A label may include ``{<param_name>}`` where <param_name> is any valid
workload, boot or runtime parameter that the workload may take. The
generated job will then substitute in the value of that parameter that
was taken.
More than one parameter may be identified (within separate sets of
``{}``) within a single label, and these may be alongside normal text
similar to python replacement fields.
Sweeps are handled by one of three handlers, ``autofreq``, ``range`` and
``autoparam``. ``range`` allows the user to manually specify values for
a parameter in the agenda; ``autofreq`` allows cpu frequencies to be
swept through, and autoparam allows other parameters to be swept
autoparam requries the parameter to have ``allowed_values`` specified,
and the sweep specification must supply the plugin name and parameter
name as:
param: <param name>
plugin: <plugin name>
autofreq can be used with an empty value:
to sweep through all values of ``frequency`` by default, although if
``plugin`` is specified, other parameters within cpufreq can be swept
param: cpu0_frequency
For either of the above 'automatic' sweeps, a minimum and/or maximum can
be specified to limit the values generated in the sweep:
param: cpu0_frequency
min: 1000000
max: 1700000
``range`` sweeps support two specification syntaxes: one for manual
specification of a list, and another for a range of values. These sweeps
only accept the plugin name as a parameter:
threads: [1, 3, 5, 7]
threads: 1-8,2
# start-stop[,step]
These both produce the same result. step is optional and defaults to 1.
Any sweep specified in a workload entry is equivalent to manually
specifying individual workload entries, each with one of the possible
values of the sweep.
Sweeps specified in sections will create the equivalent of a section
group, each section in that group with one of the sweep values. When the
group name is specified, the 'expanded' section entry will maintain that
group name, otherwise will generate its own.
If multiple sweeps are specified in one entry, then this will be
expanded to one entry for every combination of values of each sweep.
Add a global configuration parameter ``bail_on_job_failure`` that
allows all remaining jobs in a run to be skipped should a job fail its
initial execution and its retries. This is by default disabled.
Provide warning to user when attempting to set a depreciated
parameter instead of during validation and only raise the warning
if a value has been explicitly provided.
Allow specifying a ConfigutationPoint is deprecated. This means that any
supplied configuration will not be used however execution will continue
with a warning displayed to the user.
Now allows for specifying a `group` value for each section which will
cross product the sections within that group with the sections in each
other group. Additionally classifiers will automatically be added to
each job spec with the relevant group information.
- Add copyright headers to files that did not already have them
- Update the year to the last year the file was modified in files with
existing headers.
Rename the parameter to be clearer on the effect of the policy, as this
will cause WA to reset the device for each new job it runs regardless of
the iteration number.
Add support for "~~" special value that indicates that, when merging
into another set, all values from that set should in fact be dropped.
Apart from the unique merge semantics, "~~" just like any other "~"
Delay the split of augmentations into instruments and output processors
until they are actually being accessed; keep them as a single set until
then. This makes tracking of merges from various configurations sources
Add extra_plugin_paths setting which gets populated from WA_PLUGIN_PATHS
environment variable. This allows specifying additional locations to
scan for WA plugins.
Ensure that boot and runtime parameters always get initialized to an
obj_dict even when not explicitly specified. This will ensure they get
serialized and deserialized properly.
Catch exceptions raised when attempting to set value of a config point,
and re-raise as ConfigError with name associated with the value in the
config file.
- RebootPolicy: correctly handle being passed another instance of
RebootPolicy on creation; this a requirement for it to be usable as a
ConfigurationPoint kind.
- RebootPolicy: move static method to above __init__ (consistency).
- RunConfiguration: handle deserialization of 'device_config' entry.
- RunConfiguration: move static method to above __init__ (consistency).
Add support for loading plugins from packages that register themselves
with WA by writing their names into $WA_USER_DIRECTORY/packages.
This is functionality that existed in WA2 and was omitted in WA3 until