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zaluthar f39c0d52ee
Added support for Xiaomi CGDK2 (#1451)
Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <3060199+jesserockz@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-06-01 20:26:38 +12:00

359 lines
14 KiB

#include "xiaomi_ble.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
#include <vector>
#include "mbedtls/ccm.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace xiaomi_ble {
static const char *TAG = "xiaomi_ble";
bool parse_xiaomi_value(uint8_t value_type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t value_length, XiaomiParseResult &result) {
// motion detection, 1 byte, 8-bit unsigned integer
if ((value_type == 0x03) && (value_length == 1)) {
result.has_motion = (data[0]) ? true : false;
// temperature, 2 bytes, 16-bit signed integer (LE), 0.1 °C
else if ((value_type == 0x04) && (value_length == 2)) {
const int16_t temperature = uint16_t(data[0]) | (uint16_t(data[1]) << 8);
result.temperature = temperature / 10.0f;
// humidity, 2 bytes, 16-bit signed integer (LE), 0.1 %
else if ((value_type == 0x06) && (value_length == 2)) {
const int16_t humidity = uint16_t(data[0]) | (uint16_t(data[1]) << 8);
result.humidity = humidity / 10.0f;
// illuminance (+ motion), 3 bytes, 24-bit unsigned integer (LE), 1 lx
else if (((value_type == 0x07) || (value_type == 0x0F)) && (value_length == 3)) {
const uint32_t illuminance = uint32_t(data[0]) | (uint32_t(data[1]) << 8) | (uint32_t(data[2]) << 16);
result.illuminance = illuminance;
result.is_light = (illuminance == 100) ? true : false;
if (value_type == 0x0F)
result.has_motion = true;
// soil moisture, 1 byte, 8-bit unsigned integer, 1 %
else if ((value_type == 0x08) && (value_length == 1)) {
result.moisture = data[0];
// conductivity, 2 bytes, 16-bit unsigned integer (LE), 1 µS/cm
else if ((value_type == 0x09) && (value_length == 2)) {
const uint16_t conductivity = uint16_t(data[0]) | (uint16_t(data[1]) << 8);
result.conductivity = conductivity;
// battery, 1 byte, 8-bit unsigned integer, 1 %
else if ((value_type == 0x0A) && (value_length == 1)) {
result.battery_level = data[0];
// temperature + humidity, 4 bytes, 16-bit signed integer (LE) each, 0.1 °C, 0.1 %
else if ((value_type == 0x0D) && (value_length == 4)) {
const int16_t temperature = uint16_t(data[0]) | (uint16_t(data[1]) << 8);
const int16_t humidity = uint16_t(data[2]) | (uint16_t(data[3]) << 8);
result.temperature = temperature / 10.0f;
result.humidity = humidity / 10.0f;
// formaldehyde, 2 bytes, 16-bit unsigned integer (LE), 0.01 mg / m3
else if ((value_type == 0x10) && (value_length == 2)) {
const uint16_t formaldehyde = uint16_t(data[0]) | (uint16_t(data[1]) << 8);
result.formaldehyde = formaldehyde / 100.0f;
// on/off state, 1 byte, 8-bit unsigned integer
else if ((value_type == 0x12) && (value_length == 1)) {
result.is_active = (data[0]) ? true : false;
// mosquito tablet, 1 byte, 8-bit unsigned integer, 1 %
else if ((value_type == 0x13) && (value_length == 1)) {
result.tablet = data[0];
// idle time since last motion, 4 byte, 32-bit unsigned integer, 1 min
else if ((value_type == 0x17) && (value_length == 4)) {
const uint32_t idle_time = encode_uint32(data[3], data[2], data[1], data[0]);
result.idle_time = idle_time / 60.0f;
result.has_motion = (idle_time) ? false : true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
bool parse_xiaomi_message(const std::vector<uint8_t> &message, XiaomiParseResult &result) {
result.has_encryption = (message[0] & 0x08) ? true : false; // update encryption status
if (result.has_encryption) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_message(): payload is encrypted, stop reading message.");
return false;
// Data point specs
// Byte 0: type
// Byte 1: fixed 0x10
// Byte 2: length
// Byte 3..3+len-1: data point value
const uint8_t *payload = message.data() + result.raw_offset;
uint8_t payload_length = message.size() - result.raw_offset;
uint8_t payload_offset = 0;
bool success = false;
if (payload_length < 4) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_message(): payload has wrong size (%d)!", payload_length);
return false;
while (payload_length > 3) {
if (payload[payload_offset + 1] != 0x10) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_message(): fixed byte not found, stop parsing residual data.");
const uint8_t value_length = payload[payload_offset + 2];
if ((value_length < 1) || (value_length > 4) || (payload_length < (3 + value_length))) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_message(): value has wrong size (%d)!", value_length);
const uint8_t value_type = payload[payload_offset + 0];
const uint8_t *data = &payload[payload_offset + 3];
if (parse_xiaomi_value(value_type, data, value_length, result))
success = true;
payload_length -= 3 + value_length;
payload_offset += 3 + value_length;
return success;
optional<XiaomiParseResult> parse_xiaomi_header(const esp32_ble_tracker::ServiceData &service_data) {
XiaomiParseResult result;
if (!service_data.uuid.contains(0x95, 0xFE)) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_header(): no service data UUID magic bytes.");
return {};
auto raw = service_data.data;
result.has_data = (raw[0] & 0x40) ? true : false;
result.has_capability = (raw[0] & 0x20) ? true : false;
result.has_encryption = (raw[0] & 0x08) ? true : false;
if (!result.has_data) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_header(): service data has no DATA flag.");
return {};
static uint8_t last_frame_count = 0;
if (last_frame_count == raw[4]) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_header(): duplicate data packet received (%d).", static_cast<int>(last_frame_count));
result.is_duplicate = true;
return {};
last_frame_count = raw[4];
result.is_duplicate = false;
result.raw_offset = result.has_capability ? 12 : 11;
if ((raw[2] == 0x98) && (raw[3] == 0x00)) { // MiFlora
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_HHCCJCY01;
result.name = "HHCCJCY01";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0xaa) && (raw[3] == 0x01)) { // round body, segment LCD
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_LYWSDCGQ;
result.name = "LYWSDCGQ";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x5d) && (raw[3] == 0x01)) { // FlowerPot, RoPot
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_HHCCPOT002;
result.name = "HHCCPOT002";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0xdf) && (raw[3] == 0x02)) { // Xiaomi (Honeywell) formaldehyde sensor, OLED display
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_JQJCY01YM;
result.name = "JQJCY01YM";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0xdd) && (raw[3] == 0x03)) { // Philips/Xiaomi BLE nightlight
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_MUE4094RT;
result.name = "MUE4094RT";
result.raw_offset -= 6;
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x47) && (raw[3] == 0x03)) { // ClearGrass-branded, round body, e-ink display
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_CGG1;
result.name = "CGG1";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x48) && (raw[3] == 0x0B)) { // Qingping-branded, round body, e-ink display — with bindkeys
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_CGG1;
result.name = "CGG1";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0xbc) && (raw[3] == 0x03)) { // VegTrug Grow Care Garden
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_GCLS002;
result.name = "GCLS002";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x5b) && (raw[3] == 0x04)) { // rectangular body, e-ink display
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_LYWSD02;
result.name = "LYWSD02";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x0a) && (raw[3] == 0x04)) { // Mosquito Repellent Smart Version
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_WX08ZM;
result.name = "WX08ZM";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x76) && (raw[3] == 0x05)) { // Cleargrass (Qingping) alarm clock, segment LCD
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_CGD1;
result.name = "CGD1";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x6F) && (raw[3] == 0x06)) { // Cleargrass (Qingping) Temp & RH Lite
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_CGDK2;
result.name = "CGDK2";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x5b) && (raw[3] == 0x05)) { // small square body, segment LCD, encrypted
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_LYWSD03MMC;
result.name = "LYWSD03MMC";
} else if ((raw[2] == 0xf6) && (raw[3] == 0x07)) { // Xiaomi-Yeelight BLE nightlight
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_MJYD02YLA;
result.name = "MJYD02YLA";
if (raw.size() == 19)
result.raw_offset -= 6;
} else if ((raw[2] == 0x87) && (raw[3] == 0x03)) { // square body, e-ink display
result.type = XiaomiParseResult::TYPE_MHOC401;
result.name = "MHOC401";
} else {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "parse_xiaomi_header(): unknown device, no magic bytes.");
return {};
return result;
bool decrypt_xiaomi_payload(std::vector<uint8_t> &raw, const uint8_t *bindkey, const uint64_t &address) {
if (!((raw.size() == 19) || ((raw.size() >= 22) && (raw.size() <= 24)))) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "decrypt_xiaomi_payload(): data packet has wrong size (%d)!", raw.size());
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Packet : %s", hexencode(raw.data(), raw.size()).c_str());
return false;
uint8_t mac_reverse[6] = {0};
mac_reverse[5] = (uint8_t)(address >> 40);
mac_reverse[4] = (uint8_t)(address >> 32);
mac_reverse[3] = (uint8_t)(address >> 24);
mac_reverse[2] = (uint8_t)(address >> 16);
mac_reverse[1] = (uint8_t)(address >> 8);
mac_reverse[0] = (uint8_t)(address >> 0);
XiaomiAESVector vector{.key = {0},
.plaintext = {0},
.ciphertext = {0},
.authdata = {0x11},
.iv = {0},
.tag = {0},
.keysize = 16,
.authsize = 1,
.datasize = 0,
.tagsize = 4,
.ivsize = 12};
vector.datasize = (raw.size() == 19) ? raw.size() - 12 : raw.size() - 18;
int cipher_pos = (raw.size() == 19) ? 5 : 11;
const uint8_t *v = raw.data();
memcpy(vector.key, bindkey, vector.keysize);
memcpy(vector.ciphertext, v + cipher_pos, vector.datasize);
memcpy(vector.tag, v + raw.size() - vector.tagsize, vector.tagsize);
memcpy(vector.iv, mac_reverse, 6); // MAC address reverse
memcpy(vector.iv + 6, v + 2, 3); // sensor type (2) + packet id (1)
memcpy(vector.iv + 9, v + raw.size() - 7, 3); // payload counter
mbedtls_ccm_context ctx;
int ret = mbedtls_ccm_setkey(&ctx, MBEDTLS_CIPHER_ID_AES, vector.key, vector.keysize * 8);
if (ret) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "decrypt_xiaomi_payload(): mbedtls_ccm_setkey() failed.");
return false;
ret = mbedtls_ccm_auth_decrypt(&ctx, vector.datasize, vector.iv, vector.ivsize, vector.authdata, vector.authsize,
vector.ciphertext, vector.plaintext, vector.tag, vector.tagsize);
if (ret) {
uint8_t mac_address[6] = {0};
memcpy(mac_address, mac_reverse + 5, 1);
memcpy(mac_address + 1, mac_reverse + 4, 1);
memcpy(mac_address + 2, mac_reverse + 3, 1);
memcpy(mac_address + 3, mac_reverse + 2, 1);
memcpy(mac_address + 4, mac_reverse + 1, 1);
memcpy(mac_address + 5, mac_reverse, 1);
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "decrypt_xiaomi_payload(): authenticated decryption failed.");
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " MAC address : %s", hexencode(mac_address, 6).c_str());
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Packet : %s", hexencode(raw.data(), raw.size()).c_str());
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Key : %s", hexencode(vector.key, vector.keysize).c_str());
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Iv : %s", hexencode(vector.iv, vector.ivsize).c_str());
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Cipher : %s", hexencode(vector.ciphertext, vector.datasize).c_str());
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Tag : %s", hexencode(vector.tag, vector.tagsize).c_str());
return false;
// replace encrypted payload with plaintext
uint8_t *p = vector.plaintext;
for (std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator it = raw.begin() + cipher_pos; it != raw.begin() + cipher_pos + vector.datasize;
++it) {
*it = *(p++);
// clear encrypted flag
raw[0] &= ~0x08;
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "decrypt_xiaomi_payload(): authenticated decryption passed.");
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Plaintext : %s, Packet : %d", hexencode(raw.data() + cipher_pos, vector.datasize).c_str(),
return true;
bool report_xiaomi_results(const optional<XiaomiParseResult> &result, const std::string &address) {
if (!result.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "report_xiaomi_results(): no results available.");
return false;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Got Xiaomi %s (%s):", result->name.c_str(), address.c_str());
if (result->temperature.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Temperature: %.1f°C", *result->temperature);
if (result->humidity.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Humidity: %.1f%%", *result->humidity);
if (result->battery_level.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Battery Level: %.0f%%", *result->battery_level);
if (result->conductivity.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Conductivity: %.0fµS/cm", *result->conductivity);
if (result->illuminance.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Illuminance: %.0flx", *result->illuminance);
if (result->moisture.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Moisture: %.0f%%", *result->moisture);
if (result->tablet.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Mosquito tablet: %.0f%%", *result->tablet);
if (result->is_active.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Repellent: %s", (*result->is_active) ? "on" : "off");
if (result->has_motion.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Motion: %s", (*result->has_motion) ? "yes" : "no");
if (result->is_light.has_value()) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Light: %s", (*result->is_light) ? "on" : "off");
return true;
bool XiaomiListener::parse_device(const esp32_ble_tracker::ESPBTDevice &device) {
// Previously the message was parsed twice per packet, once by XiaomiListener::parse_device()
// and then again by the respective device class's parse_device() function. Parsing the header
// here and then for each device seems to be unneccessary and complicates the duplicate packet filtering.
// Hence I disabled the call to parse_xiaomi_header() here and the message parsing is done entirely
// in the respecive device instance. The XiaomiListener class is defined in __init__.py and I was not
// able to remove it entirely.
return false; // with true it's not showing device scans
} // namespace xiaomi_ble
} // namespace esphome