Glossary ======== .. glossary:: Agenda An agenda specifies what is to be done during a Workload Automation run. This includes which workloads will be run, with what configuration and which augmentations will be enabled, etc. (For more information please see :ref:`here `.) Augmentation Augmentations are plugins that augment the execution of workload jobs with additional functionality; usually, that takes the form of generating additional metrics and/or artifacts, such as traces or logs. For more information please see :ref:`augmentations `. Artifact An artifact is something that was been generated as part of the run for example a file containing output or meta data in the form of log files. WA supports multiple "kinds" of artifacts and will handle them accordingly, for more information please see :ref:`here `. Instrument A WA "Instrument" can be quite diverse in its functionality, but the majority of those available in are there to collect some kind of additional data (such as trace, energy readings etc.) from the device during workload execution. To see available instruments please use the :ref:`list command ` or see the :ref:`Plugin Reference `. Job An individual instance of a workload. E.g. Even if you only have 1 workload to run but wanted 5 iterations then 5 individual jobs will be generated to be ran. Output Processor An "Output Processor" is what is used to process the output generated by a workload. They can simply store the results in a presentable format or use the information collected to generate additional metrics. To see available instruments please use the :ref:`list command ` or see the :ref:`Plugin Reference `. Spec A specification of a workload. For example you can have a single workload specification that is then executed multiple times if you desire multiple iterations but the configuration for the workload will remain the same. WA Workload Automation. The full name of this framework.