Certain configurations of this workload requires root and therefore on some
android devices, this will prompt to grant the app su permissions by default. To
ensure this does not interfere with the run, ensure that either, re-request
permission after reinstall/upgrade is not selected or grant access by default.
Each workload has be modfied to remove the old manual paremeter conversion
and instead to retrieve the desired type from the parameter bundle directly.
The workload supports launch time measurement of other uxperf workloads that
implement the ApplicationlaunchInterface. It takes a uxperf workload as a parameter
and helps to instrument the application launch time in two modes.
The workload executes in two major phases.
1- Setup phase: clears initial dialogues on the first launch of an application.
2- Run phase: Runs multiple iterations of the application launch and measures
the time taken for launch. Iteration number can be specified as parameter applaunch_iterations.
Applaunch measurements are captured in the logcat file.