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Default config for Workload Automation. DO NOT MODIFY this file. This file
gets copied to ~/.workload_automation/config.py on initial run of run_workloads.
Add your configuration to that file instead.
# *** WARNING: ***
# Configuration listed in this file is NOT COMPLETE. This file sets the default
# configuration for WA and gives EXAMPLES of other configuration available. It
# is not supposed to be an exhaustive list.
# This defines when the device will be rebooted during Workload Automation execution. #
# #
# Valid policies are: #
# never: The device will never be rebooted. #
# as_needed: The device will only be rebooted if the need arises (e.g. if it #
# becomes unresponsive #
# initial: The device will be rebooted when the execution first starts, just before executing #
# the first workload spec. #
# each_spec: The device will be rebooted before running a new workload spec. #
# each_iteration: The device will be rebooted before each new iteration. #
# #
reboot_policy = 'as_needed'
# Defines the order in which the agenda spec will be executed. At the moment, #
# the following execution orders are supported: #
# #
# by_iteration: The first iteration of each workload spec is executed one ofter the other, #
# so all workloads are executed before proceeding on to the second iteration. #
# This is the default if no order is explicitly specified. #
# If multiple sections were specified, this will also split them up, so that specs #
# in the same section are further apart in the execution order. #
# by_section: Same as "by_iteration", but runn specs from the same section one after the other #
# by_spec: All iterations of the first spec are executed before moving on to the next #
# spec. This may also be specified as ``"classic"``, as this was the way #
# workloads were executed in earlier versions of WA. #
# random: Randomisizes the order in which specs run. #
execution_order = 'by_iteration'
# This indicates when a job will be re-run.
# Possible values:
# OK: This iteration has completed and no errors have been detected
# PARTIAL: One or more instruments have failed (the iteration may still be running).
# FAILED: The workload itself has failed.
# ABORTED: The user interupted the workload
# If set to an empty list, a job will not be re-run ever.
retry_on_status = ['FAILED', 'PARTIAL']
# How many times a job will be re-run before giving up
2015-07-02 12:17:19 +01:00
max_retries = 3
# If WA should delete its files from the device after the run is completed
clean_up = False
######################################### Device Settings ##########################################
# Specify the device you want to run workload automation on. This must be a #
# string with the ID of the device. At the moment, only 'TC2' is supported. #
# #
device = 'generic_android'
# Configuration options that will be passed onto the device. These are obviously device-specific, #
# so check the documentation for the particular device to find out which options and values are #
# valid. The settings listed below are common to all devices #
# #
device_config = dict(
# The name used by adb to identify the device. Use "adb devices" in bash to list
# the devices currently seen by adb.
# The directory on the device that WA will use to push files to
# This specifies the device's CPU cores. The order must match how they
# appear in cpufreq. The example below is for TC2.
# core_names = ['a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a15', 'a15']
# Specifies cluster mapping for the device's cores.
# core_clusters = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
################################### Instrumention Configuration ####################################
# This defines the additionnal instrumentation that will be enabled during workload execution, #
# which in turn determines what additional data (such as /proc/interrupts content or Streamline #
# traces) will be available in the results directory. #
# #
instrumentation = [
# Records the time it took to run the workload
# Collects /proc/interrupts before and after execution and does a diff.
# Collects the contents of/sys/devices/system/cpu before and after execution and does a diff.
# Gets energy usage from the workload form HWMON devices
# NOTE: the hardware needs to have the right sensors in order for this to work
# Run perf in the background during workload execution and then collect the results. perf is a
# standard Linux performance analysis tool.
# Collect Streamline traces during workload execution. Streamline is part of DS-5
# Collects traces by interacting with Ftrace Linux kernel internal tracer
# Obtains the power consumption of the target device's core measured by National Instruments
# Data Acquisition(DAQ) device.
# Collects CCI counter data.
# Collects FPS (Frames Per Second) and related metrics (such as jank) from
# the View of the workload (Note: only a single View per workload is
# supported at the moment, so this is mainly useful for games).
################################# Result Processors Configuration ##################################
# Specifies how results will be processed and presented. #
# #
result_processors = [
# Creates a status.txt that provides a summary status for the run
# Creates a results.txt file for each iteration that lists all collected metrics
# in "name = value (units)" format
# Creates a results.csv that contains metrics for all iterations of all workloads
# in the .csv format.
# Creates a summary.csv that contains summary metrics for all iterations of all
# all in the .csv format. Summary metrics are defined on per-worklod basis
# are typically things like overall scores. The contents of summary.csv are
# always a subset of the contents of results.csv (if it is generated).
# Creates a results.csv that contains metrics for all iterations of all workloads
# in the JSON format
# Write results to an sqlite3 database. By default, a new database will be
# generated for each run, however it is possible to specify a path to an
# existing DB file (see result processor configuration below), in which
# case results from multiple runs may be stored in the one file.
################################### Logging output Configuration ###################################
# Specify the format of logging messages. The format uses the old formatting syntax: #
# #
# http://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting-operations #
# #
# The attributes that can be used in formats are listested here: #
# #
# http://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes #
# #
logging = {
# Log file format
'file format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s: %(message)s',
# Verbose console output format
'verbose format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s: %(message)s',
# Regular console output format
'regular format': '%(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
# Colouring the console output
'colour_enabled': True,
#################################### Instruments Configuration #####################################
2016-07-08 09:16:47 +01:00
# Instrumention Configuration is related to specific instrument's settings. Some of the #
# instrumentations require specific settings in order for them to work. These settings are #
# specified here. #
# Note that these settings only take effect if the corresponding instrument is
# enabled above.
######################################## perf configuration ########################################
# The hardware events such as instructions executed, cache-misses suffered, or branches
# mispredicted to be reported by perf. Events can be obtained from the device by tpying
# 'perf list'.
#perf_events = ['migrations', 'cs']
# The perf options which can be obtained from man page for perf-record
#perf_options = '-a -i'
####################################### hwmon configuration ########################################
# The kinds of sensors hwmon instrument will look for
#hwmon_sensors = ['energy', 'temp']
###################################### trace-cmd configuration #####################################
# trace-cmd events to be traced. The events can be found by rooting on the device then type
# 'trace-cmd list -e'
#trace_events = ['power*']
######################################### DAQ configuration ########################################
2016-07-08 09:16:47 +01:00
# The host address of the machine that runs the daq Server which the instrument communicates with
#daq_server_host = ''
2016-07-08 09:16:47 +01:00
# The port number for daq Server in which daq instrument communicates with
#daq_server_port = 56788
# The values of resistors 1 and 2 (in Ohms) across which the voltages are measured
#daq_resistor_values = [0.002, 0.002]
################################### cci_pmu_logger configuration ###################################
# The events to be counted by PMU
# NOTE: The number of events must not exceed the number of counters available (which is 4 for CCI-400)
#cci_pmu_events = ['0x63', '0x83']
# The name of the events which will be used when reporting PMU counts
#cci_pmu_event_labels = ['event_0x63', 'event_0x83']
# The period (in jiffies) between counter reads
#cci_pmu_period = 15
################################### fps configuration ##############################################
# Data points below this FPS will dropped as not constituting "real" gameplay. The assumption
# being that while actually running, the FPS in the game will not drop below X frames per second,
# except on loading screens, menus, etc, which should not contribute to FPS calculation.
# If set to True, this will keep the raw dumpsys output in the results directory (this is maily
# used for debugging). Note: frames.csv with collected frames data will always be generated
# regardless of this setting.
################################# Result Processor Configuration ###################################
# Specifies an alternative database to store results in. If the file does not
# exist, it will be created (the directiory of the file must exist however). If
# the file does exist, the results will be added to the existing data set (each
# run as a UUID, so results won't clash even if identical agendas were used).
# Note that in order for this to work, the version of the schema used to generate
# the DB file must match that of the schema used for the current run. Please
# see "What's new" secition in WA docs to check if the schema has changed in
# recent releases of WA.
#sqlite_database = '/work/results/myresults.sqlite'
# If the file specified by sqlite_database exists, setting this to True will
# cause that file to be overwritten rather than updated -- existing results in
# the file will be lost.
#sqlite_overwrite = False
# distribution: internal
#################################### Resource Getter configuration #################################
# The location on your system where /arm/scratch is mounted. Used by
# Scratch resource getter.
#scratch_mount_point = '/arm/scratch'
# end distribution