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// All datasheet page references refer to Bosch Document Number BST-BMP581-DS004-04 (revision number 1.4)
#pragma once
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/components/i2c/i2c.h"
#include "esphome/components/sensor/sensor.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace bmp581 {
static const uint8_t BMP581_ASIC_ID = 0x50; // BMP581's ASIC chip ID (page 51 of datasheet)
static const uint8_t RESET_COMMAND = 0xB6; // Soft reset command
// BMP581 Register Addresses
enum {
BMP581_CHIP_ID = 0x01, // read chip ID
BMP581_INT_SOURCE = 0x15, // write interrupt sources
0x1D, // read measurement registers, 0x1D-0x1F are temperature XLSB to MSB and 0x20-0x22 are pressure XLSB to MSB
BMP581_INT_STATUS = 0x27, // read interrupt statuses
BMP581_STATUS = 0x28, // read sensor status
BMP581_DSP = 0x30, // write sensor configuration
BMP581_DSP_IIR = 0x31, // write IIR filter configuration
BMP581_OSR = 0x36, // write oversampling configuration
BMP581_ODR = 0x37, // write data rate and power mode configuration
BMP581_COMMAND = 0x7E // write sensor command
// BMP581 Power mode operations
enum OperationMode {
STANDBY_MODE = 0x0, // no active readings
NORMAL_MODE = 0x1, // read continuously at ODR configured rate and standby between
FORCED_MODE = 0x2, // read sensor once (only reading mode used by this component)
NONSTOP_MODE = 0x3 // read continuously with no standby
// Temperature and pressure sensors can be oversampled to reduce noise
enum Oversampling {
// Infinite Impulse Response filter reduces noise caused by ambient disturbances
enum IIRFilter {
IIR_FILTER_2 = 0x1,
IIR_FILTER_4 = 0x2,
IIR_FILTER_8 = 0x3,
IIR_FILTER_16 = 0x4,
IIR_FILTER_32 = 0x5,
IIR_FILTER_64 = 0x6,
IIR_FILTER_128 = 0x7
class BMP581Component : public PollingComponent, public i2c::I2CDevice {
float get_setup_priority() const override { return setup_priority::DATA; }
void dump_config() override;
void setup() override;
void update() override;
void set_temperature_sensor(sensor::Sensor *temperature_sensor) { this->temperature_sensor_ = temperature_sensor; }
void set_pressure_sensor(sensor::Sensor *pressure_sensor) { this->pressure_sensor_ = pressure_sensor; }
void set_temperature_oversampling_config(Oversampling temperature_oversampling) {
this->temperature_oversampling_ = temperature_oversampling;
void set_pressure_oversampling_config(Oversampling pressure_oversampling) {
this->pressure_oversampling_ = pressure_oversampling;
void set_temperature_iir_filter_config(IIRFilter iir_temperature_level) {
this->iir_temperature_level_ = iir_temperature_level;
void set_pressure_iir_filter_config(IIRFilter iir_pressure_level) { this->iir_pressure_level_ = iir_pressure_level; }
void set_conversion_time(uint8_t conversion_time) { this->conversion_time_ = conversion_time; }
sensor::Sensor *temperature_sensor_{nullptr};
sensor::Sensor *pressure_sensor_{nullptr};
Oversampling temperature_oversampling_;
Oversampling pressure_oversampling_;
IIRFilter iir_temperature_level_;
IIRFilter iir_pressure_level_;
// Stores the sensors conversion time needed for a measurement based on oversampling settings and datasheet (page 12)
// Computed in Python during codegen
uint8_t conversion_time_;
// Checks if the BMP581 has measurement data ready by checking the sensor's interrupts
bool check_data_readiness_();
// Flushes the IIR filter and primes an initial reading
bool prime_iir_filter_();
// Reads temperature data from sensor and converts data to measurement in degrees Celsius
bool read_temperature_(float &temperature);
// Reads temperature and pressure data from sensor and converts data to measurements in degrees Celsius and Pa
bool read_temperature_and_pressure_(float &temperature, float &pressure);
// Soft resets the BMP581
bool reset_();
// Initiates a measurement on sensor by switching to FORCED_MODE
bool start_measurement_();
// Writes the IIR filter configuration to the DSP and DSP_IIR registers
bool write_iir_settings_(IIRFilter temperature_iir, IIRFilter pressure_iir);
// Writes whether to enable the data ready interrupt to the interrupt source register
bool write_interrupt_source_settings_(bool data_ready_enable);
// Writes the oversampling settings to the OSR register
bool write_oversampling_settings_(Oversampling temperature_oversampling, Oversampling pressure_oversampling);
// Sets the power mode on the BMP581 by writing to the ODR register
bool write_power_mode_(OperationMode mode);
enum ErrorCode {
NONE = 0,
} error_code_{NONE};
// BMP581's interrupt source register (address 0x15) to configure which interrupts are enabled (page 54 of datasheet)
union {
struct {
uint8_t drdy_data_reg_en : 1; // Data ready interrupt enable
uint8_t fifo_full_en : 1; // FIFO full interrupt enable
uint8_t fifo_ths_en : 1; // FIFO threshold/watermark interrupt enable
uint8_t oor_p_en : 1; // Pressure data out-of-range interrupt enable
} bit;
uint8_t reg;
} int_source_ = {.reg = 0};
// BMP581's interrupt status register (address 0x27) to determine ensor's current state (page 58 of datasheet)
union {
struct {
uint8_t drdy_data_reg : 1; // Data ready
uint8_t fifo_full : 1; // FIFO full
uint8_t fifo_ths : 1; // FIFO fhreshold/watermark
uint8_t oor_p : 1; // Pressure data out-of-range
uint8_t por : 1; // Power-On-Reset complete
} bit;
uint8_t reg;
} int_status_ = {.reg = 0};
// BMP581's status register (address 0x28) to determine if sensor has setup correctly (page 58 of datasheet)
union {
struct {
uint8_t status_core_rdy : 1;
uint8_t status_nvm_rdy : 1; // asserted if NVM is ready of operations
uint8_t status_nvm_err : 1; // asserted if NVM error
uint8_t status_nvm_cmd_err : 1; // asserted if boot command error
uint8_t status_boot_err_corrected : 1; // asserted if a boot error has been corrected
uint8_t : 2;
uint8_t st_crack_pass : 1; // asserted if crack check has executed without detecting a crack
} bit;
uint8_t reg;
} status_ = {.reg = 0};
// BMP581's dsp register (address 0x30) to configure data registers iir selection (page 61 of datasheet)
union {
struct {
uint8_t comp_pt_en : 2; // enable temperature and pressure compensation
uint8_t iir_flush_forced_en : 1; // IIR filter is flushed in forced mode
uint8_t shdw_sel_iir_t : 1; // temperature data register value selected before or after iir
uint8_t fifo_sel_iir_t : 1; // FIFO temperature data register value secected before or after iir
uint8_t shdw_sel_iir_p : 1; // pressure data register value selected before or after iir
uint8_t fifo_sel_iir_p : 1; // FIFO pressure data register value selected before or after iir
uint8_t oor_sel_iir_p : 1; // pressure out-of-range value selected before or after iir
} bit;
uint8_t reg;
} dsp_config_ = {.reg = 0};
// BMP581's iir register (address 0x31) to configure iir filtering(page 62 of datasheet)
union {
struct {
uint8_t set_iir_t : 3; // Temperature IIR filter coefficient
uint8_t set_iir_p : 3; // Pressure IIR filter coefficient
} bit;
uint8_t reg;
} iir_config_ = {.reg = 0};
// BMP581's OSR register (address 0x36) to configure Over-Sampling Rates (page 64 of datasheet)
union {
struct {
uint8_t osr_t : 3; // Temperature oversampling
uint8_t osr_p : 3; // Pressure oversampling
uint8_t press_en : 1; // Enables pressure measurement
} bit;
uint8_t reg;
} osr_config_ = {.reg = 0};
// BMP581's odr register (address 0x37) to configure output data rate and power mode (page 64 of datasheet)
union {
struct {
uint8_t pwr_mode : 2; // power mode of sensor
uint8_t odr : 5; // output data rate
uint8_t deep_dis : 1; // deep standby disabled if asserted
} bit;
uint8_t reg;
} odr_config_ = {.reg = 0};
} // namespace bmp581
} // namespace esphome