#    Copyright 2015-2018 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import re
import logging
from ctypes import c_int32
from collections import defaultdict

from devlib.utils.csvutil import create_writer, csvwriter

from wa.utils.trace_cmd import TraceCmdParser, trace_has_marker, TRACE_MARKER_START, TRACE_MARKER_STOP

logger = logging.getLogger('cpustates')

INIT_CPU_FREQ_REGEX = re.compile(r'CPU (?P<cpu>\d+) FREQUENCY: (?P<freq>\d+) kHZ')
DEVLIB_CPU_FREQ_REGEX = re.compile(r'cpu_frequency(?:_devlib):\s+state=(?P<freq>\d+)\s+cpu_id=(?P<cpu>\d+)')

class CorePowerTransitionEvent(object):

    kind = 'transition'
    __slots__ = ['timestamp', 'cpu_id', 'frequency', 'idle_state']

    def __init__(self, timestamp, cpu_id, frequency=None, idle_state=None):
        if (frequency is None) == (idle_state is None):
            raise ValueError('Power transition must specify a frequency or an idle_state, but not both.')
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.cpu_id = cpu_id
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.idle_state = idle_state

    def __str__(self):
        return 'cpu {} @ {} -> freq: {} idle: {}'.format(self.cpu_id, self.timestamp,
                                                         self.frequency, self.idle_state)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'CPTE(c:{} t:{} f:{} i:{})'.format(self.cpu_id, self.timestamp,
                                                  self.frequency, self.idle_state)

class CorePowerDroppedEvents(object):

    kind = 'dropped_events'
    __slots__ = ['cpu_id']

    def __init__(self, cpu_id):
        self.cpu_id = cpu_id

    def __str__(self):
        return 'DROPPED EVENTS on CPU{}'.format(self.cpu_id)

    __repr__ = __str__

class TraceMarkerEvent(object):

    kind = 'marker'
    __slots__ = ['name']

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def __str__(self):
        return 'MARKER: {}'.format(self.name)

class CpuPowerState(object):

    __slots__ = ['frequency', 'idle_state']

    def is_idling(self):
        return self.idle_state is not None and self.idle_state >= 0

    def is_active(self):
        return self.idle_state == -1

    def __init__(self, frequency=None, idle_state=None):
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.idle_state = idle_state

    def __str__(self):
        return 'CP(f:{} i:{})'.format(self.frequency, self.idle_state)

    __repr__ = __str__

class SystemPowerState(object):

    __slots__ = ['timestamp', 'cpus']

    def num_cores(self):
        return len(self.cpus)

    def __init__(self, num_cores, no_idle=False):
        self.timestamp = None
        self.cpus = []
        idle_state = -1 if no_idle else None
        for _ in range(num_cores):

    def copy(self):
        new = SystemPowerState(self.num_cores)
        new.timestamp = self.timestamp
        for i, c in enumerate(self.cpus):
            new.cpus[i].frequency = c.frequency
            new.cpus[i].idle_state = c.idle_state
        return new

    def __str__(self):
        return 'SP(t:{} Cs:{})'.format(self.timestamp, self.cpus)

    __repr__ = __str__

class PowerStateProcessor(object):
    This takes a stream of power transition events and yields a timeline stream
    of system power states.


    def cpu_states(self):
        return self.power_state.cpus

    def current_time(self):
        return self.power_state.timestamp

    def current_time(self, value):
        self.power_state.timestamp = value

    def __init__(self, cpus, wait_for_marker=True, no_idle=None):
        if no_idle is None:
            no_idle = True if cpus[0].cpuidle else False
        self.power_state = SystemPowerState(len(cpus), no_idle=no_idle)
        self.requested_states = {}  # cpu_id -> requeseted state
        self.wait_for_marker = wait_for_marker
        self._saw_start_marker = False
        self._saw_stop_marker = False
        self.exceptions = []

        self.idle_related_cpus = build_idle_state_map(cpus)

    def process(self, event_stream):
        for event in event_stream:
                next_state = self.update_power_state(event)
                if self._saw_start_marker or not self.wait_for_marker:
                    yield next_state
                if self._saw_stop_marker:
            except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            if self.wait_for_marker:
                logger.warning("Did not see a STOP marker in the trace")

    def update_power_state(self, event):
        Update the tracked power state based on the specified event and
        return updated power state.

        if event.kind == 'transition':
        elif event.kind == 'dropped_events':
        elif event.kind == 'marker':
            if event.name == 'START':
                self._saw_start_marker = True
            elif event.name == 'STOP':
                self._saw_stop_marker = True
            raise ValueError('Unexpected event type: {}'.format(event.kind))
        return self.power_state.copy()

    def _process_transition(self, event):
        self.current_time = event.timestamp
        if event.idle_state is None:
            self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].frequency = event.frequency
            if event.idle_state == -1:

    def _process_dropped_events(self, event):
        self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].frequency = None
        old_idle_state = self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].idle_state
        self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].idle_state = None

        related_ids = self.idle_related_cpus[(event.cpu_id, old_idle_state)]
        for rid in related_ids:
            self.cpu_states[rid].idle_state = None

    def _process_idle_entry(self, event):
        if self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].is_idling:
            raise ValueError('Got idle state entry event for an idling core: {}'.format(event))
        self.requested_states[event.cpu_id] = event.idle_state
        self._try_transition_to_idle_state(event.cpu_id, event.idle_state)

    def _process_idle_exit(self, event):
        if self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].is_active:
            raise ValueError('Got idle state exit event for an active core: {}'.format(event))
        self.requested_states.pop(event.cpu_id, None)  # remove outstanding request if there is one
        old_state = self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].idle_state
        self.cpu_states[event.cpu_id].idle_state = -1

        related_ids = self.idle_related_cpus[(event.cpu_id, old_state)]
        if old_state is not None:
            new_state = old_state - 1
            for rid in related_ids:
                if self.cpu_states[rid].idle_state > new_state:
                    self._try_transition_to_idle_state(rid, new_state)

    def _try_transition_to_idle_state(self, cpu_id, idle_state):
        related_ids = self.idle_related_cpus[(cpu_id, idle_state)]

        # Tristate: True - can transition, False - can't transition,
        #           None - unknown idle state on at least one related cpu
        transition_check = self._can_enter_state(related_ids, idle_state)

        if transition_check is None:
            # Unknown state on a related cpu means we're not sure whether we're
            # entering requested state or a shallower one
            self.cpu_states[cpu_id].idle_state = None

        # Keep trying shallower states until all related
        while not self._can_enter_state(related_ids, idle_state):
            idle_state -= 1
            related_ids = self.idle_related_cpus[(cpu_id, idle_state)]

        self.cpu_states[cpu_id].idle_state = idle_state
        for rid in related_ids:
            self.cpu_states[rid].idle_state = idle_state

    def _can_enter_state(self, related_ids, state):
        This is a tri-state check. Returns ``True`` if related cpu states allow transition
        into this state, ``False`` if related cpu states don't allow transition into this
        state, and ``None`` if at least one of the related cpus is in an unknown state
        (so the decision of whether a transition is possible cannot be made).

        for rid in related_ids:
            rid_requested_state = self.requested_states.get(rid, None)
            rid_current_state = self.cpu_states[rid].idle_state
            if rid_current_state is None:
                return None
            if rid_current_state < state:
                if rid_requested_state is None or rid_requested_state < state:
                    return False
        return True

def stream_cpu_power_transitions(events):
    for event in events:
        if event.name == 'cpu_idle':
            state = c_int32(event.state).value
            yield CorePowerTransitionEvent(event.timestamp, event.cpu_id, idle_state=state)
        elif event.name == 'cpu_frequency':
            yield CorePowerTransitionEvent(event.timestamp, event.cpu_id, frequency=event.state)
        elif event.name == 'DROPPED EVENTS DETECTED':
            yield CorePowerDroppedEvents(event.cpu_id)
        elif event.name == 'print':
            if TRACE_MARKER_START in event.text:
                yield TraceMarkerEvent('START')
            elif TRACE_MARKER_STOP in event.text:
                yield TraceMarkerEvent('STOP')
                if 'cpu_frequency' in event.text:
                    match = DEVLIB_CPU_FREQ_REGEX.search(event.text)
                    match = INIT_CPU_FREQ_REGEX.search(event.text)
                if match:
                    yield CorePowerTransitionEvent(event.timestamp,

def gather_core_states(system_state_stream, freq_dependent_idle_states=None):  # NOQA
    if freq_dependent_idle_states is None:
        freq_dependent_idle_states = []
    for system_state in system_state_stream:
        core_states = []
        for cpu in system_state.cpus:
            if cpu.idle_state == -1:
                core_states.append((-1, cpu.frequency))
            elif cpu.idle_state in freq_dependent_idle_states:
                if cpu.frequency is not None:
                    core_states.append((cpu.idle_state, cpu.frequency))
                    core_states.append((None, None))
                core_states.append((cpu.idle_state, None))
        yield (system_state.timestamp, core_states)

def record_state_transitions(reporter, stream):
    for event in stream:
        if event.kind == 'transition':
        yield event

class PowerStateTransitions(object):

    name = 'transitions-timeline'

    def __init__(self, output_directory):
        self.filepath = os.path.join(output_directory, 'state-transitions-timeline.csv')
        self.writer, self._wfh = create_writer(self.filepath)
        headers = ['timestamp', 'cpu_id', 'frequency', 'idle_state']

    def update(self, timestamp, core_states):  # NOQA
        # Just recording transitions, not doing anything
        # with states.

    def record_transition(self, transition):
        row = [transition.timestamp, transition.cpu_id,
               transition.frequency, transition.idle_state]

    def report(self):
        return self

    def write(self):

class PowerStateTimeline(object):

    name = 'state-timeline'

    def __init__(self, output_directory, cpus):
        self.filepath = os.path.join(output_directory, 'power-state-timeline.csv')
        self.idle_state_names = {cpu.id: [s.name for s in cpu.cpuidle.states] for cpu in cpus}
        self.writer, self._wfh = create_writer(self.filepath)
        headers = ['ts'] + ['{} CPU{}'.format(cpu.name, cpu.id) for cpu in cpus]

    def update(self, timestamp, core_states):  # NOQA
        row = [timestamp]
        for cpu_idx, (idle_state, frequency) in enumerate(core_states):
            if frequency is None:
                if idle_state == -1:
                    row.append('Running (unknown kHz)')
                elif idle_state is None:
            else:  # frequency is not None
                if idle_state == -1:
                elif idle_state is None:
                    row.append('{} ({})'.format(self.idle_state_names[cpu_idx][idle_state],

    def report(self):
        return self

    def write(self):

class ParallelStats(object):

    def __init__(self, output_directory, cpus, use_ratios=False):
        self.filepath = os.path.join(output_directory, 'parallel-stats.csv')
        self.clusters = defaultdict(set)
        self.use_ratios = use_ratios

        clusters = []
        for cpu in cpus:
            if cpu.cpufreq.related_cpus not in clusters:

        for i, clust in enumerate(clusters):
            self.clusters[str(i)] = set(clust)
        self.clusters['all'] = set([cpu.id for cpu in cpus])

        self.first_timestamp = None
        self.last_timestamp = None
        self.previous_states = None
        self.parallel_times = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
        self.running_times = defaultdict(int)

    def update(self, timestamp, core_states):
        if self.last_timestamp is not None:
            delta = timestamp - self.last_timestamp
            active_cores = [i for i, c in enumerate(self.previous_states)
                            if c and c[0] == -1]
            for cluster, cluster_cores in self.clusters.items():
                clust_active_cores = len(cluster_cores.intersection(active_cores))
                self.parallel_times[cluster][clust_active_cores] += delta
                if clust_active_cores:
                    self.running_times[cluster] += delta
        else:  # initial update
            self.first_timestamp = timestamp

        self.last_timestamp = timestamp
        self.previous_states = core_states

    def report(self):  # NOQA
        if self.last_timestamp is None:
            return None

        report = ParallelReport(self.filepath)
        total_time = self.last_timestamp - self.first_timestamp
        for cluster in sorted(self.parallel_times):
            running_time = self.running_times[cluster]
            for n in range(len(self.clusters[cluster]) + 1):
                time = self.parallel_times[cluster][n]
                time_pc = time / total_time
                if not self.use_ratios:
                    time_pc *= 100
                if n:
                    if running_time:
                        running_time_pc = time / running_time
                        running_time_pc = 0
                    if not self.use_ratios:
                        running_time_pc *= 100
                    running_time_pc = 0
                precision = 3 if self.use_ratios else 1
                fmt = '{{:.{}f}}'.format(precision)
                report.add([cluster, n,
        return report

class ParallelReport(object):

    name = 'parallel-stats'

    def __init__(self, filepath):
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.values = []

    def add(self, value):

    def write(self):
        with csvwriter(self.filepath) as writer:
            writer.writerow(['cluster', 'number_of_cores', 'total_time', '%time', '%running_time'])

class PowerStateStats(object):

    def __init__(self, output_directory, cpus, use_ratios=False):
        self.filepath = os.path.join(output_directory, 'power-state-stats.csv')
        self.core_names = [cpu.name for cpu in cpus]
        self.idle_state_names = {cpu.id: [s.name for s in cpu.cpuidle.states] for cpu in cpus}
        self.use_ratios = use_ratios
        self.first_timestamp = None
        self.last_timestamp = None
        self.previous_states = None
        self.cpu_states = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))

    def update(self, timestamp, core_states):  # NOQA
        if self.last_timestamp is not None:
            delta = timestamp - self.last_timestamp
            for cpu, (idle, freq) in enumerate(self.previous_states):
                if idle == -1:
                    if freq is not None:
                        state = '{:07}KHz'.format(freq)
                        state = 'Running (unknown KHz)'
                elif freq:
                    state = '{}-{:07}KHz'.format(self.idle_state_names[cpu][idle], freq)
                elif idle is not None:
                    state = self.idle_state_names[cpu][idle]
                    state = 'unknown'
                self.cpu_states[cpu][state] += delta
        else:  # initial update
            self.first_timestamp = timestamp

        self.last_timestamp = timestamp
        self.previous_states = core_states

    def report(self):
        if self.last_timestamp is None:
            return None
        total_time = self.last_timestamp - self.first_timestamp
        state_stats = defaultdict(lambda: [None] * len(self.core_names))

        for cpu, states in self.cpu_states.items():
            for state in states:
                time = states[state]
                time_pc = time / total_time
                if not self.use_ratios:
                    time_pc *= 100
                state_stats[state][cpu] = time_pc

        precision = 3 if self.use_ratios else 1
        return PowerStateStatsReport(self.filepath, state_stats, self.core_names, precision)

class PowerStateStatsReport(object):

    name = 'power-state-stats'

    def __init__(self, filepath, state_stats, core_names, precision=2):
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.state_stats = state_stats
        self.core_names = core_names
        self.precision = precision

    def write(self):
        with csvwriter(self.filepath) as writer:
            headers = ['state'] + ['{} CPU{}'.format(c, i)
                                   for i, c in enumerate(self.core_names)]
            for state in sorted(self.state_stats):
                stats = self.state_stats[state]
                fmt = '{{:.{}f}}'.format(self.precision)
                writer.writerow([state] + [fmt.format(s if s is not None else 0)
                                           for s in stats])

class CpuUtilizationTimeline(object):

    name = 'utilization-timeline'

    def __init__(self, output_directory, cpus):
        self.filepath = os.path.join(output_directory, 'utilization-timeline.csv')
        self.writer, self._wfh = create_writer(self.filepath)

        headers = ['ts'] + ['{} CPU{}'.format(cpu.name, cpu.id) for cpu in cpus]
        self._max_freq_list = [cpu.cpufreq.available_frequencies[-1] for cpu in cpus]

    def update(self, timestamp, core_states):  # NOQA
        row = [timestamp]
        for core, [_, frequency] in enumerate(core_states):
            if frequency is not None:
                frequency /= float(self._max_freq_list[core])

    def report(self):
        return self

    def write(self):

def build_idle_state_map(cpus):
    idle_state_map = defaultdict(list)
    for cpu_idx, cpu in enumerate(cpus):
        related_cpus = set(cpu.cpufreq.related_cpus) - set([cpu_idx])
        first_cluster_state = cpu.cpuidle.num_states - 1
        for state_idx, _ in enumerate(cpu.cpuidle.states):
            if state_idx < first_cluster_state:
                idle_state_map[(cpu_idx, state_idx)] = []
                idle_state_map[(cpu_idx, state_idx)] = list(related_cpus)
    return idle_state_map

def report_power_stats(trace_file, cpus, output_basedir, use_ratios=False, no_idle=None,  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    Process trace-cmd output to generate timelines and statistics of CPU power
    state (a.k.a P- and C-state) transitions in the trace.

    The results will be written into a subdirectory called "power-stats" under
    the specified ``output_basedir``.

    :param trace_file: trace-cmd's text trace to process.
    :param cpus: A list of ``CpuInfo`` objects describing a target's CPUs.
                 These are typically reported as part of ``TargetInfo`` in
                 WA output.
    :param output_basedir: Base location for the output. This directory must
                        exist and must not contain a directory of file
                        named ``"power-states"``.
    :param use_rations: By default, stats will be reported as percentages. Set
                        this to ``True`` to report stats as decimals in the
                        ``0 <= value <= 1`` instead.
    :param no_idle: ``False`` if cpuidle and at least one idle state per CPU are
                    enabled, should be ``True`` otherwise. This influences the
                    assumptions about CPU's initial states. If not explicitly
                    set, the value for this will be guessed based on whether
                    cpuidle states are present in the first ``CpuInfo``.

    The output directory will contain the following files:

        Power state residency statistics for each CPU. Shows the percentage of
        time a CPU has spent in each of its available power states.

        Parallel execution stats for each CPU cluster, and combined stats for
        the whole system.

        Timeline of CPU power states. Shows which power state each CPU is in at
        a point in time.

        Timeline of CPU power state transitions. Each entry shows a CPU's
        transition from one power state to another.

        Timeline of CPU utilizations.

    .. note:: Timeline entries aren't at regular intervals, but at times of
              power transition events.

    Stats are generated by assembling a pipeline consisting of the following

        1. Parse trace into trace events
        2. Filter trace events into power state transition events
        3. Record power state transitions
        4. Convert transitions into a power states.
        5. Collapse the power states into timestamped ``(C state, P state)``
           tuples for each cpu.
        6. Update reporters/stats generators with cpu states.

    output_directory = os.path.join(output_basedir, 'power-states')
    if not os.path.isdir(output_directory):

    freq_dependent_idle_states = []
    if split_wfi_states:
        freq_dependent_idle_states = [0]

    # init trace, processor, and reporters
    # note: filter_markers is False here, even though we *will* filter by them. The
    #       reason for this is that we want to observe events before the start
    #       marker in order to establish the intial power states.
    parser = TraceCmdParser(filter_markers=False,
                            events=['cpu_idle', 'cpu_frequency', 'print'])
    ps_processor = PowerStateProcessor(cpus, wait_for_marker=trace_has_marker(trace_file),
    transitions_reporter = PowerStateTransitions(output_directory)
    reporters = [
        ParallelStats(output_directory, cpus, use_ratios),
        PowerStateStats(output_directory, cpus, use_ratios),
        PowerStateTimeline(output_directory, cpus),
        CpuUtilizationTimeline(output_directory, cpus),

    # assemble the pipeline
    event_stream = parser.parse(trace_file)
    transition_stream = stream_cpu_power_transitions(event_stream)
    recorded_trans_stream = record_state_transitions(transitions_reporter, transition_stream)
    power_state_stream = ps_processor.process(recorded_trans_stream)
    core_state_stream = gather_core_states(power_state_stream, freq_dependent_idle_states)

    # execute the pipeline
    for timestamp, states in core_state_stream:
        for reporter in reporters:
            reporter.update(timestamp, states)

    # report any issues encountered while executing the pipeline
    if ps_processor.exceptions:
        logger.warning('There were errors while processing trace:')
        for e in ps_processor.exceptions:

    # generate reports
    reports = {}
    for reporter in reporters:
        report = reporter.report()
        reports[report.name] = report
    return reports