Convenience methods to make it easier to get UiObjects and perform
UiDevice based gestures and operations.
Upgrade API level for BaseUiAutomation from 17 -> 18 and update
dependent workloads accordingly.
- Implement a new Marker API in BaseUiAutomation so workload can
generate start and end markers with string name. Outputs to logcat.
- Document the Marker output log format in the WA documentation
- Create a results processor to take existing instrument fps logs and
parse them based on the workload markers. Produce per-action fps
- Add simple timing results based on the workload markers
- Check the APK's versionName property against the workload's
expected version if specified
- If workload specifies check_abi param, try to get APK from
ABI-specific path on the host
- Add variant_name param to APK resource-getter for backwards
compatibility of dex2oat and peacekeeper
Issue: For certain installation errors, it is possible for WA to
incorrectly report that an APK was reinstalled while it actually
wasn't, leading to bugs later on in the run.
- Add the '-r' flag to adb install when reinstalling, to make sure
APK is replaced.
- Add '-g' flag for API 23 and higher, to grant all permissions that
would otherwise be requested at runtime (similar to pre-API 23)
Moved ``working_directory`` parameter to BaseLinuxDevice.
Changed the default ``binaries_directory`` for AndroidDevice to allow
WA binaries to be easily separated.
Previously the WA device name was used when searching for revent files.
Since most were `generic_android` this made it difficult to keep revent
files for multiple android devices. Now it the device model is used instead.
If a file with the device model is not found it will fall back to the WA
device name.
These are now gathered via `getprop` rather than trying to parse the
build.prop file directly.
This fixes issues with build.prop files that have imports.
Added splitVersion and compareVersions functions allow versions strings
like "3.2.045" to be compared.
Also fixed the build script to now copy to the correct folder
Some characters would be interpreted by the shell thus breaking the
command. Adding quotes around the parameters solved this.
N.B Space still needs to be replaced.
Due to the previous commits, this command no longer works properly.
It turns out there is an issue with using multiple levels of escaping.
It seems that bash handles the backslashes and single quotes separately
incorrectly processing our escaping. To get around this we are writing the
sqlite command to a shell script file and running that.
This seems to be the only case in WA at the moment that requires this,
if more show up/when WA moves to devlib it should use the devlib shutil
If uninstall fails, "pm clear" should be called to make sure that the
next time the app is launched it starts from a known state (which would
normally be ensured by the uninstall).
It's possible that there is already a version of an app on target that
differs form the version of the apk on the host. In such cases, WA will
usually try to uninstall the target version and install the host
It's possible that the uninstall may fail. If that happens, it will be
reported as a warning but workload exectuion will proceed with the
target version. In this case, apk_version would have already been set to
that of the host apk. This change ensures that the APK version is
correctly set to the target version (the one that actually ran).
- android/workload: emoved an extra bank line between methods
- trace_cmd: define member attribute inside __init__
- adb_shell: ignore pylint warning about too many branches in this case
Added two commands to WA to record and replay input events using revent.
As part of this also added the ability to get a device model from
android and linux device. This may need to be improved in the future.
get_binary_path: Checks binary_directory for the wanted binary, if
if its not there, it will use which to find a
system one. returns the full path
install_if_needed: will install a binary only if it is not present.
- Busybox is now deployed to non-rooted devices
- is_installed has now been removed as the new functions supersede it
- binaries will now always be installed to `binaries_directory` and
not system folders.
- updated workloads to use these new functions
- rt-app and sysbench might still need work
As of Android 6.0, apps can request permissions at runtime. If the
target device is running Android 6.0+ these permissions are now automatically
Previously swipe_to_unlock was not used and conflicted with a method
of the same name.
- swipe_to_unlock() renamed perform_unlock_swipe()
- swipe_to_unlock parameter now takes a direction, this allows swipe unlocking on Android M devices
- ensure_screen_is_on() will now also unlock the screen if swipe_to_unlock is set
This is a fix to the previous fix
(2510329cdf938ff85e7574e9f7f3880e370a56ad) that updated get_properties
to store "dumpsys window" output relative to the working_directory. That
commit constructed the path using self.device, which is wrong, as in
this case self itself is the device.
Commit 95f17702d74d06d8f61bc710c53472d25d2f92ed redirected output of
"dumpsys window" to a file (needed for Gem5 support). However, the file
was created in $PWD, which breaks on production devices, as that
location is not writable. This moves the file under the working
directory on the device.
- Move the processing of Android properties to an internal
method. This allows the Android properties to be extracted without
extracting those of the Linux device.
- Redirect the output from 'dumpsys window' to a file and pull the
file as opposed to extracting the output from the terminal. This is
more reliable in the event that another process writes to the shell.
- standardisded on a single context argument
- removed Device.init() no longer necessary as initilize now
automatically gets propagated up the hierarchy. Renamed the existing
use of it to "initilize".
- related pylint cleanup.
uname is not available on all Android devices, and we cannot rely on
busybox for establishing the ABI, as we need to get the ABI before we
can depoly the right version of busybox.
Added -p option to the list command. This alows filtering results by
supported platforms, e.g.
wa list workloads -p linux
Also adding missing supported_platforms attribute to various extensions.
If an extension does not have this attribute, the assumption is that it
is supported by all available platforms.
In both cases, the ABI is now obtained by executing "uname -m" on the
device and perfroming a mapping from the returned machine architecture
a known ABI. If no known ABI is found the architecture string itself is
added more paths to pull by default when device.get_properties is
invoked during run initialization. Also moved the LinuxDevice
implementation into BaseLinuxDevice, so that AndroidDevice tires to pull
the same files (on top of the Android-specific stuff).