============ Installation ============ .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: ------------------------------------------------------------ .. module:: wa This page describes the 3 methods of installing Workload Automation 3. The first option is to use :ref:`pip` which will install the latest release of WA, the latest development version from :ref:`github ` or via a :ref:`dockerfile`. Prerequisites ============= Operating System ---------------- WA runs on a native Linux install. It was tested with Ubuntu 14.04, but any recent Linux distribution should work. It should run on either 32-bit or 64-bit OS, provided the correct version of Android (see below) was installed. Officially, **other environments are not supported**. WA has been known to run on Linux Virtual machines and in Cygwin environments, though additional configuration may be required in both cases (known issues include makings sure USB/serial connections are passed to the VM, and wrong python/pip binaries being picked up in Cygwin). WA *should* work on other Unix-based systems such as BSD or Mac OS X, but it has not been tested in those environments. WA *does not* run on Windows (though it should be possible to get limited functionality with minimal porting effort). .. Note:: If you plan to run Workload Automation on Linux devices only, SSH is required, and Android SDK is optional if you wish to run WA on Android devices at a later time. Then follow the steps to install the necessary python packages to set up WA. However, you would be starting off with a limited number of workloads that will run on Linux devices. Android SDK ----------- You need to have the Android SDK with at least one platform installed. To install it, download the ADT Bundle from here_. Extract it and add ``/sdk/platform-tools`` and ``/sdk/tools`` to your ``PATH``. To test that you've installed it properly, run ``adb version``. The output should be similar to this:: adb version Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39 .. _here: https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Once that is working, run :: android update sdk This will open up a dialog box listing available android platforms and corresponding API levels, e.g. ``Android 4.3 (API 18)``. For WA, you will need at least API level 18 (i.e. Android 4.3), though installing the latest is usually the best bet. Optionally (but recommended), you should also set ``ANDROID_HOME`` to point to the install location of the SDK (i.e. ``/sdk``). Python ------ Workload Automation 3 requires Python 2.7 (Python 3 is not supported at the moment). .. _pip: pip --- pip is the recommended package manager for Python. It is not part of standard Python distribution and would need to be installed separately. On Ubuntu and similar distributions, this may be done with APT:: sudo apt-get install python-pip .. note:: Some versions of pip (in particluar v1.5.4 which comes with Ubuntu 14.04) are know to set the wrong permissions when installing packages, resulting in WA failing to import them. To avoid this it is recommended that you update pip and setuptools before proceeding with installation:: sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip sudo -H pip install --upgrade setuptools If you do run into this issue after already installing some packages, you can resolve it by running :: sudo chmod -R a+r /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packagessudo find /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages -type d -exec chmod a+x {} \; (The paths above will work for Ubuntu; they may need to be adjusted for other distros). Python Packages --------------- .. note:: pip should automatically download and install missing dependencies, so if you're using pip, you can skip this section. However some packages the will be installed have C plugins and will require Python development headers to install. You can get those by installing ``python-dev`` package in apt on Ubuntu (or the equivalent for your distribution). Workload Automation 3 depends on the following additional libraries: * pexpect * docutils * pySerial * pyYAML * python-dateutil * louie * pandas * devlib * wrapt * requests * colorama You can install these with pip:: sudo -H pip install pexpect sudo -H pip install pyserial sudo -H pip install pyyaml sudo -H pip install docutils sudo -H pip install python-dateutil sudo -H pip install devlib sudo -H pip install pandas sudo -H pip install louie sudo -H pip install wrapt sudo -H pip install requests sudo -H pip install colorama Some of these may also be available in your distro's repositories, e.g. :: sudo apt-get install python-serial Distro package versions tend to be older, so pip installation is recommended. However, pip will always download and try to build the source, so in some situations distro binaries may provide an easier fall back. Please also note that distro package names may differ from pip packages. Optional Python Packages ------------------------ .. note:: Unlike the mandatory dependencies in the previous section, pip will *not* install these automatically, so you will have to explicitly install them if/when you need them. In addition to the mandatory packages listed in the previous sections, some WA functionality (e.g. certain plugins) may have additional dependencies. Since they are not necessary to be able to use most of WA, they are not made mandatory to simplify initial WA installation. If you try to use an plugin that has additional, unmet dependencies, WA will tell you before starting the run, and you can install it then. They are listed here for those that would rather install them upfront (e.g. if you're planning to use WA to an environment that may not always have Internet access). * nose * PyDAQmx * pymongo * jinja2 .. _github: Installing ========== Installing the latest released version from PyPI (Python Package Index):: sudo -H pip install wa This will install WA along with its mandatory dependencies. If you would like to install all optional dependencies at the same time, do the following instead:: sudo -H pip install wa[all] Alternatively, you can also install the latest development version from GitHub (you will need git installed for this to work):: git clone git@github.com:ARM-software/workload-automation.git workload-automation sudo -H pip install ./workload-automation If the above succeeds, try :: wa --version Hopefully, this should output something along the lines of :: "Workload Automation version $version". .. _dockerfile: Dockerfile ============ As an alternative we also provide a Dockerfile that will create an image called wadocker, and is preconfigured to run WA and devlib. Please note that the build process automatically accepts the licenses for the Android SDK, so please be sure that you are willing to accept these prior to building and running the image in a container. The Dockerfile can be found in the "extras" folder or online at ``_ which contains addional information about how to build and to use the file. (Optional) Post Installation ============================ Some WA plugins have additional dependencies that need to be statisfied before they can be used. Not all of these can be provided with WA and so will need to be supplied by the user. They should be placed into ``~/.workload_uatomation/dependencies/`` so that WA can find them (you may need to create the directory if it doesn't already exist). You only need to provide the dependencies for workloads you want to use. .. _apk_files: APK Files --------- APKs are application packages used by Android. These are necessary to install on a device when running an :ref:`ApkWorkload ` or derivative. PLease see the workload description using the :ref:`show command ` to see which version of the apk the UI automation has been tested with and place the apk in the corresponding Automation may also work with other versions (especially if it's only a minor or revision difference -- major version differences are more likely to contain incompatible UI changes) but this has not been tested. As a general rule we do not guarantee support for the latest version of an app and they are updated on as needed basis. We do however attempt to support backwards compatibility with previous major releases however beyond this support will likely be dropped. Gaming Workloads ---------------- Some workloads (games, demos, etc) cannot be automated using Android's UIAutomator framework because they render the entire UI inside a single OpenGL surface. For these, an interaction session needs to be recorded so that it can be played back by WA. These recordings are device-specific, so they would need to be done for each device you're planning to use. The tool for doing is ``revent`` and it is packaged with WA. You can find instructions on how to use it :ref:`here `. This is the list of workloads that rely on such recordings: +------------------+ | angrybirds_rio | +------------------+ | templerun2 | +------------------+ +------------------+ .. _assets_repository: Maintaining Centralized Assets Repository ----------------------------------------- If there are multiple users within an organization that may need to deploy assets for WA plugins, that organization may wish to maintain a centralized repository of assets that individual WA installs will be able to automatically retrieve asset files from as they are needed. This repository can be any directory on a network filer that mirrors the structure of ``~/.workload_automation/dependencies``, i.e. has a subdirectories named after the plugins which assets they contain. Individual WA installs can then set ``remote_assets_path`` setting in their config to point to the local mount of that location. (Optional) Uninstalling ======================= If you have installed Workload Automation via ``pip`` and wish to remove it, run this command to uninstall it:: sudo -H pip uninstall wa .. Note:: This will *not* remove any user configuration (e.g. the ~/.workload_automation directory) (Optional) Upgrading ==================== To upgrade Workload Automation to the latest version via ``pip``, run:: sudo -H pip install --upgrade --no-deps wa