.. _setting-up-a-device: Setting Up A Device =================== WA should work with most Android devices out-of-the box, as long as the device is discoverable by ``adb`` (i.e. gets listed when you run ``adb devices``). For USB-attached devices, that should be the case; for network devices, ``adb connect`` would need to be invoked with the IP address of the device. If there is only one device connected to the host running WA, then no further configuration should be necessary (though you may want to :ref:`tweak some Android settings `\ ). If you have multiple devices connected, have a non-standard Android build (e.g. on a development board), or want to use of the more advanced WA functionality, further configuration will be required. Android ------- General Device Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can specify the device interface by setting ``device`` setting in ``~/.workload_automation/config.yaml``. Available interfaces can be viewed by running ``wa list targets`` command. If you don't see your specific platform listed (which is likely unless you're using one of the Arm-supplied platforms), then you should use ``generic_android`` interface (this is set in the config by default). .. code-block:: yaml device: generic_android The device interface may be configured through ``device_config`` setting, who's value is a ``dict`` mapping setting names to their values. Some of the most common parameters you might want to change are outlined below. .. confval:: device If you have multiple Android devices connected to the host machine, you will need to set this to indicate to WA which device you want it to use. .. confval:: working_directory WA needs a "working" directory on the device which it will use for collecting traces, caching assets it pushes to the device, etc. By default, it will create one under ``/sdcard`` which should be mapped and writable on standard Android builds. If this is not the case for your device, you will need to specify an alternative working directory (e.g. under ``/data/local``). .. confval:: modules A list of additional modules to be installed for the target. Devlib implements functionality for particular subsystems as modules. A number of "default" modules (e.g. for cpufreq subsystem) are loaded automatically, unless explicitly disabled. If additional modules need to be loaded, they may be specified using this parameter. Please see the `devlib documentation `_ for information on the available modules. .. _core-names: .. confval:: core_names ``core_names`` should be a list of core names matching the order in which they are exposed in sysfs. For example, Arm TC2 SoC is a 2x3 big.LITTLE system; its core_names would be ``['a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a15', 'a15']``, indicating that cpu0-cpu2 in cpufreq sysfs structure are A7's and cpu3 and cpu4 are A15's. .. note:: This should not usually need to be provided as it will be automatically extracted from the target. A typical ``device_config`` inside ``config.yaml`` may look something like .. code-block:: yaml device_config: device: 0123456789ABCDEF # ... or a more specific config could be be .. code-block:: yaml device_config: device: 0123456789ABCDEF working_direcory: '/sdcard/wa-working' modules: ['hotplug', 'cpufreq'] core_names : ['a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a15', 'a15'] # ... .. _configuring-android: Configuring Android ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are a few additional tasks you may need to perform once you have a device booted into Android (especially if this is an initial boot of a fresh OS deployment): - You have gone through FTU (first time usage) on the home screen and in the apps menu. - You have disabled the screen lock. - You have set sleep timeout to the highest possible value (30 mins on most devices). - You have set the locale language to "English" (this is important for some workloads in which UI automation looks for specific text in UI elements). Juno Setup ---------- .. note:: At the time of writing, the Android software stack on Juno was still very immature. Some workloads may not run, and there maybe stability issues with the device. The full software stack can be obtained from Linaro: https://releases.linaro.org/android/images/lcr-reference-juno/latest/ Please follow the instructions on the "Binary Image Installation" tab on that page. More up-to-date firmware and kernel may also be obtained by registered members from ARM Connected Community: http://www.arm.com/community/ (though this is not guaranteed to work with the Linaro file system). UEFI ^^^^ Juno uses UEFI_ to boot the kernel image. UEFI supports multiple boot configurations, and presents a menu on boot to select (in default configuration it will automatically boot the first entry in the menu if not interrupted before a timeout). WA will look for a specific entry in the UEFI menu (``'WA'`` by default, but that may be changed by setting ``uefi_entry`` in the ``device_config``). When following the UEFI instructions on the above Linaro page, please make sure to name the entry appropriately (or to correctly set the ``uefi_entry``). .. _UEFI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFI There are two supported ways for Juno to discover kernel images through UEFI. It can either load them from NOR flash on the board, or from the boot partition on the file system. The setup described on the Linaro page uses the boot partition method. If WA does not find the UEFI entry it expects, it will create one. However, it will assume that the kernel image resides in NOR flash, which means it will not work with Linaro file system. So if you're replicating the Linaro setup exactly, you will need to create the entry manually, as outline on the above-linked page. Rebooting ^^^^^^^^^ At the time of writing, normal Android reboot did not work properly on Juno Android, causing the device to crash into an irrecoverable state. Therefore, WA will perform a hard reset to reboot the device. It will attempt to do this by toggling the DTR line on the serial connection to the device. In order for this to work, you need to make sure that SW1 configuration switch on the back panel of the board (the right-most DIP switch) is toggled *down*. Linux ----- General Device Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can specify the device interface by setting ``device`` setting in ``~/.workload_automation/config.yaml``. Available interfaces can be viewed by running ``wa list targets`` command. If you don't see your specific platform listed (which is likely unless you're using one of the Arm-supplied platforms), then you should use ``generic_linux`` interface (this is set in the config by default). .. code-block:: yaml device: generic_linux The device interface may be configured through ``device_config`` setting, who's value is a ``dict`` mapping setting names to their values. Some of the most common parameters you might want to change are outlined below. .. confval:: host This should be either the the DNS name or IP address of the device. .. confval:: username The login name of the user on the device that WA will use. This user should have a home directory (unless an alternative working directory is specified using ``working_directory`` config -- see below), and, for full functionality, the user should have sudo rights (WA will be able to use sudo-less acounts but some instruments or workload may not work). .. confval:: password Password for the account on the device. Either this of a ``keyfile`` (see below) must be specified. .. confval:: keyfile If key-based authentication is used, this may be used to specify the SSH identity file instead of the password. .. confval:: property_files This is a list of paths that will be pulled for each WA run into the __meta subdirectory in the results. The intention is to collect meta-data about the device that may aid in reporducing the results later. The paths specified do not have to exist on the device (they will be ignored if they do not). The default list is ``['/proc/version', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/etc/arch-release']`` In addition, ``working_directory``, ``core_names``, ``modules`` etc. can also be specified and have the same meaning as for Android devices (see above). A typical ``device_config`` inside ``config.yaml`` may look something like .. code-block:: yaml device_config: host: username: guest password: guest # ... Chrome OS --------- General Device Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can specify the device interface by setting ``device`` setting in ``~/.workload_automation/config.yaml``. Available interfaces can be viewed by running ``wa list targets`` command. If you don't see your specific platform listed (which is likely unless you're using one of the Arm-supplied platforms), then you should use ``generic_chromeos`` interface (this is set in the config by default). .. code-block:: yaml device: generic_chromeos The device interface may be configured through ``device_config`` setting, who's value is a ``dict`` mapping setting names to their values. The chrome os target is essentially the same as a linux device and requires a similar setup, however it also optionally supports connecting to an android container running on the device which will be automatically deted if present. If the device supports android applications then the android configuration is also supported. In order to support this then WA will open 2 connections to the device, one via SSH to the main ChomeOS OS and another via ADB to the android container where a limited subset of functionality can be performed. In order to distinguish between the two connections some of the android specific configuration has been renamed to reflect the destination. .. confval:: android_working_directory WA needs a "working" directory on the device which it will use for collecting traces, caching assets it pushes to the device, etc. By default, it will create one under ``/sdcard`` which should be mapped and writable on standard Android builds. If this is not the case for your device, you will need to specify an alternative working directory (e.g. under ``/data/local``). A typical ``device_config`` inside ``config.yaml`` for a ChromeOS device may look something like .. code-block:: yaml device_config: host: username: root android_working_direcory: '/sdcard/wa-working' # ... .. note:: This assumes that your Chromebook is in developer mode and is configured to run an SSH server with the appropriate ssh keys added to the authorized_keys file on the device. Related Settings ---------------- Reboot Policy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This indicates when during WA execution the device will be rebooted. By default this is set to ``as_needed``, indicating that WA will not reboot the device. Please see ``reboot_policy`` documentation in :ref:`configuration-specification` for more details. Execution Order ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``execution_order`` defines the order in which WA will execute workloads. ``by_iteration`` (set by default) will execute the first iteration of each spec first, followed by the second iteration of each spec (that defines more than one iteration) and so forth. The alternative will loop through all iterations for the first first spec first, then move on to second spec, etc. Again, please see :ref:`configuration-specification` for more details. Adding a new target interface ----------------------------- If you are working with a particularly unusual device (e.g. a early stage development board) or need to be able to handle some quirk of your Android build, configuration available in ``generic_android`` interface may not be enough for you. In that case, you may need to write a custom interface for your device. A device interface is an ``Extension`` (a plug-in) type in WA and is implemented similar to other extensions (such as workloads or instruments). Pleaser refer to the :ref:`adding a custom target ` section for information on how this may be done.