import sys from collections import OrderedDict from wa import ComplexCommand, SubCommand, pluginloader from import get_target_descriptions from wa.utils.serializer import yaml class CreateAgendaSubcommand(SubCommand): name = 'agenda' description = """ Create an agenda with the specified extensions enabled. And parameters set to their default values. """ def initialize(self, context): self.parser.add_argument('plugins', nargs='+', help='Plugins to be added to the agendas') self.parser.add_argument('-i', '--iterations', type=int, default=1, help='Sets the number of iterations for all workloads') self.parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='FILE', help='Output file. If not specfied, STDOUT will be used instead.') def execute(self, state, args): agenda = OrderedDict() agenda['config'] = OrderedDict(instrumentation=[], result_processors=[]) agenda['global'] = OrderedDict(iterations=args.iterations) agenda['workloads'] = [] target_desc = None targets = { td for td in get_target_descriptions()} for name in args.plugins: if name in targets: if target_desc is not None: raise ConfigError('Specifying multiple devices: {} and {}'.format(, name)) target_desc = targets[name] agenda['config']['device'] = name agenda['config']['device_config'] = target_desc.get_default_config() continue extcls = pluginloader.get_plugin_class(name) config = pluginloader.get_default_config(name) if extcls.kind == 'workload': entry = OrderedDict() entry['name'] = if name != entry['label'] = name entry['params'] = config agenda['workloads'].append(entry) else: if extcls.kind == 'instrument': agenda['config']['instrumentation'].append(name) if extcls.kind == 'result_processor': agenda['config']['result_processors'].append(name) agenda['config'][name] = config if args.output: wfh = open(args.output, 'w') else: wfh = sys.stdout yaml.dump(agenda, wfh, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) if args.output: wfh.close() class CreateCommand(ComplexCommand): name = 'create' description = ''' Used to create various WA-related objects (see positional arguments list for what objects may be created).\n\nUse "wa create -h" for object-specific arguments. ''' subcmd_classes = [ #CreateWorkloadSubcommand, #CreatePackageSubcommand, CreateAgendaSubcommand, ]