We need to make those attributes class-attributes, to make sure they are still
defined in subsequent jobs. We still access them through 'self', however.
Don't assume the first job iteration is already in the workload cache.
This may not always be the case, for example with the random execution
order a later iteration can be processed first.
Instead check to see if the job id is present or not.
If the device does not have the hoptplug module installed, avoid
unnecessary querying of the device to check the number of cpus which
can cause issues with some devices.
On systems that do not have git installed WA will currently fail
to install with a FileNotFound Exception. If git is not present then
we will not have a commit hash so just ignore this error.
With the perf instrument configured as:
perf_type: simpleperf
command: stat
optionstring: '-a --interval-only-values --csv'
WA fails to parse simpleperf's output:
INFO Extracting reports from target...
ERROR Error in instrument perf
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/framework/instrument.py", line 272, in __call__
ERROR self.callback(context)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/instruments/perf.py", line 142, in update_output
ERROR self._process_simpleperf_output(context)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/instruments/perf.py", line 155, in _process_simpleperf_output
ERROR self._process_simpleperf_stat_output(context)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/instruments/perf.py", line 233, in _process_simpleperf_stat_output
ERROR self._process_simpleperf_stat_from_csv(stat_file, context, label)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/instruments/perf.py", line 245, in _process_simpleperf_stat_from_csv
ERROR context.add_metric('{}_{}'.format(label, row[1]), row[0], 'count', classifiers=classifiers)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/framework/execution.py", line 222, in add_metric
ERROR self.output.add_metric(name, value, units, lower_is_better, classifiers)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/framework/output.py", line 142, in add_metric
ERROR self.result.add_metric(name, value, units, lower_is_better, classifiers)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/framework/output.py", line 390, in add_metric
ERROR metric = Metric(name, value, units, lower_is_better, classifiers)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/workload-automation/wa/framework/output.py", line 653, in __init__
ERROR self.value = numeric(value)
ERROR File "/work/workload_automation/devlib/devlib/utils/types.py", line 88, in numeric
ERROR raise ValueError('Not numeric: {}'.format(value))
ERROR ValueError(Not numeric: Performance counter statistics)
With the above options, the csv that simpleperf produces looks like
Performance counter statistics,
Total test time,1.001079,seconds,
Performance counter statistics,
Total test time,2.001178,seconds,
Performance counter statistics,
That is, with "--interval-only-values", the "Performance counter
statistics," header is repeated every interval. WA current expects
it only in the first line. Modify the condition so that it is ignored
every time we find it in the file and not just the first time.
On the latest version of android (currently Q) for applications that
are designed to run on older versions of android, an additional
screen asking to confirm the required permissions can popup.
Enable confirming of the granted permissions.
Add an additional `run_completed` reboot policy for when a run
has finished.
This complements the `initial` reboot policy and aims to leave
the device in a fresh state after WA has finished executing.
Resourceid and classes have been modified so update the
workload to handle these cases.
Additionally on some devices regex matches appear to fail
so workaround to match separately.
Add support for newer version of the apk.
Also add support for differing screen sizes, on larger devices
the direction of swipe to change slide differs, perform both
horizontal and vertical swipes to satisfy both layouts.
The WA default `sudo_cmd` is out of date compared to devlib.
Update the parameter to use the value directly from devlib
to prevent these from being out of sync in the future.
Adds parameters needed for WA to support file transfer polling.
``poll_transfers`` of type ``bool``, default ``True`` sets whether
transfers should be polled
``transfer_wait_no_poll`` controls the initial time in seconds that the
poller should wait for the transfer to complete before polling its
Ensure that runtime and workload parameters specified across multiple
config files and the config section of the agenda are merged rather than
Update our version of pylint to use the latest version and update the
codebase to comply with the majority of the updates.
For now disable the additional checks for `super-with-arguments`,
`useless-object-inheritance`, `raise-missing-from`, `no-else-raise`,
`no-else-break`, `no-else-continue` to be consistent with the existing
The PCMark Work2.0 data-set is cleared and downloaded before each run. This
operation is time-consuming and pollutes the benchmark instrumentation.
Disabling clear_data_on_reset for the PCMark workload bypass this per-run
This version replaces the previous uiauto version of Speedometer with a new
* Supports both chrome and chromium again, this is selected with the
chrome_package parameter.
* No longer needs internet access.
* Version 1.0 of Speedometer is no longer supported.
* Requires root:
- sometimes uiautomator dump doesn't capture the score if not run as root
- need to modify the browser's XML preferences file to bypass T&C acceptance
Add a global configuration parameter ``bail_on_job_failure`` that
allows all remaining jobs in a run to be skipped should a job fail its
initial execution and its retries. This is by default disabled.
Avoid recursing into subdirectory of folders containing __meta, since
they are not of interest and recursing can take a very large amount of
time if there are lot of files, like if there is a sysfs dump.
Add cascading deletes to foreign keys as well as a rule to delete large
objects when artifacts are deleted.
Deleting a run entry should delete all dependent data of that run.
As WA currently supports either a single logcat dump after each job,
or fixed rate polling of logcat, it is possible that the fixed size
logcat buffer wraps around and overwrites data between each dump or
poll. This data may be used by output processors that should be
notified of the loss.
This change allows the detection of buffer wrapping by inserting a
known log entry into the buffer, although it cannot say how much data
was lost, and only applies to the "main" logcat buffer.
If buffer wrap is detected, a warning is logged by WA.
To prevent long timeouts occurring during to file locking on
both reads and writes replace locking with
atomic writes.
While this may results in cache entries being overwritten,
the amount of time used in duplicated retrievals will likely
be saved with the prevention of stalls due to waiting to
acquire the file lock.
To simulate atomic writes, use a context manager to write to
a temporary file location and then rename over the original
This is performed using the `safe_move` method which performs
this operation and handles cases where the source and destination
are on separate file systems.