.. _workloads-api: Workloads ^^^^^^^^^ .. _workload-api: Workload """""""" The base :class:`Workload` interface is as follows, and is the base class for all :ref:`workload types `. For more information about to implement your own workload please see the :ref:`Developer How Tos `. All instances of a workload will have the following attributes: ``name`` This identifies the workload (e.g. it is used to specify the workload in the :ref:`agenda `). ``phones_home`` This can be set to True to mark that this workload poses a risk of exposing information to the outside world about the device it runs on. For example a benchmark application that sends scores and device data to a database owned by the maintainer. ``requires_network`` Set this to ``True`` to mark the the workload will fail without a network connection, this enables it to fail early with a clear message. ``asset_directory`` Set this to specify a custom directory for assets to be pushed to, if unset the working directory will be used. ``asset_files`` This can be used to automatically deploy additional assets to the device. If required the attribute should contain a list of file names that are required by the workload which will be attempted to be found by the resource getters methods ~~~~~~~ .. method:: Workload.init_resources(context) This method may be optionally overridden to implement dynamic resource discovery for the workload. This method executes early on, before the device has been initialized, so it should only be used to initialize resources that do not depend on the device to resolve. This method is executed once per run for each workload instance. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.validate(context) This method can be used to validate any assumptions your workload makes about the environment (e.g. that required files are present, environment variables are set, etc) and should raise a :class:`wa.WorkloadError ` if that is not the case. The base class implementation only makes sure sure that the name attribute has been set. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.initialize(context) This method is decorated with the ``@once_per_instance`` decorator, (for more information please see :ref:`Execution Decorators `) therefore it will be executed exactly once per run (no matter how many instances of the workload there are). It will run after the device has been initialized, so it may be used to perform device-dependent initialization that does not need to be repeated on each iteration (e.g. as installing executables required by the workload on the device). :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.setup(context) Everything that needs to be in place for workload execution should be done in this method. This includes copying files to the device, starting up an application, configuring communications channels, etc. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.setup_rerun(context) Everything that needs to be in place for workload execution should be done in this method. This includes copying files to the device, starting up an application, configuring communications channels, etc. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.run(context) This method should perform the actual task that is being measured. When this method exits, the task is assumed to be complete. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. note:: Instruments are kicked off just before calling this method and disabled right after, so everything in this method is being measured. Therefore this method should contain the least code possible to perform the operations you are interested in measuring. Specifically, things like installing or starting applications, processing results, or copying files to/from the device should be done elsewhere if possible. .. method:: Workload.extract_results(context) This method gets invoked after the task execution has finished and should be used to extract metrics from the target. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.update_output(context) This method should be used to update the output within the specified execution context with the metrics and artifacts from this workload iteration. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.teardown(context) This could be used to perform any cleanup you may wish to do, e.g. Uninstalling applications, deleting file on the device, etc. :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. method:: Workload.finalize(context) This is the complement to ``initialize``. This will be executed exactly once at the end of the run. This should be used to perform any final clean up (e.g. uninstalling binaries installed in the ``initialize``) :param context: The :ref:`Context ` for the current run. .. _apkworkload-api: ApkWorkload """""""""""" The :class:`ApkWorkload` derives from the base :class:`Workload` class however this associates the workload with a package allowing for an apk to be found for the workload, setup and ran on the device before running the workload. In addition to the attributes mentioned above ApkWorloads this class also features the following attributes however this class does not present any new methods. ``loading_time`` This is the time in seconds that WA will wait for the application to load before continuing with the run. By default this will wait 10 second however if your application under test requires additional time this values should be increased. ``package_names`` This attribute should be a list of Apk packages names that are suitable for this workload. Both the host (in the relevant resource locations) and device will be searched for an application with a matching package name. ``view`` This is the "view" associated with the application. This is used by instruments like ``fps`` to monitor the current framerate being generated by the application. ``apk`` The is a :class:`PackageHandler`` which is what is used to store information about the apk and manage the application itself, the handler is used to call the associated methods to manipulate the application itself for example to launch/close it etc. ``package`` This is a more convenient way to access the package name of the Apk that was found and being used for the run. .. _apkuiautoworkload-api: ApkUiautoWorkload """"""""""""""""" The :class:`ApkUiautoWorkload` derives from :class:`ApkUIWorkload` which is an intermediate class which in turn inherits from :class:`ApkWorkload`, however in addition to associating an apk with the workload this class allows for automating the application with UiAutomator. This class define these additional attributes: ``gui`` This attribute will be an instance of a :class:`UiAutmatorGUI` which is used to control the automation, and is what is used to pass parameters to the java class for example ``gui.uiauto_params``. .. _apkreventworkload-api: ApkReventWorkload """"""""""""""""" The :class:`ApkReventWorkload` derives from :class:`ApkUIWorkload` which is an intermediate class which in turn inherits from :class:`ApkWorkload`, however in addition to associating an apk with the workload this class allows for automating the application with :ref:`Revent `. This class define these additional attributes: ``gui`` This attribute will be an instance of a :class:`ReventGUI` which is used to control the automation ``setup_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the setup stage. ``run_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the run stage. ``extract_results_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the extract results stage. ``teardown_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the teardown stage. .. _uiautoworkload-api: UiautoWorkload """""""""""""" The :class:`UiautoWorkload` derives from :class:`UIWorkload` which is an intermediate class which in turn inherits from :class:`Workload`, however this allows for providing generic automation using UiAutomator without associating a particular application with the workload. This class define these additional attributes: ``gui`` This attribute will be an instance of a :class:`UiAutmatorGUI` which is used to control the automation, and is what is used to pass parameters to the java class for example ``gui.uiauto_params``. .. _reventworkload-api: ReventWorkload """""""""""""" The :class:`ReventWorkload` derives from :class:`UIWorkload` which is an intermediate class which in turn inherits from :class:`Workload`, however this allows for providing generic automation using :ref:`Revent ` without associating with the workload. This class define these additional attributes: ``gui`` This attribute will be an instance of a :class:`ReventGUI` which is used to control the automation ``setup_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the setup stage. ``run_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the run stage. ``extract_results_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the extract results stage. ``teardown_timeout`` This is the time allowed for replaying a recording for the teardown stage.