/* ** Test that a series of encoded test IPs match haiku for the current ** set of dictionaries and schema, and that a series of decoded test ** haiku match IPs for the current dictionaries and schema. These tests ** must be updated whenever the dictionaries or schema are changed. */ var Hipku = require('../../index.js'); describe("The current version of Hipku", function() { var Ipv4HipkuIpPairs, Ipv6HipkuIpPairs; beforeEach(function() { Ipv4HipkuIpPairs = [ ['', 'The agile beige ape\naches in the ancient canyon.\nAutumn colors blow.\n'], ['', 'The hungry white ape\naches in the ancient canyon.\nAutumn colors crunch.\n'], ['', 'The fearful blue newt\nwakes in the foggy desert.\nAutumn colors dance.\n'], ['', 'The weary white wolf\nyawns in the wind-swept wetlands.\nYellowwood leaves twist.\n'] ]; Ipv6HipkuIpPairs = [ ['0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0', 'Ace ants and ace ants\naid ace ace ace ace ace ants.\nAce ants aid ace ants.\n'], ['2c8f:27aa:61fd:56ec:7ebe:d03a:1f50:475f', 'Cursed mobs and crazed queens\nfeel wrong gruff tired moist slow sprats.\nFaint bulls dread fond fruits.\n'], ['ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff', 'Young yaks and young yaks\ntend young young young young young yaks.\nYoung yaks tend young yaks.\n'] ]; }); afterEach(function() { Ipv4HipkuIpPairs = null; Ipv6HipkuIpPairs = null; }); it("should correctly encode a series of test IPv4 addresses", function() { for (var i = 0; i < Ipv4HipkuIpPairs.length; i++) { expect( Hipku.encode(Ipv4HipkuIpPairs[i][0]) ).toBe(Ipv4HipkuIpPairs[i][1]); } }); it("should correctly decode a series of test IPv4 hipku", function() { for (var i = 0; i < Ipv4HipkuIpPairs.length; i++) { expect( Hipku.decode(Ipv4HipkuIpPairs[i][1]) ).toBe(Ipv4HipkuIpPairs[i][0]); } }); it("should correctly encode a series of test IPv6 addresses", function() { for (var i = 0; i < Ipv6HipkuIpPairs.length; i++) { expect( Hipku.encode(Ipv6HipkuIpPairs[i][0]) ).toBe(Ipv6HipkuIpPairs[i][1]); } }); it("should correctly decode a series of test IPv6 hipku", function() { for (var i = 0; i < Ipv6HipkuIpPairs.length; i++) { expect( Hipku.decode(Ipv6HipkuIpPairs[i][1]) ).toBe(Ipv6HipkuIpPairs[i][0]); } }); });