The update to Antutu major version 8 has changed a lot of element names.
There have also been changes to the tests run in three of the four categories.
This commit handles those updates while also retaining backwards compatibility
with major version 7.
Use Executable.match() rather than just checking the path inside
get_from_location(); this allows for alternative matching semantics
(e.g. globbing) inside derived implementations.
When updating a ParameterDict with another ParameterDict the unencoded
values were being merged. Ensure consistent behaviour by implicitally
iterating via `__iter__` which will cause ParameterDict values to be
decoded before being re-endcoded as expected.
As part of our continous integration system it has become
clear that gathering the app package data as well as the
version name can provide useful.
Adding this functionality to mainline as it could prove
useful to other developers.
Fix warnings reported when running unit tests via pytest.
- Rename TestDevice to MockDevice, so that it is not interpreted as a
test case.
- Fix collections abstract base class imports.
- Add an ini file to ignore the same from "past".
Android 10 has introduced a new permission warning and a
seperate warning about the APK being built for an older version
of the Android OS. Have added two checks to accept these
permissions and continue with the workload and the given APK
rather than attempting to update.
Some devices have proved to have a natural orientation
that does not lend itself well to this workload. Therefore
I have edited the orientation lock to portrait instead of
Adding support for Geekbench 4.3.4 and 4.4.0.
Adding support for Geekbench Corporate 5.0.1 and 5.0.3.
There are no changes required to the functional workload.
Improve checking of whether cpu idle state information is available for
Add debug message to inform user if the cpuidle module is not detected
on the target.
On devices running android 9 with google play services, PlayProtect
blocks the installation of our automation apks due to targeting a lower
SDK version. Update all apk builds to target SDK version 28 (Android 9)
however do not change the minimum version to maintain backwards
The workload is clicking the run button in the centre
of the element but this is no longer starting the
run operation.
Refactoring the code to click in the topleft of the
object seems to rectify the issue.
* Added simpleperf type to perf instrument as it's more stable
on Android devices.
* Added record command to instrument
* Added output processing for simpleperf
- Add modules entry to TargetInfo
- When retrieving TargetInfo from cache, make sure info modules match
those for the current target, otherwise mark info as stale and
Before exporting output to ensure that we are still connected to the
database. The connection may be dropped so reconnect if necessary, this
is a more of an issue with longer running jobs.