# Copyright 2022 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re from wa import Workload, Parameter, Executable from wa.utils.exec_control import once timeout_buffer = 10 regex_map = {"50.0th": re.compile(r'50.0th: (\d+)'), "75.0th": re.compile(r'75.0th: (\d+)'), "90.0th": re.compile(r'90.0th: (\d+)'), "95.0th": re.compile(r'95.0th: (\d+)'), "*99.0th": re.compile(r'\*99.0th: (\d+)'), "99.5th": re.compile(r'99.5th: (\d+)'), "99.9th": re.compile(r'99.9th: (\d+)'), "min": re.compile(r'min=(\d+)'), "max": re.compile(r'max=(\d+)') } class Schbench(Workload): name = 'schbench' description = """ Benchmark providing detailed latency distribution statistics for scheduler wakeups. """ parameters = [ Parameter('runtime', kind=int, default=30, aliases=['timeout'], description='How long to run before exiting (seconds)'), Parameter('message_threads', kind=int, default=2, description='number of message threads'), Parameter('threads', kind=int, default=16, description='worker threads per message thread'), Parameter('sleeptime', kind=int, default=30000, description='Message thread latency (usec)'), Parameter('cputime', kind=int, default=30000, description='How long to think during loop'), Parameter('auto', kind=bool, default=False, description='grow thread count until latencies hurt'), Parameter('pipe', kind=int, default=0, description='transfer size bytes to simulate a pipe test'), Parameter('rps', kind=int, default=0, description='requests per second mode (count)'), Parameter('intervaltime', kind=int, description='interval for printing latencies (seconds)'), ] binary_name = 'schbench' schbench_results_txt = 'schbench_results.txt' output_unit = 'usec' @once def initialize(self, context): host_binary = context.get_resource( Executable(self, self.target.abi, self.binary_name)) Schbench.target_binary = self.target.install(host_binary) def setup(self, context): self.target_output_file = self.target.get_workpath( self.schbench_results_txt) self.run_timeout = self.runtime + timeout_buffer self.command = "{} -m {} -t {} -r {} -s {} -c {} -p {} -R {} -i {} {}" self.command = self.command.format( self.target_binary, self.message_threads, self.threads, self.runtime, self.sleeptime, self.cputime, self.pipe, self.rps, self.runtime if not self.intervaltime else self.intervaltime, '-a' if self.auto else '', ) def run(self, context): self.output = self.target.execute( self.command, timeout=self.run_timeout) def extract_results(self, context): host_output_file = os.path.join( context.output_directory, self.schbench_results_txt) with open(host_output_file, "w") as f: f.write(self.output) context.add_artifact('schbench-results', host_output_file, kind='raw') def update_output(self, context): results_file = context.get_artifact_path('schbench-results') with open(results_file) as fh: for line in fh: for label, regex in regex_map.items(): match = regex.search(line) if match: context.add_metric(label, float(match.group(1)), self.output_unit) @once def finalize(self, context): if self.uninstall: self.target.uninstall(self.binary_name)