========== User Guide ========== This guide will show you how to quickly start running workloads using Workload Automation 3. .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: --------------------------------------------------------------- Install ======= .. note:: This is a quick summary. For more detailed instructions, please see the :doc:`installation` section. Make sure you have Python 2.7 and a recent Android SDK with API level 18 or above installed on your system. A complete install of the Android SDK is required, as WA uses a number of its utilities, not just adb. For the SDK, make sure that either ``ANDROID_HOME`` environment variable is set, or that ``adb`` is in your ``PATH``. .. Note:: If you plan to run Workload Automation on Linux devices only, SSH is required, and Android SDK is optional if you wish to run WA on Android devices at a later time. However, you would be starting off with a limited number of workloads that will run on Linux devices. In addition to the base Python 2.7 install, you will also need to have ``pip`` (Python's package manager) installed as well. This is usually a separate package. Once you have those, you can install WA with:: sudo -H pip install wa This will install Workload Automation on your system, along with its mandatory dependencies. Alternatively we provide a Dockerfile that which can be used to create a Docker image for running WA along with its dependencies. More information can be found :ref:`here `. (Optional) Verify installation ------------------------------- Once the tarball has been installed, try executing :: wa -h You should see a help message outlining available subcommands. (Optional) APK files -------------------- A large number of WA workloads are installed as APK files. These cannot be distributed with WA and so you will need to obtain those separately. For more details, please see the :ref:`installation ` section. List Command ============ In order to get started with using WA we first we need to find out what is available to use. In order to do this we can use the "list" command followed by the type of plugin that you wish to see. For example to see what workloads are available along with a short description of each you run:: wa list workloads Which will give an output in the format of: .. code-block:: none adobereader: The Adobe Reader workflow carries out the following typical productivity tasks. androbench: Executes storage performance benchmarks angrybirds_rio: Angry Birds Rio game. antutu: Executes Antutu 3D, UX, CPU and Memory tests applaunch: This workload launches and measures the launch time of applications for supporting workloads. benchmarkpi: Measures the time the target device takes to run and complete the Pi calculation algorithm. dhrystone: Runs the Dhrystone benchmark. exoplayer: Android ExoPlayer geekbench: Geekbench provides a comprehensive set of benchmarks engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. #.. The same syntax can be used to display ``commands``, ``energy_instrument_backends``, ``instruments``, ``output_processors``, ``resource_getters`` and ``targets``. Alternatively please see the :ref:`Plugin Reference ` for an online version. Configure Your Device ===================== There are multiple options for configuring your device depending on your particular use case. You can either add your configuration to the default configuration file ``config.yaml``, under the ``$WA_USER_HOME/`` directory or you can specify it in the ``config`` section of your agenda directly. Alternatively if you are using multiple devices, you may want to create separate config files for each of your devices you will be using. This allows you to specify which device you would like to use for a particular run and pass it as an argument when invoking with the ``-c`` flag. :: wa run dhrystone -c my_device.yaml By default WA will use the “most specific” configuration available for example any configuration specified inside an agenda will override a passed configuration file which will in turn overwrite the default configuration file. .. note:: For a more information about configuring your device please see :ref:`Setting Up A Device `. Android ------- By default, the device is set to 'generic_android'. WA is configured to work with a generic Android device through ``adb``. If you only have one device listed when you execute ``adb devices``, and your device has a standard Android configuration, then no extra configuration is required. However, if your device is connected via network, you will have to manually execute ``adb connect `` so that it appears in the device listing. If you have multiple devices connected, you will need to tell WA which one you want it to use. You can do that by setting ``device`` in the device_config section. .. code-block:: yaml # ... device_config: device: 'abcdef0123456789' # ... # ... Linux ----- First, set the device to 'generic_linux' .. code-block:: yaml # ... device: 'generic_linux' # ... Find the device_config section and add these parameters .. code-block:: yaml # ... device_config: host: '' username: 'root' password: 'password' # ... # ... Parameters: - Host is the IP of your target Linux device - Username is the user for the device - Password is the password for the device Enabling and Disabling Augmentations --------------------------------------- Augmentations are the collective name for "instruments" and "output processors" in WA3. Some augmentations are enabled by default after your initial install of WA, which are specified in the ``config.yaml`` file located in your ``WA_USER_DIRECTORY``, typically ``~/.workload_autoamation``. .. note:: Some Linux devices may not be able to run certain augmentations provided by WA (e.g. cpufreq is disabled or unsupported by the device). .. code-block:: yaml # ... augmentations: # Records the time it took to run the workload - execution_time # Collects /proc/interrupts before and after execution and does a diff. - interrupts # Collects the contents of/sys/devices/system/cpu before and after # execution and does a diff. - cpufreq # Generate a txt file containing general status information about # which runs failed and which were successful. - status # ... If you only wanted to keep the 'execution_time' instrument enabled, you can comment out the rest of the list augmentations to disable them. This should give you basic functionality. If you are working with a development board or you need some advanced functionality additional configuration may be required. Please see the :ref:`device setup ` section for more details. .. note:: In WA2 'Instrumentation' and 'Result Processors' were divided up into their own sections in the agenda. In WA3 they now fall under the same category of 'augmentations'. For compatibility the old naming structure is still valid however using the new entry names is recommended. Running Your First Workload =========================== The simplest way to run a workload is to specify it as a parameter to WA ``run`` :ref:`run ` sub-command:: wa run dhrystone You will see INFO output from WA as it executes each stage of the run. A completed run output should look something like this:: INFO Creating output directory. INFO Initializing run INFO Connecting to target INFO Setting up target INFO Initializing execution context INFO Generating jobs INFO Loading job wk1 (dhrystone) [1] INFO Installing instruments INFO Installing output processors INFO Starting run INFO Initializing run INFO Initializing job wk1 (dhrystone) [1] INFO Running job wk1 INFO Configuring augmentations INFO Configuring target for job wk1 (dhrystone) [1] INFO Setting up job wk1 (dhrystone) [1] INFO Running job wk1 (dhrystone) [1] INFO Tearing down job wk1 (dhrystone) [1] INFO Completing job wk1 INFO Job completed with status OK INFO Finalizing run INFO Finalizing job wk1 (dhrystone) [1] INFO Done. INFO Run duration: 9 seconds INFO Ran a total of 1 iterations: 1 OK INFO Results can be found in wa_output Once the run has completed, you will find a directory called ``wa_output`` in the location where you have invoked ``wa run``. Within this directory, you will find a "results.csv" file which will contain results obtained for dhrystone, as well as a "run.log" file containing detailed log output for the run. You will also find a sub-directory called 'wk1-dhrystone-1' that contains the results for that iteration. Finally, you will find various additional information in the ``wa_output/__meta`` subdirectory for example information extracted from the target and a copy of the agenda file. The contents of iteration-specific subdirectories will vary from workload to workload, and, along with the contents of the main output directory, will depend on the augmentations that were enabled for that run. The ``run`` sub-command takes a number of options that control its behaviour, you can view those by executing ``wa run -h``. Please see the :ref:`invocation` section for details. Create an Agenda ================ Simply running a single workload is normally of little use. Typically, you would want to specify several workloads, setup the device state and, possibly, enable additional augmentations. To do this, you would need to create an "agenda" for the run that outlines everything you want WA to do. Agendas are written using YAML_ markup language. A simple agenda might look like this: .. code-block:: yaml config: augmentations: - ~execution_time - json iterations: 2 workloads: - memcpy - name: dhrystone params: mloops: 5 threads: 1 This agenda: - Specifies two workloads: memcpy and dhrystone. - Specifies that dhrystone should run in one thread and execute five million loops. - Specifies that each of the two workloads should be run twice. - Enables json output processor, in addition to the output processors enabled in the config.yaml. - Disables execution_time instrument, if it is enabled in the config.yaml An agenda can be created using WA's ``create`` :ref:`command ` or in a text editor and saved as a YAML file. For more options please see the :ref:`agenda` documentation. .. _YAML: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML .. _using-the-create-command: Using the Create Command ------------------------- The easiest way to create an agenda is to use the 'create' command. For more in-depth information please see the :ref:`Create Command ` documentation. In order to populate the agenda with relevant information you can supply all of the plugins you wish to use as arguments to the command, for example if we want to create an agenda file for running ``dhystrone`` on a 'generic android' device and we want to enable the ``execution_time`` and ``trace-cmd`` instruments and display the metrics using the ``csv`` output processor. We would use the following command:: wa create agenda generic_android dhrystone execution_time trace-cmd csv -d my_agenda.yaml This will produce a `my_agenda.yaml` file containing all the relevant configuration for the specified plugins along with their default values as shown below: .. code-block:: yaml config: augmentations: - execution_time - trace-cmd - csv iterations: 1 device: generic_android device_config: adb_server: null big_core: null core_clusters: null core_names: null device: null disable_selinux: true executables_directory: null load_default_modules: true logcat_poll_period: null model: null modules: null package_data_directory: /data/data shell_prompt: ! '8:^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] ' working_directory: null execution_time: {} trace-cmd: buffer_size: null buffer_size_step: 1000 events: - sched* - irq* - power* - thermal* functions: null no_install: false report: true report_on_target: false csv: extra_columns: null use_all_classifiers: false workloads: - name: dhrystone params: cleanup_assets: true delay: 0 duration: 0 mloops: 0 taskset_mask: 0 threads: 4 Run Command ============ These examples show some useful options that can be used with WA's ``run`` command. Once we have created an agenda to use it with WA we can pass it as a argument to the run command e.g.:: wa run (e.g. wa run ~/myagenda.yaml) By default WA will use the "wa_output" directory to stores its output however to redirect the output to a different directory we can use:: wa run dhrystone -d my_output_directory We can also tell WA to use additional config files by supplying it with the ``-c`` argument. One use case for passing additional config files is if you have multiple devices you wish test with WA, you can store the relevant device configuration in individual config files and then pass the file corresponding to the device you wish to use for that particular test. .. note:: As previously mentioned, any more specific configuration present in the agenda file will overwrite the corresponding config parameters specified in the config file(s). :: wa run -c myconfig.yaml ~/myagenda.yaml To use the same output directory but override the existing contents to store new dhrystone results we can specify the ``-f`` argument:: wa run -f dhrystone To display verbose output while running memcpy:: wa run --verbose memcpy .. _output_directory: Output Directory ================ The exact contents on the output directory will depend on configuration options used, augmentations enabled, etc. At the top level, there will be a ``run.log`` file containing the complete log output for the execution. The contents of this file is equivalent to what you would get in the console when using --verbose option. The output directory will also contain a ``results.json`` file that lists any overall run metrics and artifacts that have been collected during the run. Depending on the augmentations that were enabled there may be other results files in different formats, for example the ``csv`` :ref:`output processor `. In addition you will find a subdirectory for each successful iteration executed with output and its own ``results.json`` file for that specific iteration. If a job fails to complete for some reason, then the output directory for that job will be moved into a new directory called ``__failed``. If the job was running on a platform that supports android then WA will take a screen capture and UI dump from the device. Finally, there will be a ``__meta`` subdirectory. This will contain a copy of the agenda file used to run the workloads along with other configuration files that were used for the execution of that run. Uninstall ========= If you have installed Workload Automation via ``pip``, then run this command to uninstall it:: sudo pip uninstall wa .. Note:: It will *not* remove any user configuration (e.g. the ~/.workload_automation directory). Upgrade ======= To upgrade Workload Automation to the latest version via ``pip``, run:: sudo pip install --upgrade --no-deps wa