Minor code maintenance for base classes BaseUiAutomation and
UxPerfUiAutomation. Changes include:
- Prefer static calls for UiDevice methods where possible
- Rename inconsistently named variables
- Avoid long wrapped lines where possible
- Remove unused imports
- Fix whitespace around operators
Add intelligence to helper method in UxPerfUiAutomation class to query
the present view during the method call rather than passing this in
explicitly as a parameter.
Fix confirmAccess method to first test for the existence of a
confirmation object before waiting on timeout.
Check in missing UiAutomation .class files
Fix generation and deletion of dump sys logs including renaming to a standard [test tag]_[test number].log format
Improved Reader to run across a range of devices with subtlety different layouts and views
This extends on BaseUiAutomation to include Ux performance instrumentation and UiAutomation convenience classes.
Todo - extend the create workload infrastructure to allow you to create a new UxPerfUiAutomation workload.