* View Large Files

Emacs minor mode that allows viewing, editing, searching and comparing
large files in batches.  Batch size can be adjusted on the fly and
bounds the memory that is to be used for operations on the file.  This
way multiple large files (like terabytes or whatever) can be instantly
and simultaneously accessed without swapping and degraded

This is development version of the GNU ELPA [[http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/vlf][VLF]] package.  Here's what
it offers in a nutshell:

- regular expression search on whole file (in constant memory
  determined by current batch size)
- chunk editing (save is immediate if size hasn't changed, done in
  constant memory determined by current batch size otherwise)
- [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OccurMode][Occur]] like indexing
- options to jump to beginning, end or arbitrary file chunk
- ability to jump/insert given number of batches at once
- newly added content is acknowledged if file has changed size
- automatic scrolling of batches
- as it's a minor mode, font locking and functionality of the
  respective major mode is also present
- by batch [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EdiffMode][Ediff]] comparison
- can be added as option to automatically open large files
- smooth integration with [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HexlMode][hexl-mode]]
- works with [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/TrampMode][TRAMP]] so accessing network files is fine

GNU Emacs 23 and 24 are supported.

* Overview and tips


** Unicode

Emacs' Unicode support is leveraged so you'll not see bare bytes but
characters decoded as if file is normally opened.  This holds for
editing, search, indexing and comparison.

** 32-bit GNU Emacs

Regular Emacs integers are used, so if you use 32-bit Emacs without
bignum support, *VLF* will not work with files over 512 MB (maximum
integer value).

** Memory control

*vlf-batch-size* bounds the memory used for all operations.

* Detail usage

** Applicability

To have *vlf* offered as choice when opening large files:

(require 'vlf-integrate)

You can control when *vlf-mode* is invoked or offered with the
*vlf-application* customization option.  By default it will offer
*VLF* when opening large files.  There are also options to never use
it (you can still call *vlf* command explicitly); to use it without
asking for large files or to invoke it on all files.  Here's example
setup such that *vlf-mode* automatically launches for large files:

 '(vlf-application 'dont-ask))

*** Disable for specific mode

To disable automatic usage of *VLF* for a major mode, add it to

*** Disable for specific function

To disable automatic usage of *VLF* for a function, for example named
*func* defined in file *file.el*:

(vlf-disable-for-function func "file")

** Keymap

All *VLF* operations are grouped under the *C-c C-v* prefix by
default.  Here's example how to add another prefix (*C-x v*):

(eval-after-load "vlf"
  '(define-key vlf-prefix-map "\C-xv" vlf-mode-map))

** Control batch size

Use *M-x vlf-set-batch-size* to change batch size and update chunk

*C-c C-v +* and *C-c C-v -* control current batch size by factors
of 2.

** Move around

Scrolling automatically triggers move to previous or next chunk at the
beginning or end respectively of the current one.

*C-c C-v n* and *C-c C-v p* move batch by batch.  With positive
prefix argument they move prefix number of batches.  With negative -
append prefix number of batches.

*C-c C-v SPC* displays batch starting from current point.

*C-c C-v [* and *C-c C-v ]* take you to the beginning and end of file

*C-c C-v j* jumps to given chunk.  To see where you are in file and
how many chunks there are (using the current batch size), look at the
parenthesized part of the buffer name, batch size is also indicated at
the end.

** Follow point

Continuous chunk recenter around point in current buffer can be
toggled with *C-c C-v f*.

** Search whole file

*C-c C-v s* and *C-c C-v r* search forward and backward respectively
over the whole file.  This is done batch by batch so if you have
really huge file - you'd better set somewhat bigger batch size

** Occur over whole file

*C-c C-v o* builds index for given regular expression just like
*M-x occur*.  It does so batch by batch over the whole file.  Note
that even if you prematurely stop it with *C-g*, it will still show
index of what's found so far.

Result buffer uses *vlf-occur-mode* which allows to optionally open
new VLF buffer on jump to match (using *C-u* before hitting RET or
*o*).  Also results can be serialized to file for later reuse.

** Jump to line

*C-c C-v l* jumps to given line in file.  This is done by searching
from the beginning, so again the bigger current batch size, probably
the quicker.  With negative argument, lines are counted from the end
of file.

** Edit and save

If editing doesn't change size of the chunk, only this chunk is saved.
Otherwise the remaining part of the file is adjusted batch by batch,
so again you'd better have bigger current batch size.

** By batch Ediff

Use *M-x vlf-ediff-files* and *M-x vlf-ediff-buffers* to compare
files/buffers batch by batch (batch size is queried in case of files
or taken from the first buffer in case of buffers).  Moving after the
last difference in current chunk searches for following one with
difference.  The other way around if looking for difference before the
first one.

* Extending

** Move hooks

A couple of hooks are run whenever updating chunk:
*vlf-before-chunk-update* and *vlf-after-chunk-update*.

** Batch move hooks

Some operations may trigger multiple chunk moves.  There are a couple
of hooks that run in such cases: *vlf-before-batch-functions* and
*vlf-after-batch-functions*.  They are passed one argument which
specifies type of operation that runs.  Possible values are the
symbols: *write*, *ediff*, *occur*, *search* and *goto-line*.