oid
        self.result = None
        if reload:

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{} {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.oid)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.oid

    def reload(self):
            self.result = Result.from_pod(self.resultfile)
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            self.result = Result()
            self.result.status = Status.UNKNOWN

    def get_artifact_path(self, name):
        artifact = self.get_artifact(name)
        artifact = StringIO(self.conn.lobject(int(artifact.path)).read())
        return artifact

    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    def _read_db(self, columns, tables, conditions=None, join=None, as_dict=True):
        # Automatically remove table name from column when using column names as keys or
        # allow for column names to be aliases when retrieving the data,
        # (db_column_name, alias)
        db_columns = []
        aliases_colunms = []
        for column in columns:
            if isinstance(column, tuple):
                aliases_colunms.append(column.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])

        cmd = self._build_command(db_columns, tables, conditions, join)

        with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
            results = cursor.fetchall()

        if not as_dict:
            return results

        # Format the output dict using column names as keys
        output = []
        for result in results:
            entry = {}
            for k, v in zip(aliases_colunms, result):
                entry[k] = v
        return output

    def _get_pod_version(self):
        columns = ['_pod_version', '_pod_serialization_version']
        tables = ['{}s'.format(self.kind)]
        conditions = ['{}s.oid = \'{}\''.format(self.kind, self.oid)]
        results = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)
        if results:
            return results[0]
            return None

    def _populate_classifers(self, pod, kind):
        for entry in pod:
            oid = entry.pop('oid')
            entry['classifiers'] = self._get_classifiers(oid, kind)
        return pod

    def _get_classifiers(self, oid, kind):
        columns = ['classifiers.key', 'classifiers.value']
        tables = ['classifiers']
        conditions = ['{}_oid = \'{}\''.format(kind, oid)]
        results = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions, as_dict=False)
        classifiers = {}
        for (k, v) in results:
            classifiers[k] = v
        return classifiers

    def _get_metrics(self):
        columns = ['metrics.name', 'metrics.value', 'metrics.units',
                   'metrics.oid', 'metrics._pod_version',
        tables = ['metrics']
        joins = [('classifiers', 'classifiers.metric_oid = metrics.oid')]
        conditions = ['metrics.{}_oid  = \'{}\''.format(self.kind, self.oid)]
        pod = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions, joins)
        return self._populate_classifers(pod, 'metric')

    def _get_status(self):
        columns = ['{}s.status'.format(self.kind)]
        tables = ['{}s'.format(self.kind)]
        conditions = ['{}s.oid = \'{}\''.format(self.kind, self.oid)]
        results = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions, as_dict=False)
        if results:
            return results[0][0]
            return None

    def _get_artifacts(self):
        columns = ['artifacts.name', 'artifacts.description', 'artifacts.kind',
                   ('largeobjects.lo_oid', 'path'), 'artifacts.oid',
                   'artifacts._pod_version', 'artifacts._pod_serialization_version']
        tables = ['largeobjects', 'artifacts']
        joins = [('classifiers', 'classifiers.artifact_oid = artifacts.oid')]
        conditions = ['artifacts.{}_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.kind, self.oid),
                      'artifacts.large_object_uuid = largeobjects.oid',
                      'artifacts.job_oid IS NULL']
        pod = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions, joins)
        for artifact in pod:
            artifact['path'] = str(artifact['path'])
        return self._populate_classifers(pod, 'metric')

    def _get_events(self):
        columns = ['events.message', 'events.timestamp']
        tables = ['events']
        conditions = ['events.{}_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.kind, self.oid)]
        return self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)

def kernel_config_from_db(raw):
    kernel_config = {}
    for k, v in zip(raw[0], raw[1]):
        kernel_config[k] = v
    return kernel_config

class RunDatabaseOutput(DatabaseOutput, RunOutputCommon):

    kind = 'run'

    def basepath(self):
        return 'db:({})-{}@{}:{}'.format(self.dbname, self.user,
                                         self.host, self.port)

    def augmentations(self):
        columns = ['augmentations.name']
        tables = ['augmentations']
        conditions = ['augmentations.run_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.oid)]
        results = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions, as_dict=False)
        return [a for augs in results for a in augs]

    def _db_infofile(self):
        columns = ['start_time', 'project', ('run_uuid', 'uuid'), 'end_time',
                   'run_name', 'duration', '_pod_version', '_pod_serialization_version']
        tables = ['runs']
        conditions = ['runs.run_uuid = \'{}\''.format(self.run_uuid)]
        pod = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)
        if not pod:
            return {}
        return pod[0]

    def _db_targetfile(self):
        columns = ['os', 'is_rooted', 'target', 'abi', 'cpus', 'os_version',
                   'hostid', 'hostname', 'kernel_version', 'kernel_release',
                   'kernel_sha1', 'kernel_config', 'sched_features', 'page_size_kb',
                   'system_id', 'screen_resolution', 'prop', 'android_id',
                   '_pod_version', '_pod_serialization_version']
        tables = ['targets']
        conditions = ['targets.run_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.oid)]
        pod = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)
        if not pod:
            return {}
        pod = pod[0]
            pod['cpus'] = [json.loads(cpu) for cpu in pod.pop('cpus')]
        except SerializerSyntaxError:
            pod['cpus'] = []
            logger.debug('Failed to deserialize target cpu information')
        pod['kernel_config'] = kernel_config_from_db(pod['kernel_config'])
        return pod

    def _db_statefile(self):
        # Read overall run information
        columns = ['runs.state']
        tables = ['runs']
        conditions = ['runs.run_uuid = \'{}\''.format(self.run_uuid)]
        pod = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)
        pod = pod[0].get('state')
        if not pod:
            return {}

        # Read job information
        columns = ['jobs.job_id', 'jobs.oid']
        tables = ['jobs']
        conditions = ['jobs.run_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.oid)]
        job_oids = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)

        # Match job oid with jobs from state file
        for job in pod.get('jobs', []):
            for job_oid in job_oids:
                if job['id'] == job_oid['job_id']:
                    job['oid'] = job_oid['oid']
        return pod

    def _db_jobsfile(self):
        workload_params = self._get_parameters('workload')
        runtime_params = self._get_parameters('runtime')

        columns = [('jobs.job_id', 'id'), 'jobs.label', 'jobs.workload_name',
                   'jobs.oid', 'jobs._pod_version', 'jobs._pod_serialization_version']
        tables = ['jobs']
        conditions = ['jobs.run_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.oid)]
        jobs = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)

        for job in jobs:
            job['augmentations'] = self._get_job_augmentations(job['oid'])
            job['workload_parameters'] = workload_params.pop(job['oid'], {})
            job['runtime_parameters'] = runtime_params.pop(job['oid'], {})
        return jobs

    def _db_run_config(self):
        pod = defaultdict(dict)
        parameter_types = ['augmentation', 'resource_getter']
        for parameter_type in parameter_types:
            columns = ['parameters.name', 'parameters.value',
                       ('{}s.name'.format(parameter_type), '{}'.format(parameter_type))]
            tables = ['parameters', '{}s'.format(parameter_type)]
            conditions = ['parameters.run_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.oid),
                          'parameters.type = \'{}\''.format(parameter_type),
                          'parameters.{0}_oid = {0}s.oid'.format(parameter_type)]
            configs = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)
            for config in configs:
                entry = {config['name']: json.loads(config['value'])}
                pod['{}s'.format(parameter_type)][config.pop(parameter_type)] = entry

        # run config
        columns = ['runs.max_retries', 'runs.allow_phone_home',
                   'runs.bail_on_init_failure', 'runs.retry_on_status']
        tables = ['runs']
        conditions = ['runs.oid = \'{}\''.format(self.oid)]
        config = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)
        if not config:
            return {}

        config = config[0]
        # Convert back into a string representation of an enum list
        config['retry_on_status'] = config['retry_on_status'][1:-1].split(',')
        return pod

    def __init__(self,

        if psycopg2 is None:
            msg = 'Please install the psycopg2 in order to connect to postgres databases'
            raise HostError(msg)

        self.dbname = dbname
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        self.run_uuid = run_uuid
        self.conn = None

        self.info = None
        self.state = None
        self.result = None
        self.target_info = None
        self._combined_config = None
        self.jobs = []
        self.job_specs = []

        super(RunDatabaseOutput, self).__init__(conn=self.conn, reload=False)

        local_schema_version, db_schema_version = get_schema_versions(self.conn)
        if local_schema_version != db_schema_version:
            msg = 'The current database schema is v{} however the local ' \
                  'schema version is v{}. Please update your database ' \
                  'with the create command'
            raise HostError(msg.format(db_schema_version, local_schema_version))

        if list_runs:
            print('Available runs are:')
        if not self.run_uuid:
            print('Please specify "Run uuid"')

        if not self.oid:
            self.oid = self._get_oid()

    def read_job_specs(self):
        job_specs = []
        for job in self._db_jobsfile:
        return job_specs

    def connect(self):
        if self.conn and not self.conn.closed:
            self.conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=self.dbname,
        except Psycopg2Error as e:
            raise HostError('Unable to connect to the Database: "{}'.format(e.args[0]))

    def disconnect(self):

    def reload(self):
        super(RunDatabaseOutput, self).reload()
        info_pod = self._db_infofile
        state_pod = self._db_statefile
        if not info_pod or not state_pod:
            msg = '"{}" does not appear to be a valid WA Database Output.'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(self.oid))

        self.info = RunInfo.from_pod(info_pod)
        self.state = RunState.from_pod(state_pod)
        self._combined_config = CombinedConfig.from_pod({'run_config': self._db_run_config})
        self.target_info = TargetInfo.from_pod(self._db_targetfile)
        self.job_specs = self.read_job_specs()

        for job_state in self._db_statefile['jobs']:
            job = JobDatabaseOutput(self.conn, job_state.get('oid'), job_state['id'],
                                    job_state['label'], job_state['iteration'],
            job.status = job_state['status']
            job.spec = self.get_job_spec(job.id)
            if job.spec is None:
                logger.warning('Could not find spec for job {}'.format(job.id))

    def _get_oid(self):
        columns = ['{}s.oid'.format(self.kind)]
        tables = ['{}s'.format(self.kind)]
        conditions = ['runs.run_uuid = \'{}\''.format(self.run_uuid)]
        oid = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions, as_dict=False)
        if not oid:
            raise ConfigError('No matching run entries found for run_uuid {}'.format(self.run_uuid))
        if len(oid) > 1:
            raise ConfigError('Multiple entries found for run_uuid: {}'.format(self.run_uuid))
        return oid[0][0]

    def _get_parameters(self, param_type):
        columns = ['parameters.job_oid', 'parameters.name', 'parameters.value']
        tables = ['parameters']
        conditions = ['parameters.type = \'{}\''.format(param_type),
                      'parameters.run_oid = \'{}\''.format(self.oid)]
        params = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions, as_dict=False)
        parm_dict = defaultdict(dict)
        for (job_oid, k, v) in params:
                parm_dict[job_oid][k] = json.loads(v)
            except SerializerSyntaxError:
                logger.debug('Failed to deserialize job_oid:{}-"{}":"{}"'.format(job_oid, k, v))
        return parm_dict

    def _get_job_augmentations(self, job_oid):
        columns = ['jobs_augs.augmentation_oid', 'augmentations.name',
                   'augmentations.oid', 'jobs_augs.job_oid']
        tables = ['jobs_augs', 'augmentations']
        conditions = ['jobs_augs.job_oid = \'{}\''.format(job_oid),
                      'jobs_augs.augmentation_oid = augmentations.oid']
        augmentations = self._read_db(columns, tables, conditions)
        return [aug['name'] for aug in augmentations]

    def _list_runs(self):
        columns = ['runs.run_uuid', 'runs.run_name', 'runs.project',
                   'runs.project_stage', 'runs.status', 'runs.start_time', 'runs.end_time']
        tables = ['runs']
        pod = self._read_db(columns, tables)
        if pod:
            headers = ['Run Name', 'Project', 'Project Stage', 'Start Time', 'End Time',
            run_list = []
            for entry in pod:
                # Format times to display better
                start_time = entry['start_time']
                end_time = entry['end_time']
                if start_time:
                    start_time = start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                if end_time:
                    end_time = end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")


            print(format_simple_table(run_list, headers))
            print('No Runs Found')

class JobDatabaseOutput(DatabaseOutput):

    kind = 'job'

    def __init__(self, conn, oid, job_id, label, iteration, retry):
        super(JobDatabaseOutput, self).__init__(conn, oid=oid)
        self.id = job_id
        self.label = label
        self.iteration = iteration
        self.retry = retry
        self.result = None
        self.spec = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{} {}-{}-{}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
                                      self.id, self.label, self.iteration)

    def __str__(self):
        return '{}-{}-{}'.format(self.id, self.label, self.iteration)

    def augmentations(self):
        job_augs = set([])
        if self.spec:
            for aug in self.spec.augmentations:
        return list(job_augs)