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/// @file weikai.cpp
/// @brief WeiKai component family - classes implementation
/// @date Last Modified: 2024/04/06 15:13:11
/// @details The classes declared in this file can be used by the Weikai family
#include "weikai.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace weikai {
/*! @mainpage Weikai source code documentation
This documentation provides information about the implementation of the family of WeiKai Components in ESPHome.
Here is the class diagram related to Weikai family of components:
@image html weikai_class.png
@section WKRingBuffer_ The WKRingBuffer template class
The WKRingBuffer template class has it names implies implement a simple ring buffer helper class. This straightforward
container implements FIFO functionality, enabling bytes to be pushed into one side and popped from the other in the
order of entry. Implementation is classic and therefore not described in any details.
@section WeikaiRegister_ The WeikaiRegister class
The WeikaiRegister helper class creates objects that act as proxies to the device registers.
@details This is an abstract virtual class (interface) that provides all the necessary access to registers while hiding
the actual implementation. The access to the registers can be made through an I²C bus in for example for wk2168_i2c
component or through a SPI bus for example in the case of the wk2168_spi component. Derived classes will actually
performs the specific bus operations.
@section WeikaiRegisterI2C_ WeikaiRegisterI2C
The weikai_i2c::WeikaiRegisterI2C class implements the virtual methods of the WeikaiRegister class for an I2C bus.
@section WeikaiRegisterSPI_ WeikaiRegisterSPI
The weikai_spi::WeikaiRegisterSPI class implements the virtual methods of the WeikaiRegister class for an SPI bus.
@section WeikaiComponent_ The WeikaiComponent class
The WeikaiComponent class stores the information global to a WeiKai family component and provides methods to set/access
this information. It also serves as a container for WeikaiChannel instances. This is done by maintaining an array of
references these WeikaiChannel instances. This class derives from the esphome::Component classes. This class override
esphome::Component::loop() method to facilitate the seamless transfer of accumulated bytes from the receive
FIFO into the ring buffer. This process ensures quick access to the stored bytes, enhancing the overall efficiency of
the component.
@section WeikaiComponentI2C_ WeikaiComponentI2C
The weikai_i2c::WeikaiComponentI2C class implements the virtual methods of the WeikaiComponent class for an I2C bus.
@section WeikaiComponentSPI_ WeikaiComponentSPI
The weikai_spi::WeikaiComponentSPI class implements the virtual methods of the WeikaiComponent class for an SPI bus.
@section WeikaiGPIOPin_ WeikaiGPIOPin class
The WeikaiGPIOPin class is an helper class to expose the GPIO pins of WK family components as if they were internal
GPIO pins. It also provides the setup() and dump_summary() methods.
@section WeikaiChannel_ The WeikaiChannel class
The WeikaiChannel class is used to implement all the virtual methods of the ESPHome uart::UARTComponent class. An
individual instance of this class is created for each UART channel. It has a link back to the WeikaiComponent object it
belongs to. This class derives from the uart::UARTComponent class. It collaborates through an aggregation with
WeikaiComponent. This implies that WeikaiComponent acts as a container, housing several WeikaiChannel instances.
Furthermore, the WeikaiChannel class derives from the ESPHome uart::UARTComponent class, it also has an association
relationship with the WKRingBuffer and WeikaiRegister helper classes. Consequently, when a WeikaiChannel instance is
destroyed, the associated WKRingBuffer instance is also destroyed.
static const char *const TAG = "weikai";
/// @brief convert an int to binary representation as C++ std::string
/// @param val integer to convert
/// @return a std::string
inline std::string i2s(uint8_t val) { return std::bitset<8>(val).to_string(); }
/// Convert std::string to C string
#define I2S2CS(val) (i2s(val).c_str())
/// @brief measure the time elapsed between two calls
/// @param last_time time of the previous call
/// @return the elapsed time in milliseconds
uint32_t elapsed_ms(uint32_t &last_time) {
uint32_t e = millis() - last_time;
last_time = millis();
return e;
/// @brief Converts the parity enum value to a C string
/// @param parity enum
/// @return the string
const char *p2s(uart::UARTParityOptions parity) {
using namespace uart;
switch (parity) {
return "NONE";
return "EVEN";
return "ODD";
return "UNKNOWN";
/// @brief Display a buffer in hexadecimal format (32 hex values / line) for debug
void print_buffer(const uint8_t *data, size_t length) {
char hex_buffer[100];
hex_buffer[(3 * 32) + 1] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
snprintf(&hex_buffer[3 * (i % 32)], sizeof(hex_buffer), "%02X ", data[i]);
if (i % 32 == 31) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " %s", hex_buffer);
if (length % 32) {
// null terminate if incomplete line
hex_buffer[3 * (length % 32) + 2] = 0;
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " %s", hex_buffer);
static const char *const REG_TO_STR_P0[16] = {"GENA", "GRST", "GMUT", "SPAGE", "SCR", "LCR", "FCR", "SIER",
"SIFR", "TFCNT", "RFCNT", "FSR", "LSR", "FDAT", "FWCR", "RS485"};
static const char *const REG_TO_STR_P1[16] = {"GENA", "GRST", "GMUT", "SPAGE", "BAUD1", "BAUD0", "PRES", "RFTL",
"TFTL", "FWTH", "FWTL", "XON1", "XOFF1", "SADR", "SAEN", "RTSDLY"};
// method to print a register value as text: used in the log messages ...
const char *reg_to_str(int reg, bool page1) {
if (reg == WKREG_GPDAT) {
return "GPDAT";
} else if (reg == WKREG_GPDIR) {
return "GPDIR";
} else {
return page1 ? REG_TO_STR_P1[reg & 0x0F] : REG_TO_STR_P0[reg & 0x0F];
enum RegType { REG = 0, FIFO = 1 }; ///< Register or FIFO
// The WeikaiRegister methods
WeikaiRegister &WeikaiRegister::operator=(uint8_t value) {
return *this;
WeikaiRegister &WeikaiRegister::operator&=(uint8_t value) {
value &= read_reg();
return *this;
WeikaiRegister &WeikaiRegister::operator|=(uint8_t value) {
value |= read_reg();
return *this;
// The WeikaiComponent methods
void WeikaiComponent::loop() {
if ((this->component_state_ & COMPONENT_STATE_MASK) != COMPONENT_STATE_LOOP)
// If there are some bytes in the receive FIFO we transfers them to the ring buffers
size_t transferred = 0;
for (auto *child : this->children_) {
// we look if some characters has been received in the fifo
transferred += child->xfer_fifo_to_buffer_();
if (transferred > 0) {
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "we transferred %d bytes from fifo to buffer...", transferred);
static uint32_t loop_time = 0;
static uint32_t loop_count = 0;
uint32_t time = 0;
if (test_mode_ == 1) { // test component in loopback
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Component loop %" PRIu32 " for %s : %" PRIu32 " ms since last call ...", loop_count++,
this->get_name(), millis() - loop_time);
loop_time = millis();
char message[64];
elapsed_ms(time); // set time to now
for (int i = 0; i < this->children_.size(); i++) {
if (i != ((loop_count - 1) % this->children_.size())) // we do only one per loop
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s:%s", this->get_name(), children_[i]->get_channel_name());
uint32_t const start_time = millis();
while (children_[i]->tx_fifo_is_not_empty_()) { // wait until buffer empty
if (millis() - start_time > 1500) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "timeout while flushing - %d bytes left in buffer...", children_[i]->tx_in_fifo_());
yield(); // reschedule our thread to avoid blocking
bool status = children_[i]->uart_receive_test_(message);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Test %s => send/received %u bytes %s - execution time %" PRIu32 " ms...", message,
RING_BUFFER_SIZE, status ? "correctly" : "with error", elapsed_ms(time));
if (this->test_mode_ == 2) { // test component in echo mode
for (auto *child : this->children_) {
uint8_t data = 0;
if (child->available()) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "echo mode: read -> send %02X", data);
if (test_mode_ == 3) {
if (test_mode_ == 4) {
#if defined(TEST_COMPONENT)
void WeikaiComponent::test_gpio_input_() {
static bool init_input{false};
static uint8_t state{0};
uint8_t value;
if (!init_input) {
init_input = true;
// set all pins in input mode
this->reg(WKREG_GPDIR, 0) = 0x00;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "initializing all pins to input mode");
state = this->reg(WKREG_GPDAT, 0);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "initial input data state = %02X (%s)", state, I2S2CS(state));
value = this->reg(WKREG_GPDAT, 0);
if (value != state) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Input data changed from %02X to %02X (%s)", state, value, I2S2CS(value));
state = value;
void WeikaiComponent::test_gpio_output_() {
static bool init_output{false};
static uint8_t state{0};
if (!init_output) {
init_output = true;
// set all pins in output mode
this->reg(WKREG_GPDIR, 0) = 0xFF;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "initializing all pins to output mode");
this->reg(WKREG_GPDAT, 0) = state;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "setting all outputs to 0");
state = ~state;
this->reg(WKREG_GPDAT, 0) = state;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Flipping all outputs to %02X (%s)", state, I2S2CS(state));
delay(100); // NOLINT
// The WeikaiGPIOPin methods
bool WeikaiComponent::read_pin_val_(uint8_t pin) {
this->input_state_ = this->reg(WKREG_GPDAT, 0);
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "reading input pin %u = %u in_state %s", pin, this->input_state_ & (1 << pin), I2S2CS(input_state_));
return this->input_state_ & (1 << pin);
void WeikaiComponent::write_pin_val_(uint8_t pin, bool value) {
if (value) {
this->output_state_ |= (1 << pin);
} else {
this->output_state_ &= ~(1 << pin);
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "writing output pin %d with %d out_state %s", pin, uint8_t(value), I2S2CS(this->output_state_));
this->reg(WKREG_GPDAT, 0) = this->output_state_;
void WeikaiComponent::set_pin_direction_(uint8_t pin, gpio::Flags flags) {
if (flags == gpio::FLAG_INPUT) {
this->pin_config_ &= ~(1 << pin); // clear bit (input mode)
} else {
if (flags == gpio::FLAG_OUTPUT) {
this->pin_config_ |= 1 << pin; // set bit (output mode)
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "pin %d direction invalid", pin);
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "setting pin %d direction to %d pin_config=%s", pin, flags, I2S2CS(this->pin_config_));
this->reg(WKREG_GPDIR, 0) = this->pin_config_; // TODO check ~
void WeikaiGPIOPin::setup() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting GPIO pin %d mode to %s", this->pin_,
flags_ == gpio::FLAG_INPUT ? "Input"
: this->flags_ == gpio::FLAG_OUTPUT ? "Output"
// ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting GPIO pins mode to '%s' %02X", I2S2CS(this->flags_), this->flags_);
std::string WeikaiGPIOPin::dump_summary() const {
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u via WeiKai %s", this->pin_, this->parent_->get_name());
return buffer;
// The WeikaiChannel methods
void WeikaiChannel::setup_channel() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Setting up UART %s:%s ...", this->parent_->get_name(), this->get_channel_name());
// we enable transmit and receive on this channel
if (this->check_channel_down()) {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Error channel %s not working...", this->get_channel_name());
void WeikaiChannel::dump_channel() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " UART %s ...", this->get_channel_name());
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Baud rate: %" PRIu32 " Bd", this->baud_rate_);
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Data bits: %u", this->data_bits_);
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Stop bits: %u", this->stop_bits_);
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Parity: %s", p2s(this->parity_));
void WeikaiChannel::reset_fifo_() {
// enable transmission and reception
// we reset and enable transmit and receive FIFO
void WeikaiChannel::set_line_param_() {
this->data_bits_ = 8; // always equal to 8 for WeiKai (cant be changed)
uint8_t lcr = 0;
if (this->stop_bits_ == 2)
lcr |= LCR_STPL;
switch (this->parity_) { // parity selection settings
lcr |= (LCR_PAEN | LCR_PAR_ODD);
break; // no parity 000x
this->reg(WKREG_LCR) = lcr; // write LCR
ESP_LOGV(TAG, " line config: %d data_bits, %d stop_bits, parity %s register [%s]", this->data_bits_,
this->stop_bits_, p2s(this->parity_), I2S2CS(lcr));
void WeikaiChannel::set_baudrate_() {
if (this->baud_rate_ > this->parent_->crystal_ / 16) {
baud_rate_ = this->parent_->crystal_ / 16;
ESP_LOGE(TAG, " Requested baudrate too high for crystal=%" PRIu32 " Hz. Has been reduced to %" PRIu32 " Bd",
this->parent_->crystal_, this->baud_rate_);
uint16_t const val_int = this->parent_->crystal_ / (this->baud_rate_ * 16) - 1;
uint16_t val_dec = (this->parent_->crystal_ % (this->baud_rate_ * 16)) / (this->baud_rate_ * 16);
uint8_t const baud_high = (uint8_t) (val_int >> 8);
uint8_t const baud_low = (uint8_t) (val_int & 0xFF);
while (val_dec > 0x0A)
val_dec /= 0x0A;
uint8_t const baud_dec = (uint8_t) (val_dec);
this->parent_->page1_ = true; // switch to page 1
this->reg(WKREG_SPAGE) = 1;
this->reg(WKREG_BRH) = baud_high;
this->reg(WKREG_BRL) = baud_low;
this->reg(WKREG_BRD) = baud_dec;
this->parent_->page1_ = false; // switch back to page 0
this->reg(WKREG_SPAGE) = 0;
ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Crystal=%" PRId32 " baudrate=%" PRId32 " => registers [%d %d %d]", this->parent_->crystal_,
this->baud_rate_, baud_high, baud_low, baud_dec);
inline bool WeikaiChannel::tx_fifo_is_not_empty_() { return this->reg(WKREG_FSR) & FSR_TFDAT; }
size_t WeikaiChannel::tx_in_fifo_() {
size_t tfcnt = this->reg(WKREG_TFCNT);
if (tfcnt == 0) {
uint8_t const fsr = this->reg(WKREG_FSR);
if (fsr & FSR_TFFULL) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "tx FIFO full FSR=%s", I2S2CS(fsr));
tfcnt = FIFO_SIZE;
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "tx FIFO contains %d bytes", tfcnt);
return tfcnt;
size_t WeikaiChannel::rx_in_fifo_() {
size_t available = this->reg(WKREG_RFCNT);
uint8_t const fsr = this->reg(WKREG_FSR);
if (fsr & (FSR_RFOE | FSR_RFLB | FSR_RFFE | FSR_RFPE)) {
if (fsr & FSR_RFOE)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Receive data overflow FSR=%s", I2S2CS(fsr));
if (fsr & FSR_RFLB)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Receive line break FSR=%s", I2S2CS(fsr));
if (fsr & FSR_RFFE)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Receive frame error FSR=%s", I2S2CS(fsr));
if (fsr & FSR_RFPE)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Receive parity error FSR=%s", I2S2CS(fsr));
if ((available == 0) && (fsr & FSR_RFDAT)) {
// here we should be very careful because we can have something like this:
// - at time t0 we read RFCNT=0 because nothing yet received
// - at time t0+delta we might read FIFO not empty because one byte has just been received
// - so to be sure we need to do another read of RFCNT and if it is still zero -> buffer full
available = this->reg(WKREG_RFCNT);
if (available == 0) { // still zero ?
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "rx FIFO is full FSR=%s", I2S2CS(fsr));
available = FIFO_SIZE;
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "rx FIFO contain %d bytes - FSR status=%s", available, I2S2CS(fsr));
return available;
bool WeikaiChannel::check_channel_down() {
// to check if we channel is up we write to the LCR W/R register
// note that this will put a break on the tx line for few ms
WeikaiRegister &lcr = this->reg(WKREG_LCR);
lcr = 0x3F;
uint8_t val = lcr;
if (val != 0x3F) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "R/W of register failed expected 0x3F received 0x%02X", val);
return true;
lcr = 0;
val = lcr;
if (val != 0x00) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "R/W of register failed expected 0x00 received 0x%02X", val);
return true;
return false;
bool WeikaiChannel::peek_byte(uint8_t *buffer) {
auto available = this->receive_buffer_.count();
if (!available)
return this->receive_buffer_.peek(*buffer);
int WeikaiChannel::available() {
size_t available = this->receive_buffer_.count();
if (!available)
available = xfer_fifo_to_buffer_();
return available;
bool WeikaiChannel::read_array(uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) {
bool status = true;
auto available = this->receive_buffer_.count();
if (length > available) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "read_array: buffer underflow requested %d bytes only %d bytes available...", length, available);
length = available;
status = false;
// retrieve the bytes from ring buffer
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "read_array(ch=%d buffer[0]=%02X, length=%d): status %s", this->channel_, *buffer, length,
status ? "OK" : "ERROR");
return status;
void WeikaiChannel::write_array(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) {
if (length > XFER_MAX_SIZE) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Write_array: invalid call - requested %d bytes but max size %d ...", length, XFER_MAX_SIZE);
length = XFER_MAX_SIZE;
this->reg(0).write_fifo(const_cast<uint8_t *>(buffer), length);
void WeikaiChannel::flush() {
uint32_t const start_time = millis();
while (this->tx_fifo_is_not_empty_()) { // wait until buffer empty
if (millis() - start_time > 200) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "WARNING flush timeout - still %d bytes not sent after 200 ms...", this->tx_in_fifo_());
yield(); // reschedule our thread to avoid blocking
size_t WeikaiChannel::xfer_fifo_to_buffer_() {
size_t to_transfer;
size_t free;
while ((to_transfer = this->rx_in_fifo_()) && (free = this->receive_buffer_.free())) {
// while bytes in fifo and some room in the buffer we transfer
if (to_transfer > XFER_MAX_SIZE)
to_transfer = XFER_MAX_SIZE; // we can only do so much
if (to_transfer > free)
to_transfer = free; // we'll do the rest next time
if (to_transfer) {
uint8_t data[to_transfer];
this->reg(0).read_fifo(data, to_transfer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < to_transfer; i++)
} // while work to do
return to_transfer;
/// @addtogroup test_ Test component information
/// @{
/// @brief An increment "Functor" (i.e. a class object that acts like a method with state!)
/// Functors are objects that can be treated as though they are a function or function pointer.
class Increment {
/// @brief constructor: initialize current value to 0
Increment() : i_(0) {}
/// @brief overload of the parenthesis operator.
/// Returns the current value and auto increment it
/// @return the current value.
uint8_t operator()() { return i_++; }
uint8_t i_;
/// @brief Hex converter to print/display a buffer in hexadecimal format (32 hex values / line).
/// @param buffer contains the values to display
void print_buffer(std::vector<uint8_t> buffer) {
char hex_buffer[100];
hex_buffer[(3 * 32) + 1] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++) {
snprintf(&hex_buffer[3 * (i % 32)], sizeof(hex_buffer), "%02X ", buffer[i]);
if (i % 32 == 31)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, " %s", hex_buffer);
if (buffer.size() % 32) {
// null terminate if incomplete line
hex_buffer[3 * (buffer.size() % 32) + 1] = 0;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, " %s", hex_buffer);
/// @brief test the write_array method
void WeikaiChannel::uart_send_test_(char *message) {
auto start_exec = micros();
std::vector<uint8_t> output_buffer(XFER_MAX_SIZE);
generate(output_buffer.begin(), output_buffer.end(), Increment()); // fill with incrementing number
size_t to_send = RING_BUFFER_SIZE;
while (to_send) {
this->write_array(&output_buffer[0], XFER_MAX_SIZE); // we send the buffer
to_send -= XFER_MAX_SIZE;
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "%s => sent %d bytes - exec time %d µs ...", message, RING_BUFFER_SIZE, micros() - start_exec);
/// @brief test read_array method
bool WeikaiChannel::uart_receive_test_(char *message) {
auto start_exec = micros();
bool status = true;
size_t received = 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(RING_BUFFER_SIZE);
// we wait until we have received all the bytes
uint32_t const start_time = millis();
status = true;
while (received < RING_BUFFER_SIZE) {
while (XFER_MAX_SIZE > this->available()) {
if (millis() - start_time > 1500) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "uart_receive_test_() timeout: only %d bytes received...", this->available());
yield(); // reschedule our thread to avoid blocking
status = this->read_array(&buffer[received], XFER_MAX_SIZE) && status;
received += XFER_MAX_SIZE;
uint8_t peek_value = 0;
if (peek_value != 0) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Peek first byte value error...");
status = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < RING_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
if (buffer[i] != i % XFER_MAX_SIZE) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Read buffer contains error...b=%x i=%x", buffer[i], i % XFER_MAX_SIZE);
status = false;
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "%s => received %d bytes status %s - exec time %d µs ...", message, received, status ? "OK" : "ERROR",
micros() - start_exec);
return status;
/// @}
} // namespace weikai
} // namespace esphome