Add intelligence to helper method in UxPerfUiAutomation class to query
the present view during the method call rather than passing this in
explicitly as a parameter.
Fix confirmAccess method to first test for the existence of a
confirmation object before waiting on timeout.
A new workload for testing context switching between applications.
Uses googlephotos as the producer workload and gmail and skype as
the consumer workloads.
This allows workloads to be launched in a pre-determined orientation not the orientation of the physical device itself.
Updated the productivity workloads to take advantage of this new facility.
Move confirmAccess method out of reader and skype workloads into
UxPerfUiAutomation base class for code reuse.
Amend project properties for reader workload to use SDK version 18.
Update jar files appropriately.
Moved common functionality to base classes for code reuse. Refactored
googlephotos, reader and gmail workloads to take advantage of the new
base class methods and removed total test time metric.
New methods for BaseUiAutomation:
uiDeviceVertPinchIn, uiDeviceVertPinchOut
New methods for UxPerfUiAutomation:
uiObjectVertPinchTest, writeResultsToFile, startDumpsysSurfaceFlinger,
startDumpsysSurfaceFlinger, startDumpsysGfxInfo, stopDumpsysGfxInfo
New class for UxPerfUiAutomation:
This extends on BaseUiAutomation to include Ux performance instrumentation and UiAutomation convenience classes.
Todo - extend the create workload infrastructure to allow you to create a new UxPerfUiAutomation workload.
The change will allow us to use UiAutomator methods introduced in API 18, such as resourceId.
As a consequence of the change all dependent uiauto workloads have been incremented also.
Tested by rebuilding all uiautomator workloads. They were not run on devices.