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Interface Definitions
Throughout this documentation a number of stubbed-out class definitions will be
presented showing an interface defined by a base class that needs to be
implemented by the deriving classes. The following conventions will be used when
presenting such an interface:
- Methods shown raising :class:`NotImplementedError` are abstract and *must*
be overridden by subclasses.
- Methods with ``pass`` in their body *may* be (but do not need to be) overridden
by subclasses. If not overridden, these methods will default to the base
class implementation, which may or may not be a no-op (the ``pass`` in the
interface specification does not necessarily mean that the method does not have an
actual implementation in the base class).
.. note:: If you *do* override these methods you must remember to call the
base class' version inside your implementation as well.
- Attributes who's value is shown as ``None`` *must* be redefined by the
subclasses with an appropriate value.
- Attributes who's value is shown as something other than ``None`` (including
empty strings/lists/dicts) *may* be (but do not need to be) overridden by
subclasses. If not overridden, they will default to the value shown.
Keep in mind that the above convention applies only when showing interface
definitions and may not apply elsewhere in the documentation. Also, in the
interest of clarity, only the relevant parts of the base class definitions will
be shown some members (such as internal methods) may be omitted.
Code Snippets
Code snippets provided are intended to be valid Python code, and to be complete.
However, for the sake of clarity, in some cases only the relevant parts will be
shown with some details omitted (details that may necessary to validity of the code
but not to understanding of the concept being illustrated). In such cases, a
commented ellipsis will be used to indicate that parts of the code have been
dropped. E.g. ::
# ...
def update_result(self, context):
# ...
context.result.add_metric('energy', 23.6, 'Joules', lower_is_better=True)
# ...
Core Class Names
When core classes are referenced throughout the documentation, usually their
fully-qualified names are given e.g. :class:`wlauto.core.workload.Workload`.
This is done so that Sphinx_ can resolve them and provide a link. While
implementing extensions, however, you should *not* be importing anything
directly form under :mod:`wlauto.core`. Instead, classes you are meant to
instantiate or subclass have been aliased in the root :mod:`wlauto` package,
and should be imported from there, e.g. ::
from wlauto import Workload
All examples given in the documentation follow this convention. Please note that
this only applies to the :mod:`wlauto.core` subpackage; all other classes
should be imported for their corresponding subpackages.
.. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/