Allow for easy configuring of a view for a particular workload as this
can vary depending on the device which can be used when using certain
instruments for example `fps`.
- Add copyright headers to files that did not already have them
- Update the year to the last year the file was modified in files with
existing headers.
Remove unused ``platform`` attributes and add ``supported_platforms``
along with check so that workloads can fail early when attempting to run
on an incorrect platform.
As part of resolving a resource, record its MD5 hash in the output
metadata. In order to enable this, resource resolution is now done via
the context, rather than directly via the ResourceResolver (in order not
to introduce a context dependency in the Gui object, context now
emulates the resolver interface).
We only need to deploy the gui once, therefore move the `deploy` method
call into `initialize` the corresponding `remove` method is already in
The `install_timeout` variable is used to allow extra time when
installing an apk, if the apk is not present on the host system it
will be pulled back to the host, therefore we should allow extra time
when transferring the file in the other direction as well.
Now allows a `prefer_host_package` parameter to be set to control
whether a package located on the host system (`True`) or on the target
(`False`) should be favoured during resolution.
`pull_apk` now returns the path to the apk it pulled from the device so
WA can keep track of it and avoid conflicts with other apks present
on the host.
Fix an issue where AndroidWorkload.pull_apk would sometimes get the
wrong package if the desired package name is a substring of another
package name. Rather than using a regex to match the package name, use
the new get_package_info method to match the name exactly.
Fix an issue introduced by commit 42fb3eb
framework/workload: make "no matching package" message more useful
PackageHandler was incorrectly passing into the error message
instead of
Make the error message reported when no matching Android app package
could be found more useful by including the workload name, and, if
applicable, sought version.
On some devices an installed apk filepath can contain an '=' character
which was previously used to end the regex match. Now match with the
package name as well to ensure the file path is extracted correctly.
To reflect that the current implementation of ReventWorkload uses an APK
file on the device the name has been changed appropriately and the
relevant workloads have been updated.
Changes from checking if there are deployable assets to checking for
discovered assets. This allows for automated pushing of assets without
invoking the resource getters, for example pre discovered files.
Mandate that either a package name is specified or the owner defines
supported package names. This prevents any apk file in the correct
location incorrectly being resolved.
Some workloads can insert timestamped markers into the logs if this
parameter is enabled in their automation. These markers can then be
used to look at measurements for specific parts of the execution.
These two lists are updated by workloads as assets are discovered and
deployed. As these are defined as class attributes in the base Workload
class, the same two list instances are shared between all classes. This
results in subsequent workloads re-deploying assets from the previous
workloads, and may lead to mismatches with deployable_assets, which is
overwritten on per-workload basis.
Make these into instance attriutes to prevent these issues.
Upon clearing data of a previously installed application the runtime
permissions can also be cleared, to avoid having to reinstall the
application all available permissions are explicitly granted to the
required application.
Allows for automatically pushing a set of arbitrary assets to the device
during initialization and adds a parameter to specify whether the assets should
be removed again at the end of the run.
Some workloads, such as Geekbench, may phone home and report data about the
device they are running on. This poses a risk for users that are testing on
unreleased or otherwise confidential devices - perhaps they use a standard
agenda to run a large battery of tests, in which case they may forget to disable
these dangerous workloads.
This provides a mechanism to prevent running those workloads from running by
setting allow_phone_home=False in the user configuration.
- Add "activity" property to PackageManager exposing the underlying
apk_info attribute.
- Add "view" class attribute to ApkWorkload, initialized to None
- If "view" is not set for a particular workload, set a default based on
the package and activity of the underlying workload.
- do not attempt to replay setup if a setup recording has not been
provided (perviously, setup was mandatory).
- update the apk initialization to the correct method inside the record
Rename "package" parameter to "package_name" (to be cosnsitent with
package_names class attribute). "package" is now a property containting
the name of the actual package used after the APK is resolved.