Check that dependent files for the workload are present in the
dependencies folder before starting the workload. Move cleanup of
dependent files to finalize method.
Add a __version__ parameter to for all workloads. The
version number has three components major.minor.patch.
major: completely new interpretation of the test
(incompatible with previous test)
minor: breaks compatibility with previous test
(outputted results, dependencies, etc)
patch: code change with no impact on any dependencies
Remove duplicate logging that is already captured in the standalone
workloads for Gmail and Skype. Expand comment for tagPhoto method in
Gmail workload.
A new workload for testing context switching between applications.
Uses googlephotos as the producer workload and gmail and skype as
the consumer workloads.
This allows workloads to be launched in a pre-determined orientation not the orientation of the physical device itself.
Updated the productivity workloads to take advantage of this new facility.
Move file management steps to initialize and finalize methods instead of
setup and teardown. These steps should be performed per run instead of
per iteration. Affected workloads: gmail, googlephotos.
Adding the prefix will group these timings together when the logs are post processed.
On some devices the conversation view is minimised when creating a new mail so no longer check for the Navigate button, just check the send view has disappeared.
Move confirmAccess method out of reader and skype workloads into
UxPerfUiAutomation base class for code reuse.
Amend project properties for reader workload to use SDK version 18.
Update jar files appropriately.
Check in missing UiAutomation .class files
Fix generation and deletion of dump sys logs including renaming to a standard [test tag]_[test number].log format
Improved Reader to run across a range of devices with subtlety different layouts and views
Moved common functionality to base classes for code reuse. Refactored
googlephotos, reader and gmail workloads to take advantage of the new
base class methods and removed total test time metric.
New methods for BaseUiAutomation:
uiDeviceVertPinchIn, uiDeviceVertPinchOut
New methods for UxPerfUiAutomation:
uiObjectVertPinchTest, writeResultsToFile, startDumpsysSurfaceFlinger,
startDumpsysSurfaceFlinger, startDumpsysGfxInfo, stopDumpsysGfxInfo
New class for UxPerfUiAutomation:
A new workload to perform standard productivity tasks within
Googlephotos. Each user event/step is timed and reported back as a
metric. Dumpsys also captures SurfaceFlinger logs for each event for
post analysis.