{{ device_name }} Energy Model Report
Power/Performance Analysis
At {{ cap_power_analysis.summary['frequency']|round(2) }} Hz
big is {{ cap_power_analysis.summary['performance_ratio']|round(2) }} times faster
big consumes {{ cap_power_analysis.summary['power_ratio']|round(2) }} times more power
max performance: {{ cap_power_analysis.summary['max_performance']|round(2) }}
max power: {{ cap_power_analysis.summary['max_power']|round(2) }}
Single Core Power/Perfromance Plot
These are the traditional power-performance curves for the single-core runs.
CPUs Power Plot
Each line correspond to the cluster running at a different OPP. Each
point corresponds to the average power with a certain number of CPUs
executing. To get the contribution of the cluster we have to extend the
lines on the left (what it would be the average power of just the cluster).
Idle Power