Minor code maintenance for base classes BaseUiAutomation and
UxPerfUiAutomation. Changes include:
- Prefer static calls for UiDevice methods where possible
- Rename inconsistently named variables
- Avoid long wrapped lines where possible
- Remove unused imports
- Fix whitespace around operators
Delete saved images during teardown of googlephotos workload. Refactor
selectPhoto helper method in googlephotos and add pause in Multiapp
workload for stability. Includes minor fixes.
- remove permission request dialog handling (no longer required)
- reduce per-slide sleep time (now 200ms)
- replace magic numbers with named constants
- better names for save/delete dialog test tags
- comments to explain some design choices
Includes functionality to create a document from template or plain PPT or Slides
Also helper functions for edge swipe and adb commands (not quite working)
Remove the clickUiObject method from the base class and refactor the
gmail workload to use clickAndWaitForWindow methods instead. For quick
popup menus prefer simple click events.
Check that dependent files for the workload are present in the
dependencies folder before starting the workload. Move cleanup of
dependent files to finalize method.
Add intelligence to helper method in UxPerfUiAutomation class to query
the present view during the method call rather than passing this in
explicitly as a parameter.
Fix confirmAccess method to first test for the existence of a
confirmation object before waiting on timeout.
Add a __version__ parameter to __init__.py for all workloads. The
version number has three components major.minor.patch.
major: completely new interpretation of the test
(incompatible with previous test)
minor: breaks compatibility with previous test
(outputted results, dependencies, etc)
patch: code change with no impact on any dependencies
Remove duplicate logging that is already captured in the standalone
workloads for Gmail and Skype. Expand comment for tagPhoto method in
Gmail workload.